As Per my Research as mentioned in my several Articles Rahu in the Leo sign…
Rahu the North Node Knocking the Doors for Economy Meltdown As Predicted
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 712 viewsThis is with Reference to My articles on my webpage as old as March 2016…
Ever Since Rahu has Come in Leo on the 9th Jan 2016 and specially after…
Ā Fate of EU after Referendum Poll Of Italy This is with Reference to the Media…
The Free-Fall Currency of Venezeula and Astrological Analysis By Tamil Texts
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 675 views5 reasons why Venezuela’s economy is in a ‘meltdown’ Venezuela’s currency is in ‘free…
ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE Article “Mars Ammunition Dump on the 22nd Nov. 2016, 1st Jan 2017: What it Foretells”
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 668 viewsMars Ammunition Dump on the 22nd Nov. 2016, 1st Jan 2017: What it Foretells December…
In this Article I am going to Discuss the Planetary PositionsĀ in the Solar ingress chart…
171st Meeting of the OPEC Conference OPEC Secretariat, Vienna, Austria Wednesday, 30 November 2016 at…
Nabha JailBreak On the 27th Nov. 2016: What Stars Foretell
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 619 viewsPlease refer to the News Item “Nabha jailbreak: KLF chief, 5 others freed” link…
The Paksha Kundali of the 29th Nov. 2016 of 17.48 hrs is an enigmatic one…