A Very Interesting Query of Missing Currency Through Prashna Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Prashna Jyotish is most amazing specially when applied through Tamil Texts , One of my Daughters Friend Called me . I told her to call after 5 minutes . Upon the call I told the querist that the Query Pertains to some Missing Currency  High Value .  The query was Raised on the 25th April 2011 at 18.19 hrs. The querist Told me that She had a Couple Kity Party in her house on the 19th April 2011 Evening . All the couples gave the Contributions in an Enevolope with their names written . The Host Collected the Evevolopes and Kept the same in her Almirah. On the 25th April 2011 he opened the Enevolopes and found in one Enevolope Rs 4000/- instead of Rs 35000/-. The querist was in a fix and did not know what to do , since the Enevolopes were under Lock and Key  and there was no possibility of any one removing the money . Her husband told her that since she discovered late , she could not blame anybody  and the best course is to forget about it . Just then the querist Called me .

Prashna theft

Let me fist analyse the The situations indicative by the Planetary  Positions

  1. Prashna Triangle My Research  The Planet signifying the query is Saturn and aspecting 4 planets and Venus and Mercury, Venus is Exhalted and with Mercury , Hence Query related to Currency and High value .
  2. Nakshatra is Shravana 23  Stolen or Misplaced item in the west Direction and not traceable.
  3. According to the First Letter of the query Watery Tatwa hence success in Tracing the misplaced money
  4. As Per Naisargik and Tatlika Chakra , The object of the Querist will be achieved.
  5. Hora of Sun and Day Lord is Moon and both are Friendly. The Horesh is Exhalted and aspects the Lagna , hence there are chances  for the Success of the Querist  for the Object.
  6. The Day Lord  Moon is Placed in the 5th Yama of Scorpio and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 6th house in Pieces whose Lord is also Placed there in own house hence there are chances of the Querist Object being achieved .

7. Analysis by Prashna chart and Panchang

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Placed in the 4th house in own nakshatra and Pushkar Navamsha  , hence the object of the Querist will be achieved.

Nakshatra Lord is also Moon , hence achievement of the Object successfully.

Tithi  KP-8

Karna  Lord is connected to Exhalted Planet , hence the Object of the Querist can be achieved

Now as per Principles of Misplaced or Stolen articles when the  Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord is Placed in the 3,6,8, 12 houses , the Prashna Relates to Missing article , Further is Saturn is placed in the 7th, 8th or the 12th house then  it is called a Chor Prashna

Prashna Gyan of Bhottopala  says  that as per Lord Shiva , if  Mars and Saturn are placed in the  3,6,8, 12  houses when the Lagna rising is  Taurus , Cancer, Leo or Libra, then the query pertains to  theft of Articles . The Combination must be devoid of Jupiter aspect or Conjunction

Since Mars the 7th Lord and the Lagna Lord Venus are placed in the 6th house with Jupiter , it is not a case of Stolen Article but a Query of Misplaced articles . I told the querist that the Couple Kitty member has not done this intentionally and  the Enevolope she had to give you has been exchanged with another one by her  and the Moment you contact her she would  hand over the balance money to her . She was hesitant to approach the Kitty member , but when I gave her the description of the Couple , she immedaitely decided to go to the Couple house.

In the Prashna Chart the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are placed in the 6th house with Jupiter who is the 6th Lord and is  Vargottam, hence the case is not of any mischief and any Stolen Money.. Moon the Day Lord and Nakshatra Lord is in Pushkar Navamsha . I told her very confidently that she will get back her Money with out any hastle and convinced her by telling the following Parameters 

The Sign rising in the Navamsha is Female sign , hence the mistake of the female.

7th Lord is Mars and Placed in the female sign, hence Mistake of the Female .

The First Dreshkanne of the Lagna is rising in the Prashna Chart , hence the Female gave the enevolope to the querist at the enterance of her House on the 19th April 2011.

Moon is the Strongest Planet and Placed in the Kendra  and the Arudha Lagna is also Fixed , hence the Couple lives very closeby.

The Lagna is in the 2nd Navamsha  , hence the Couple lives with in 13/1000×394=5 Km , Since upto 5th Navamsha =1000 minutes =13 kilometers

Direction from the Querist House , The query is over 1 2hrs from the Sunrise , hence counting the 12th house from the Mount of Lord Shiva , The Planet placed in Aries is Sun and Sun in the Yama chart is Placed in the North Direction

Age of the Lady .Now the Exhalted Sun is aspecting the Lagna from the 7th house  and is in the 2nd Dreshkanne , hence money is lying in the house of a very beautiful women  and her Age is 6x 7 = 42 years

Status of Lady.Since Sun is Exhalted in the 7th house the Lady comes from a very influential  and a Royal family .

Clothes Worn by the Lady  Red Top

 Physical Appearance. Sun in the 7th house the Lady is well built and has Sparsh hair and Golden Complexion

The Querist was amazed  by the 100 % description given by me for the Lady . In fact I could even Tell the First Letter of the name of the Lady , Sun is Exhalted in Fiery sign and in Watery navamsha . 

Movable and Shirshodayo sign rising  and Mars and Moon having Future Ithasala , I told that she should visit the couple after 9 days when the Future ithasla is complete, that is 28th April 2011 at 12-15 hrs when Moon is in the 8th house , which is good for finding the Misplaced article . The ASd at the time she visited the Couple was Cancer  and Benefics in the 9th house and Malefics in the 3,6, 11 houses . The Couple Gave the Balance Money with out any difficulty and expressed that the Enevolope had changed .

The Querist was surprised that we could through Prashna Jyotish reach the Results 100 %, with out any exception in the findings.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 7th June  2016 02.00 PM New Delhi

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Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 



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