Some Most Amazing Predictions by Prashna Chart

by astrodocanil

I was away for Dinner on the 25th June 2012  and came back late at night , Since I was waiting for some information  I opened  my Laptop and Found a mail from a Client in US, who wanted to know the Prospects for her Career and Buisness.. I immedaitely made the Prashna chart of 25th June 2012 of 23.30 hrs. Looking at the Chart I found adverse Planetary positions  and untoward happenings for her Father  and she may have to take up a Long Journey. I immedaitely sent a mail back to her and conveyed her that , I wanted to Start the Analysis but Shastras says  when Planetary slow moving Planets are moving  in adverse position, Astrological analysis should be avoided . Hence till 4th July 2012 I will not start the Predictions .

I found the following Planetary Positions which were adverse .

  1. Saturn Stationary and Fallen in Virgo from Libra the 9th house  till 29th June 2012
  2. Rahu in Forward motion till 3rd July 2012
  3. Venus 9th Lord in Retrogression with Disease Karka Ketu  and In stationary motion on the 26th June 2012 and then become Direct . Important Parameter since Yogkarka for the chart and also the 9th Lord placed in the 8th from the 9th house.

I told her I would start the Predictions after 4th July 2012 only  and asked her to bear with me and if possible do Surya Namaskar and recite 108 time the Surya Mantra.

Most Amazingly I received a Mail exactly the time I expected around 08-30 am on the 4th July 2012 . The client informed me that she Lost her Father  and she is heading for New Delhi India from US

The basic Idea for writing this Article is to see the Prashna Chart in a comprehensive way and avoid Predictions when Planetary Positions are adverse. When Planetary Positions are adverse , the Astrologer also is not able to concentrate  and Predict Properly.

The Query was for Buisness and Career  and I could see the demise of her Father on the 4th July 2012 Early Morning after 07-25 hrs  as per Prashna Chart

The native asked me if I had seen the demise of her Father in the Prashna chart and Birth chart ? I conveyed her that for this Reason I held back the Predictions.The client was amazed that I could see the demise correct to the minute , which possibly one cannot see from the Birth chart. All My above Predictions were purely based on the Prashna Chart .

Let us have a Look at the Prashna chart of the 25th June 2012 of 23.30 hrs New Delhi 


Panchang of the Day 

Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the 7th house and aspecting the Lagna at Very close degrees and at the MEP

Tithi is SP-7

Nakshatra  P Phalguni Nakshatra number 11 Sulochana , Failure of the results

Karna Gara and the Lord is aspecting the 10th house is good

Yoga Siddhi

Gulika in the Sagitarius 29.03 degrees , Lors is Placed in the 8th house from the 9th House and is totally exlipsed with Disease Karka Ketu

DBA Planets Venus-Sat-Venus  Venus the 9th Lord and Saturn in the 8th house from Lagna and the 12th house from 9th house . Ven-Sat Ven-Rahu, Mars is Marak for Father and has Ithasala with Disease Karka Ketu  who is eclipsing the 9th Lord Venus . The Native will face Problems for Fathers Health and Adverse situations in Career

Navamsha at Junction point since 23.51 degrees and Venus placed in the Lagna is negative for the 9th house

Hora  Jupiter and Hora changing in 7 minutes to Mars  is Negative for the Query  since Mars and Jupiter both ill placed from 9th house of Father.

Day Lord  Moon is Placed in the Yama of Sagitatius  , which is the 11th house  of the chart and its Lord is Totally eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis , is Bad for Results from the Prashna Kundali. Jupiter is also in the 8th house from 9th house

The Lagna Lord is Placed in the Yama of Scorpio the 10th house os the chart and Scorpio has Rahu. The Yama Lord of Lagnesh ids Mars amd both the Lagnesh and the yama Lord are placed in the 8th house , Mars is also the 10th Lord .

Lagna Lord Saturn and Karka for Longevity placed in the 8th house stationary , indicates sickness and worries on account of a Person in the family and his  health issues and since Saturn aspects Sun , it is Concern of Fathers Health .

Mars the 10th Lord and the Arudha Lagna Lord is also placed with Saturn in the 8th house , but in a friend house , and the Dispositor is in the 6th house .

