Analysing Marriage Prospects Of Female Native By Tamil Texts

by astrodocanil

“Analysing Marriage Prospects Of Female Native By Tamil Texts “

In this Article I am going to discuss the Prospects for Marriage for a female native by Tamil Texts  which give amazing Results 

 The Native is born in New Delhi  and for Reasons Best known I am not disclosing the Birth details . This is for the Up coming Astrologers and for Educational Purpose only and not for any other Purpose.

Panchang of the Day The Native is Born on Monday and Moon is Placed in the Vishaka star which is forming a Mrityu yoga not good for the native, sudden happenings in life which may bring anguish and pain.

The Tithi is Amamvasya and Moon is weak in the chart

The Karna is Chatuspada a  Malefic Karna 

Jupiter though in Pushkar Navamsha is in Vish Ghati Karka for Spouse spouse can be well placed but with ill health .

Mercury Placed in the 7th house as the MCL of the 7th house is under combustion and retrogression is not good for Marriage 

7th Lord from Lagna and the 7th Lord from Moon in the Rashi Chart is Mars and  is Debilitated .

7th house from Venus is riktam and the Lord is Jupiter 

 Mercury is the 7th Lord of the Navamsha and Placed in the 6th house with Mars the 7th Lord of the Rashi Chart  opens the secret for Marriage that there will be disputes concerning the Relationships.

Venus placed in the 8th house  and the 12th and the 8th from Venus is under affliction . Depositor’s depositor is ill placed from Venus and Venus is Debilitated in the Navamsha . Venus is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planet Ketu  which is the most important parameter for Marriage Promise and fructification.  


Placement of Rahu, Sun and Afflicted Mercury produces Havoc in the life of the native specially when Mercury is afflicted and  Rahu stronger then Venus and Sun producing heat . Mercury affliction in the 7th house is a Havoc and such a native can even kill her children and run away with her lover .


MCL of the 7th house Mercury is ill placed from Venus the Karka for Marriage and afflicted badly IN THE 7TH HOUSE CAN PRODUCE HAVOC IN MARRIAGE . ONLY UNAFFLICTED MERCURY IS WELCOME IN THE 7TH HOUSE . Venus to MCL the Dasha of Afflicted Planets will create havoc . Dasha of Mercury in Operation of the MCL of the 7th house hence will spoil the marriage .It is said if a female has afflicted Mercury in the 7th house she can kill her own children and runaway with her lover , such are the conditions for afflicted Mercury since it is Son of Moon .


Venus placed in the 8th house and the depositor  depositor ill placed from Venus shows weakness in Venus more so the 8th and the 12th house from Venus is in affliction


Karka for spouse is Jupiter Placed in the 5th house and in puskhkar navamsha but in vish ghati , the depositor of Jupiter is placed in the 7th house is under affliction. The spouse could be well placed in life .


The Upkarka for Marriage is Rahu and is stronger then Venus hence marriage will not be worth it , specially the Placement of Rahu in the 7th house 


The Lord of the above houses are ill placed and under affliction


The sign is Pisces and the 3,5, and the 7th Tara from Jupiter will bring havoc in the life of the native , Here Mercury is the Viput Tara the 3rd from Jupiter hence Mercury Dasha starting may break the relationships for Marriage 


The sign is Libra and bot Jupiter and Saturn have activated hence what ever has to happen for Marriage and Relationships will take place in the Transit till the 13th-14th April 2022 since Jupiter will aspect the sign Libra till the 13th April 2022. The Navamsha sign is Sagitarius


Asper the declination method the Venus will be placed in the 7-8 th house as per the age of the native and since afflicted will spoil the Marriage Prospects specially when Venus Falls back in Sagittarius over the natal Venus for 116 days in Transit . in the year 2021-2022 till the 27th Feb 2022


The Sign Pisces is rising and is afflicted by Rahu aspect of Mars and Saturn 

Rahu-Ketu influencing the Rashi and the Navamsha in the 1/7 axis is most crucial for any healthy relationships

Sun placed in the 7th house denies marriage 

Venus with Ketu and debilitated  in the 7th house is most crucial and does not  promise  Marriage 


