Dasha and Disha The Vital Parameters in Astrology

by astrodocanil

“Dasha and Disha The Vital Parameters in Astrology “

Dasha and Disha are 2 Vital Parameters in Astrology.

Astrology is one of the 6 Limbs of the (Angas) of Rig Veda. The 9 Grahas associated with the first 9 Words of the Rig Veda. If we turn our attention to Jyotish, the eyes of the Veda, we see that the nine Planets (Navagraha) also represent all the Laws of Nature. Planets can be seen as the point values of the nine basic universal Laws of Nature, which are responsible for creating, maintaining and dissolving the entire universe.

If is true that Rig Veda is the encyclopaedia of all the laws of nature, and if it is true that the words of Rig Veda are arranged in an absolute, evolutionary, and self explanatory sequence, then it is only logical that the sequence of the first nine words corresponds exactly with the sequence of the  nine Planets in the Vimshottary Dasha system! This suggests that the Vimshottary Dasha system has a very solid basis indeed! It is based on the primordial evolutionary sequence of Nature.

Dasha System is a Vital Parameter to find out the 9 phases of Life when a Native is born and enters the Horoscope from the 5th house of Sanchit Karmas with a Bag having 9 different compartments of Different Dashas . The Planets in Transit are Freezed to Form a Horoscope at the time of Birth of a Native. The Transit Planets Stimulate the Dasha Lords to melt and get activated and give the Results according to the Vimshottari Dasha system most Popular in the Northern Indiaof 120 years. The 9 Phases of Life are dependent on the 7 Planets and the 2 Nodes which Govern our Phases in Life and depends on the our Sanchit Karmas according to the Nakshatra of Moon at the time of Birth and the Balance left of the Moon Travel in a Nakshatra

Disha is Very Important in Jyotish and specially The Prashna Jyotish since from the Disha the Direction Vital Information can be derived . Tamil Classics stress upon Calculating the Arudha Lagna By the direction Faced by the querist at the time of Query and not by the conventional method . It is said that the Person facing in a Particular Direction on a Particular Day will decide as per the Yama chart of the Day the Arudha Lagna . Also the Application of Naisargik Chakra and Tatlika Chakra By Tamil Classics can only be applied by the Direction Faced by the querist .

The Arudha  Lagna Found out by this system gives vital information about the querist Queris at the time of Prashna .In Olden Days the Arudha was also Found out by Placing the Gold Ring in the Chart Prepared by the Astrologer .

There are also other Methods to Find the Arudha but this System is the most reliable one , since the Energy comes from the East as the Sun Rises from the East and the Direction for Sun in East is Taken on a Sunday  in the Nasargik  and as per the Day in the Tatlika Chakra

My Experience is Arudha Lagna found out by the Direction faced by the querist and Examined in the Yama chart gives Loadsof Information about the Querist.

The Basic Idea of writing this Article is the 2 Parameters and specially the Arudha Lagna to be used by Direction faced by the querist and not by the Conventional Method.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 14th May 2016 07-30 AM Singapore  

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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