Amazing Muhurat Chart Matching Predictions over 30 years Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

I joined BVB New Delhi in Jan. 2007 and in the Class I remember One of my Teachers said the best way to Learn Astrology is to analyse the events in your life  , like First Job, Marriage, Buying of a Property, Vehicle or any other Important Activity which has taken place in your life over the years . He also Insisted that to become a good Astrologer One should remember the Planetary Positions and specially the Position of Moon and the Fast Moving Planets and their state of Motion . This has proved to be a Blessings for me  and I have added a Feature in this .All Panchanga Parameters should be known to a Good Astrologer  on daily Basis . Let me Give my Experience here for the same.

I started to recollect the happening and the Most Crucial one was a Tiff with my Father on the 4th Sept. 1983 around Morning time of 09.30 hrs as confirmed by my wife and after which I left the house and shifted to a Company leased accomodation. When I started to analyse it in 2007 I was Back in my Parents house on 25th Jan 1999 .

After Looking at the chart of the 4th Sept. 1983 I told my wife the exact time we had left the Parents house and was 09-27-30 hrs , My wife was stunned and said how does that Matter ? I explained her that at the time of Leaving the Parents Home , Moon was in Pushya Nakshatra  Called the Maha Nakshatra and the Balance of Dasha was 15 years 4 months and 21 days  and we have exactly returned back Home after this Period and according to this the Time of Leaving the Parents was exact 09-27-30 hrs.

I was very much excited and started to use this chart for my other Predictions and each one what happened with me was Matching 100 % with this chart using the Dasha according to the Birth chart

The Chart is Below of 4th Sept. 1983 09-27-30 hrs  New Delhi 


The Lagna is Libra the 5th house and the Navamsha Lagna of the Birth chart . The Lagna Lord  is Placed in the 11th house with 11th Lord Sun. Venus is Retrograde and Nadi shastra says Venus is the only Planet very strong when in Retrogression. 12th Lord Placed in 12th house Retrograde and Exhalted who is also my Lagna Lord and 4th Lord of the Birth Chart. The . 2nd and 7th Lord in Neechan bhang and digbali placed in the 10th house  gave me strength in my Career  and Soon I changed By Job and an amazing Jump in my Career from the Role of a Manager in MNC drawing a 4 digit salary per month  in 1986 to 5 digit salary and about 6 times the Salary drawn by me at that time in an organisation who had a Joint Venture with MUL .  A Company Car and Leased accomodation were also in the Grand Package. A phenomenal change in my  life with Force as Predicted By the Spirtual Astrologer as mentioned in my Previous article .

As Per Research what I was involved in BVB “Dasha of Lagna Lord , 10th Lord and Exhalted Planet” Brings major change  and depends upon the strength of the Planets to give Prosperity. I was extremely happy and so was my Employer who was also a Friend when I was in Escorts Ltd. but soon there were differences with my Superior the Son in Law of the Chairman  and I left the organisation.

The Dasha Lord at the time of Leaving my Parents in the Birth chart was Mercury- Ketu and and Joining a New Job was Mercury- Sun.. It is said that in the birth chart if Saturn is well placed and strong in Navamsha and Dashamsha then one would become a Self Entrepreneur .  The Muhurat chart explains very well. Saturn Placed in the Lagna Exhalted and 4 Planets connected to 10th house 10th Lord and 2 Planets connected to 11th house made me work like mad and soon I visited 3 Countries in the Eastern Part of the world . Namely Japan, South Korea and Hongkong. In the Dasha of Sat-Ven-Ven as Per Muhurat chart and asper Birth chart Mercury- Sun. Soon I left the Job and Started My own Buisness. At the time of Leaving the Parents Moon was in Pushya Nakshatra and Saturn was Exhalted and Placed in the Lagna . In my Birth chart also Saturn is forming Rajyogas and in Capricorn in Navamsha and Exhalted in Dashamsha .I started my own Buisness  which as a Matter of Fact I was  already doing as a hobby. All my Growth is shown by the above Muhurat chart Crystal clear Yoka Karka for Libra Exhalted, Mercury the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord of Birth chart  Exhalted , Moon and Sun in own house , Lagna Lord in 11th house , Jupiter in Scorpio the House aspected by Jupiter by Retrograde aspect .

At the time of Writing the Article Saturn and Mars both Influencing the sign Libra by Retrograde aspect , Venus and Exhalted Sun Influencing the Lagna , Sun, Venus , Mercury aspected by Jupiter from the 11th house .. All Planets in the Transit today as per my Muhurt chart of Sept. 1983 are connected to 11th house and same is the case in my Birth chart. Amazingly when I started to write the article Moon was in Cancer and Pushya Nakshatra yesterday.

As per the Muhurat chart I am Running the Dasha of Ketu-Ketu -Saturn and Ketu is connected to Jupiter in the chart and as per Birth chart i am running the dasha of Venus-Jup. My jupiter has Exchange of Nakshatra with Ketu in the 5th house in Libra and its disposotor is connected to Jupiter from Lagna , In the Muhurat chart both Jupiter and Ketu are together  and Mars and Saturn Transitting over them . Jupiter and Ketu connection gives good Astrology and Intution ability , when the dispositor is also connected to both of them .

As Per Research it is said when Saturn in Transit  aspects  Sun and Jupiter together then it is the most favourable Period in life , one may be at the the lowest end of life it gives some Protection cover . In Transit it happened with me when Saturn was in Libra and now since Saturn is influencing the Previous sign  Libra by and also aspecting Jupiter and will also aspect Sun from 14th May 2016 , My Predictions made on the Financial Astrology will Prove 100 %. Astrology is amazing . All the Predictions by this Muhurat chart Proved 100% using the Dashas of the Birth chart , from Buying a House changing my Career, Becoming an Astrologer all depicted by this Chart. This also Proves that the Birth Chart, Prashna Chart and Muhurat charts are interconnected .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 13th May 2016 07-30 PM Singapore  


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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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In Singapore from 22nd April to 18th May 2016 

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