Snap Shot Method . Lagna Fixed, Moon in Fixed Rashi  and Sun in Dual Rashi , Hence Gains in Peofession with Lot of Difficulties  and Troubles .

Ekargala  From Longitude of Sun, The inauspicious Nakshatras are that of Saturn Lagna Lord and Venus the 9th Lord , Hence negative for Father 

Out of the Saptvargaya Charts only D1 and D12 were Malefic rest were benefic .

The most Sensitive Parameter in the Query chart is the Lagna Lord  is ststionary and Fallen Planet in the 8th house  and aspecting Sun the Karka for Father , also Saturn has fallen from Libra the 9th house . Saturn is afflicted by Mars the Marka for father and also Arudha Lagna Lord . Mars and Saturn in the 8th house of the Parshna Chart are most malefic Parameter and show a Query of Life and Death .

Rahu-Ketu in Forward motion in the Marka house for Father and aspected by Saturn who is Stationary and Fallen crystal Clear shows a Query  for Life and Death for Father

Lagna is in Mrityu Bhag and in the nakshatra of P Bhadrapad who is the Gulika Lord .

Sun is in the 5th house in Gemini and Lagna Aquarius , hence the Lagna is adhomukh and in the 8th Navamsha   and the 8th house from the 9th house is rising .

Moon in the nakshatra of Venus the 9th Lord and had just entered the 7th house as the 6th Lord shows Father Ill health.

Moon the Day Lord is ill placed from the 8th house and 8th Lord  and Moon in the nakshatra of Venus the 9th and the 4th lord totally eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis who are in Adverse motion and Poison. Saturn from the 12th House from the9th house  is with Marka Mars  for Father the 10th Lord in the 12th house from 9th house and the 8th house from Lagna and Saturn aspects Sun in the 5th house in Rahu Nakshatra , Saturn is also connected to Rahu . Saturn stationary and aspecting Sun in the 9th from 9th house in the Nakshatra of Rahu and dispositor in the 6th house from Lagna is the most Crucial Parameter for Father  . I could Predict that her Father would face adverse situations on the 4th July 2012 at 08-00 hrs. Later she said her father was suffering for the last 5 years or so .

Look at the D12 of the Prashna Chart  9th Lord of Prashna Chart in the 12th house with Karka for Father Sun in deblitation, Venus is totally Eclipsed with Ketu the Disease Karka and in D12 Mars the Marka and Mercury the 8th Lord are in Rahu-Ketu axis

The Prashna is at Night time and after Sunset, and each Muhurat is of 48 minutes . Now the Query Time -Sunset time = 251.55 minutes , now dividing by 48 = 5.24 . Hence the 6th Muhurat  which is inauspicious at night 

Sun is Karka for Father and Has Future Ithasla with Mars  after 8.33 degrees = 8 days  7 hours  and 55 minutes from 25th June 23.30 hrs = 4th July 2012  07-25 hrs.

Chandra Kriyas. Movement of Moon in a Nakshatra  and fromTables . The native has to Travel Extensively.

Asper Navamsha Method

Asper the Birth chart of Capricorn Lagna  the 9th house Virgo had become the 8th house in the Prashna chart having Mars and Saturn and both aspectin g the 2nd House of the Prashna chart of Family

In the Birth chart of the native Mars , Saturn aspect the 9th house where ketu is Placed , In transit when these Malefic Transitted the 9th house damaged the (th house and hence the Father, Sun the Karka for Father was also in the 6th house of the native and in 6/8 axis with natal Sun.  Rahu-Ketu are influencing the 9th house of the Natal chart of the Querist , when Rahu-Ketu Transitted over the 7th Lord Venus in Transit  gave the Results of the 9th house and Father Expired   

Now See the chart of the 4th July 2012 08-30 when I got a Message from the Client . Anilji Just wanted to let you know , I lost my Father  today and I am Proceeding for India


The above chart is self Explainatory . Astrology is Most Amazing  and specially the Tamil Texts open up every thing hidden in the Life through the Prashna Chart .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 8th June  2016 02.00 PM New Delhi



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 


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