A Query Of Career & Marriage By 7 Modules

by astrodocanil

“A Query Of Career & Marriage By 7 Modules”

In this Article  I am going to analyse the query by 7 modules unlike 99.99% Astrologers who use only one module of the Birth Chart.

The Querist put a query on the 19th Jan. 2024 at 11:03 hrs with Birth Details of 27th Dec 1982 17:35 hrs New Delhi..

The querist did not point out the issues in the life of his Son and was a mook prashna.. Just then I pointed out that the query  is relating to Marriage and Career. Very simple the Venus  just ingresses  in the sign Sagittarius and was in Gandantha in the 10th house of the Prashna chart as the 8th Lord.  I also mentioned that the native is wearing light blue clothes and facing the South East direction.

Further I pointed out that the native  has lost his job due to suspension and there was marital discord since the 29th Oct. 2023. The Querist replied in affirmative and was surprised  that my analysis was on spot.

7 Modules for Prediction below.


Miscellaneous Methods.

  1. Prashna Triangle the Planet influencing the Query is Herschel/Uranus —- Suddenness of the events. Drama beyond space. 8 Years after Marriage there is break between the Couple.
  2. 28 Nak method. The Nak. is  Madhya and the results of the Query will be seen in 64 days. Hence separation after this time possible.
  3.  Direction Faced by the Querist South East and the Day is Friday Hence the Planets are Venus and Mars. This as per B. V raman says the Success is difficult for both the queries.
  4.  Pancha Pakshi the Technique of the 5 Birds. The Ruling Bird of the native is Vulture and in death state is very bad for the Query and no relief for 2. 3 years
  5. Nostril of the Astrologer was not good on the day, hence again not good for the query.
  6. Kota Chakra— Kot Swami is Venus and Kot Paala is Sun and both in the bad sectors and hence no relief till 18th Feb 2024 for some settlement for the Marriage discord and may not be Very favourable for the  Couple they may have to separate.

Hence as per the Module 1. There does seem to be any relief immediately and immediate future for the Marriage and the Career


Ashtamangla Prashna of 108 Chowries

The Number was 183   This number is extremely bad since Rahu in the middle and destroys the Sun in the Left and Jupiter on the right, hence the Past, Present and the Future there is no  relief in the Marriage and the Career. Ever since he is married and taken up the last job taken there are problems for the past 8 years. The future is also not secure. In the Prashna chart Jupiter is in the 4th Navamsha hence the Native will not get a job till April 2024. As far as marriage is concerned  there will be no relief at all since Rahu is Upkarka for marriage.


Tambula Prashna the  Number given was 4 and as per the Calculations the Planet influencing is Saturn is not good for the Query.


Jamakkol Prashna

The Venus the Uday Lagna Lord is Placed in the 6th house is weakness for Marriage and the Career. 2nd Lord in the 8th house and 11th Lord Debilitated . Hence weak combinations. When Sun transits over the Kavippu then there will be separation between the husband and the wife on the 24th July 2024.

Surprisingly they have separated the same day and divorce proceedings have started.


Now Prashna Chart below.


The day is Friday and the Lord Venus is in affliction is not good for the queries.

Venus is the Karka for Marriage under affliction is not good .

Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis and nearing the MEP of the Lagna is crucial for the  Marital relations and starting from the 29th Oct 2023 there will be differences between the Couple since on this day the Rahu-Ketu transited in this axis. I have been told that the Relationship went for a toss after this date only although after marriage there have been no compatible relations.

In the case of disputes Mars and 8th Lord lead to divorce, here the 7th Lord is with Mars and the 8th Lord indicate of divorce.

Other combinations for divorce are Ketu in the 7th house

Venus and 7th Lord afflicted.

There is Poorna ithasla  between Saturn 12th Lord with 7th  Mercury and the Lagna Lord Jupiter this is indicative of Divorce .

Timing of the events

The Navamsha rising is of Jupiter and Jupiter in 4th Navamsha hence divorce proceeding will start from4th Month from the day of the Query.

All the above 5 Modules employed to analyse the query leads to divorce and separation after 4  Months


As per Prashna Chart the 9tth Lord Mars in the 10th house and Mars and Jupiter Exchange  shows a respectable job specially when Jupiter and Moon are placed in the 2nd house. The 10th Lord Jupiter connected to the Lord of Debilitation and the 12th Lord indicates suspension on charges of Corruption.

New Job.

There are no good combinations for even a new job since the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Jupiter does not have aspect of Benefics and  only one ithasla with Mercury hence after 4 months he can get a job which will not be as per his expectations.

Till Rahu-Ketu in this axis till the 28th May 2025 there will be not much relief  in the Career.


Birth Chart of the 27th Dec. 1982 17:35 hrs New Delhi

The Garbshishta Planets are  Sun and Rahu and both are separative planets and placed in the 1/7 axis will spoil the Marriage more so the Rahu upkarka for marriage is in forward motion and extremely bad for Marriage and how it will run.

