The Planetary positions in the New Moon Pieces Chart are not conducive to give healthy results in the year since the Mars and Saturn aspect on the Lagna and the Saturn aspect as the 7th and the 8th lord on Luminaries is Venomous
D-St Nifty Registers Worst Weekly Loss Since 2009: Sensex falls 1,448 pts Key Date 25th Feb 2020 Predicted Much In Advance Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 623 viewsNodes Mars On the steering wheel as Predicted 25th Feb 2020 Proves the Key Date for the Massive fall in the Stock and the Financial Markets and the Cortonavirus Spread
Astrology Speaks Again ! Blood Bath On D-Street As Predicted 25th Feb. 2020 Key Date Stocks Bleeding, Coronavirus Spread and Violence Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 609 viewsMars On the Steering Wheel Key Date 25th Feb 2020 for Stocks Bleeding spread of Coronavirus and Violence Proves on Dot
Magic -Spell Of Saturn At 24 -25 Degrees Boon Or Bane For India My Research ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 730 viewsSaturn 24.25 degrees in Capricorn Stationary and Fallen May Prove to be Most Venomous for the Country and The Head of the Country in Oct 2022
Stocks Bleed As New Virus Cases Outside China Climb As Predicted After 25th Feb- 30th March 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 576 viewsThe Lunation chart of the 23rd Feb 2020 is enigmatic one and the Mars proving Ammunition dump from the 20th to 27th Feb 2020 proves explosive as predicted
Astrology Speaks ! Venus Affliction In Pieces By Mars and Saturn Proves Most Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 572 viewsVenus Affliction in Pieces Enigmatic till 29th Feb 2020 Pieces has 27 Rays and Multiple of this Sign Most significiant
March 2020 A Month of Twists and Twirls As Movements Of Major Planets Planetary War’s Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 654 viewsJupiter Saturn Brings a change in the Global Activities specially in the infrastructure conjunction with Mars is most vemomous
CAA Stir: Delhi Court Orders Delhi Police Commissoner To File FIR Against 3 BJP Leaders Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 592 viewsSaturn aspect on Natal Sun and Mercury is Venomous specially when it is also activated in Transit as per Bhav siddhi Kaal
Coronavirus Was A Shock That Gold Was Waiting For May Cross Aug. 2011 Levels By April 2021 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 786 viewsCoronavirus may be contained After 28th March 2020 Taking a Positive stance and till then It may touch 1800$ Mark
Mars Triggers Lunation Chart of 23rd Feb. 2020 Proves Bolt From The Blue As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 643 viewsLunation Chart of the 23rd Feb. Most Enigmatic Mars Ammunition Dump Triggers Violence Arson