The Nakshatra of the Navamsha Lagna is Ashlesha as per Mathematical navamsha and the Lord is again Mercury who is afflicted in the 7th house Retrograde, Combusted , hence marriage may not fructify in a conducive manner. Propitiations for the Planet Mercury are essential


The Longitude of Yama shukra is Aquarius 14.58 degrees . Gulika is also in Aquarius not good 

Yoga Sphuta is Cancer sign 21.18 degrees having debilitated Mars as the 7th Lord . Venus is placed in the 6th from the Yoga sphuta not good for Marriage 


 The Girl is manglik from Venus  in both Rashi and Navamsha . The Girl will have craving for Sex.


The Lagna of the Trishamsha Virgo is afflicted in the Navamsha  not good for Marriage . 2nd House from the 8th Lord Mars Venus is placed hence the Spouse will be in the Glamour world and signification for Venus  will be more prominent in the life of the Spouse .


Mer-Mer-Sat till the 11-7-2022

From 7th Para Pisces the 3rd Nakshatra Lord is Mercury Viput Nakshatra and Hence Mercury will Bring a Break in the Relationships since a Viput Tara

Saturn is afflicting the 7th Lord Mars in the Rashi chart and aspect the Mars , Mercury in the 6th house in Navamsha and also the Lagna Hence Saturn also becomes the Key Planet and Saturn Transit over the Natal Saturn brings a Break up

Mercury does not Promise any healthy relationships as explained above and in Transit till the 14th April is placed in the sign Aries with Sun and Rahu in the 12th house of the natal chart and in the 7th from the Moon . The Transit Ketu is over the natal Moon spoilt the whole game and there was a relation break in the Marriage which was to take placed in 2022. In the Natal Chart Mars and Saturn are in 1/7 axis from each other and the Transit Saturn and Mars were over the Natal Saturn in the 9th house from the Lagna and the 4th from the natal Moon and since there was Planetary war in transit between Saturn and Venus and then Mars and Saturn every thing went for a tossand there was a Break-up


Planetary war between Mars and Venus and Venus Over Stay in the sign Capricorn and then Fallen in the sign Sagittarius over the natal Venus resulted in  strained relations between the relationships and resulted in a breakup after Mercury debilitation and affliction in the sign Aries . Venus was also in Planetary war with Saturn and the Transit of Rahu-Ketu in the 7th house from Natal Moon together with Mercury and Sun called off the relationship around the 14th April 2022. Jupiter also activated the Natal Jupiter 8th Lord , who is in Vish Ghati .

DPYH Chart for the year 2021-2022 Below

The 2nd House of the Birth chart rising hence Family  Growth and the Lagna Lord Mercury Placed in the 6th house with Debilitated Moon  opens the secret of the Relationships  . There is Poorna Ithasla between the Moon and the Mercury in the 6th house and there is exchange between the 2nd Lord Moon  and the 6th Lord Mars  and both are Debilitated . Moon and Mercury in the star of Mercury and the Dasha of Mer-Mer-Saturn in operation. &th house is Dagdha and Sun in Fiery sign  hence heat in the 7th house and Saturn the Pyrentar dasha Lord in Planetary war with  Venus and there also also Planetary war between Saturn and Venus in Transit in March 2022in the sign Capricorn in the 8th house of Mangla Sthan for Female and the Longevity ogf the Spouse . Crystal Clear opens the secdret of the Happenings in the mnth of March-April 2022. We also see affliction of the Lagna of the Navamsha in the Trishamsha Chart since Scorpio sign has Rahu-Ketu. ASTROLOGY IS MOST AMAZING IF USED PROPERLY. THE CLASSICAL TEXTS OF THE TAMIL ARE MOST AMAZING WHICH ARE NOT USED BY ANY ASTROLOGER AND 99.99 % USE THE PARASHAR ASTROLOGY WHICH IS ALSO GOOD BUT TAMIL CLASSIC OF ASTROLOGY ARE FOOL PROOF AND GIVE STUNNING RESULTS .

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 23-4-2022 17-00 hrs
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