Arrest Shield Gone Chidambaram In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1018 Articles and Predictions in just 53 months from April 2015

The Sadesati , Saturn Transit over the Natal Moon and Ketu Venomous and Heavy Affliction in 2/8 axis activated by the Eclipses of July 2019 May Bring him to Book

I have already Predicted in the Article of the Solar Ingress in Cancer that the Govt. will be conducting Raids on Top Buisness People and Politicians and see after Ratul Puri Nephew of Kamal Nath the Next Target is Chidambaram
Born on the 16th Sept. 1945 link with Taurus Lagna Rising and Vargottam Navamsha and Moon in the sign Sagitarius with Ketu in the 8th house and Transit Saturn and Ketu over the natal Moon and Ketu most Venomous time frame specially when the 8th Lord Jupiter also joins on the 5th Nov. 2019. The Transit Jupiter Fallen in the 7th house of Public image may damage his image more so since this Transit Saturn also aspects the Natal Sun and Jupiter placed in the 5th house of Padchuti . He is under the Saturn-Moon dasha from the Oct 2018 tom May 2020 which may be most Venomous Period since he is also running the Sadesati of Saturn and over the Natal Moon and Ketu in the 8th house , this also the 3rd Phase of the Sadesati . Amazingly the Arrest Shield has gone after the 8th Lord Jupiter has become direct and on its way to the 8th house as the 8th Lord .. The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Moon as per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao and Dasha and Anter dasha of a Planet who has the Capacity to Bring danmage then a Native falls from Position specially when the Eclipse Point is activated by Mars which shall take place shortly.

Have a Look at the chart Below of the 16th Sept. 1945 Place Tamil Nadu Kanadukathan

The Lagna is Vargottam but there is heavy affliction in the 2/8 axis and has been activated by Rahu, Mars and Saturn during the Eclipses of the July 2019. The Saturn over the Natal Moon in the 8th house has only 2 Bhinashtakvarga points a very weak score for Saturn to save him from the Govt.. Hence the Transit from the 11th August when Jupiter becomes direct and starts it journey to the 8th house and till Saturn is in Sagitarius till 24th Jan. 2019 may prove most Venomous for him and may be trapped in Scams. Since his 3rd Sadesati is in operation his health may also become an issue it so seems.

In the natal Chart Sun and Rahu are in Ardra Nakshatra in Gemini in the 2nd house and Moon and Ketu in the 8th house where Ketu is in Moola Nakshatra . The Transit of Rahu and Ketu over the Natal Rahu and Ketu and then Both entering their ferrocious nakshatra’s Ardra and Mool may be the worst time for Chidambaram. Sun and Moon are life give source. Hence the Transit of Rahu in True motion in Ardra from the 27th Sept. 2019 to 22nd April 2020 and Ketu in Moola Nakshatra from the 12th Feb. to 20th Sept. 2020 may be the worst time for him. From the 12th Feb. 2020 to 22nd April 20202 Rahu and Ketu will be over the Natal Rahu, Sun and Ketu. This specific time frame may be most killing. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 over his Natal Ketu and Moon may further trigger the things since as per the Theory of K N Rao the Eclipses falling in the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Moon can bring major down fall in the life of the Native. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu all will activetthe the 2/8 axis in his case seems extremely bad for him. He can also have major health related problems apart from the Scandals he is in
The Predictions are purely based on the Birth details and not my Personal Analysis or Feelings

Date 20th August 2019 23-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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My Interview by a University of Repute from US in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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