 7th Lord is in the 6th house extremely bad for marriage for males and Jupiter the 7th Lord is ill placed from the 7th house , Venus the Karka for Marriage and the Garbshishta planets. 7th house from Lagna , 7th house from Moon and 7th from Venus are all placed in trik bhavas is extremely bad for Marriage. The MCL of the 7th house is  Sun and with Ketu is extremely bad for Marriage , in such cases marriage is like no marriage specially when connected to the 7th house.

 Venus declination is 8 years hence the Marriage will break after 8 years from the day of Marriage which has happened exactly after 8 years as per Prashna also. 7th Lord of the Navamsha Sun with Ketu also indicates the above. Asper Rashi Tula Navamsha  Mars comes in the Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house and both Lords of Trik bhavas.

 As Per Mathematical Navamsha the Nakshatra Lord of the Navamsha Lagna is Ketuagain extremely bad and a separative planet in the 7th house and afflicting the Venus.

His divorce proceeding will be very ugly till Rahu-Ketu  join the Capricorn- Cancer Axis as per the Navamsha  for 2.5 years .

Dasha of Jupiter-Jupiter-Rahu has started on the 24th Jan 2024 and immediately they have approached me and as explained above the Dasha of Jupiter will be full of obstacles for Marriage and the Career


10th Lord Jupiter ill placed  from the Garbshishta Planets hence problem in the Career in the Jupiter Dasha .

Dasha Varga chart of Jupiter for 16 years below 

The 7th house has gone in the 6th house of disputes indicative of Divorce and Venus placed in the 8th house of the Rashi chart. Jupiter may be bad  for Marriage  but little relief for Career, since the 10th house has become the 9th house and Jupiter aspects the 10th house of the Rashi chart.


10th Lord from the Lagna Lord is placed in the 6th from Lagna—– good for Career and Service.

10th Lord from Moon is Saturn Exalted and placed  in the 6th from Moon—– Good for Career but Saturn and Jupiter are in 2/12 axis hence mind and body will not work together to get good results.

10th Lord from Saturn is Moon exalted and placed in the 8th from Saturn

The Issue is the 8th Lord from Moon is Jupiter the 10th Lord from Lagna is not good

The Career Parameters are also not very strong out of 8 Parameters for the Career only one parameter is good for the Career and the score is low specially in the Jupiter-Jupiter dasha till the 19-5-2024, but the Dasha of Jupiter-Saturn will be extremely bad from the 19th May 2024 since  Saturn is the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter and the Anter Dasha will not allow the native to  run the life in full swing for the Marriage and Career since Saturn placed in the 8th house from the 10th house as the 8th Lord from the Lagna, Jupiter Mercury may be better.

 The 8 Parameters Important are.

MCL is Mercury ill placed from the Garbshishta  MD —-Never have a commanding job, he will always get orders and his juniors will overtake him

MCL ill placed from Garbshishta AD

MCL not in Kendra from the 10th house.

MCL not in Kendra from 10th Lord Jupiter.

MCL and 10th Lords are not natural friends hence no stability.

MCL and Star Lord of 10th Lord Jupiter are friends is good.

MCL not in the 3rd from Saturn.

MCL not in 7th house from Bhavat Bhavam.

MCL not in 11th from the 10th Pada Cancer.

10th Lord in Paap Kartari yoga extremely bade for growth..

Jupiter as the 10th Lord in the 6th house is ok for Jobs.

MCL Mercury in the 8th house with 6th Lord Mars, he can even suffer imprisonment in Jup-Jup-Mars Dasha , unfortunately he was suspended in this period.

VS sensitive arc is Leo  7 degrees and 34 minutes is activated both by Saturn and Jupiter in Transit hence  till 1st May 2024 hence he will get a job before this period.

D10 Chart

The Lagna is Libra and the Lord is in the 11th house is good.

The 10th house Pisces of the Rashi chart has gone in the 6th house hence tensions in the Career.

MCL Mercury is in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis not good at all for the Career, even if the Native gets a top job he cannot   survive the job and will get suspended or turned out. Since MCL of the 10th house Mercury is ill placed from the Garbshishta planets he will not be able to focus on his job and will not have inspirational role in the organisation.

 Dasha of Jupiter-Mercury may be better then the present status from the 1-12-2026


Progression chart of the Dec 2023 to dec 2024 is below after completion of 41st year.

Moon is debilitated and also in Mrityu bhag the 2nd Lord of the Birth chart and the Lagna Lord of the Progression chart hence family disturbance. Moon in Mercury Star who is fallen in the progression chart and placed in the 6th house of the Progression chart and in 2/12 axis of Moon.

Venus the Karka for Marriage in Mrityu bhag hence trouble in Marriage  and placed in the 8th house 

From Lagna the 10th Lord is Mars in the 8th house and in vish ghati shows trouble in the Career.

MCL of the 10th house of the Rashi Chart is Mercury fallen and in Rahu-Ketu axis the native is suspended in the Job

Hence from the above we come to the Conclusion that the native promise for Marriage is very poor, although even the Career Prospects are also not very good specially in the Jupiter-Jupiter dasha .

 The year from the Dec 2025 to Dec 2026 will be a better year then the Present running dasha till 1-2 2026.

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

20th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


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