Will The Hamas-Israel War Become Most Ugliest War In The Decade ?

by astrodocanil

“Will The Hamas-Israel War Become Most Ugliest War In The Decade ?”

This is with reference to my Article “Partial Lunar Eclipse ” published in the Oct.  2023 Edition on the Page 22 in the “EXPRESS STAR TELLER“. My Predictions for War like condition in the World and the Countries mentioned in the Article where the Eclipse is visible in Asia and  specially Israel  which falls in the west Asia have proved on spot. I had also mentioned that since there is vedha between Mars and Saturn  in the 2/7/11 triangle from the 3rd Oct. when Mars  joins Ketu till 16th Nov. 2023 and after the Lunar Eclipse of the 29th Oct. 2023 there will be war like conditions in the Countries  Asia, Europe, Australia,  Africa, North and South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Using the Secretive tool Rashi  and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra  opened the hidden things of Vedha between Mars  Ketu and Saturn irrespective of the Parashar aspect between Mars and Saturn exists or not. I have been using these techniques and given examples for the earlier wars in my previous Article.


The Hamas attacked Israel on the 7th Oct. 2023 when Rahu was Stationary, just after Mars joined Ketu in Libra forming the worst yoga for Wars and mutual vedha with Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra. The conditions further aggravated after Sun Joined Libra on the18th Oct. 2023. The Planetary Positions are some what parallel to the Great Recession of the 24th Oct. 1929 when Mars Ketu and Sun were in Libra and Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra which is considered to be Conditions like war as per the Jyotish classics.

Read another Article written in Oct. 2023 on my webpage

Hezbollah Could Cause ‘Huge Earthquake’ In Israel Mars Rahu Ketu & Saturn On Driving Wheel”

The Planetary positions are taking the whole world for a bumpy ride and Earthquakes . The Violence will be the Order of the Day.  Mars , Rahu Ketu and Saturn are on the driving wheel of Crisis and as time passes things will go out of control specially between the 7th to 30th Oct. 2023. The Cluster of Planets in the sign Libra would add fuel to the fire .  The Following Parameters are most explosive for  Hezbollah to enter in the war and attack Israel.


Hezbollah Could Cause ‘Huge Earthquake’ In Israel Mars Rahu Ketu & Saturn On Driving Wheel”
Iran could jump in the war. US could have Terrorist Attacks by Taliban most explosive events are on the Cards specially after the 29th March 2025 when there will be 8 planets influencing the Ketu. The most serious parameter is the Mars and Saturn aspects on Ketu and Saturn with Rahu prone to war

See the Rashi Sanghatta chakra used by me  which not even a single astrologer of the world has used to predict the Wars in the Globe .


Tens of thousands of people in Gaza are believed to have fled their homes and moved south following Israel’s evacuation warning, according to estimates by the UN humanitarian office OCHA. Prior to the evacuation order, more than 400,000 Palestinians were already internally displaced

Oil Prices rise by 6% as tensions in the middle East rise. I had already predicted the same long back.


The Planetary Positions are parallel 24th Oct. 1929

Parallel August 1982 when we had a Stock Market Fall of 20 %

19th Oct 1987 20 % Plunge in the Stock Markets.

11th Sept. 2001 Twin Tower Attack.

16th Sept 2008 when we had Stock Market fall

24th Feb 2020 at the Time of Covid 19.

Now see the charts of the 7th Oct 2023 when Israel was attacked and the chart of the 29th March 2025 when the Israel-Hamas War will become the ugliest. The Possibility of the major Nations of the world jumping in this conflict is not ruled out.

 The above chart of the 29th March 2025 is explosive and scary for the War to escalate between the Countries and at the same time Jupiter will also attain accelerated motion for 8 years  similar to the time of Mahabharat, WW2, Covid-19, and that the time of India Independence after April 2025

 The Planetary Positions till the 27th August 2024 are explosive since there is Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the 2,7,11 Triangle as per the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Below.

  1. Rashi Sanghatta Chakra 



    Let us discuss The Foundation chart of Israel is of the 14th May 1948 16-00 hrs . Tel Aviv of Virgo Ascendant below as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion.


    The Chart is self explanatory. The Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn till the 22-11–2023 and broadly speaking the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu  till 28-10-2025 will be explosive and the Country and  may be involved in war like conditions due to the following parameters explained below  .

    1. Rahu in the 8th house and having aspect of Saturn 6th Lord of enemies  and aspect of the 7th Lord Jupiter is Crucial for war like conditions in the Country
    2. As per the  Research Theory of shri K N Rao Mars placement in the 12th house makes the Country prone to Terrorism  Espionage and Warlike conditions from neighbours. The Connection of Mars with12th 3rd, 6th and 7th House make the nation War mongering also.
    3. Transit Rahu Over the natal Rahu and Aspect of transit Saturn on both the Rahu in natal and Transit  Rahu is most malefic parameter.
    4. In the navamsha also Rahu and Ketu in these signs further aggravates the situation till the 30th Nov. 2023
    5. Jupiter placed in the4thhouse forms a hamsa yoga but Retrograde and is bhadak and marak for Virgo Lagna since the benefic as the  of Kendra Lord  forgets the beneficence but aspect of Venus on Jupiter is good as the 2nd and the 9th Lord due which it has support from US and other Countries of the World The sun and Mercury placed in the 9th house and the aspect of Saturn and Moon on the 5th house makes the nation technically advanced nation.
    6. In the Rashi Tula Navamsha Jupiter with Mars in Taurus is not good and Rahu with Moon in the 2nd house . Lagna Lord and the 10thLord strong shows the Strength of the Prime Minister in Position.
    7. Arab Countries attacked Israel in the year 1948, 1967 and1973 and they faced defeat.
    8. Unfortunately the Current Dasha in operation for 18 years of Rahu placed in the 8th house of sudden untoward happenings and attack by the Hamas is due to the Rahu In Transit was stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023 over the natal Rahu and having aspect of the Natal and Transit Saturn and Jupiter and also Rahu in Transit in the 8th house having the aspect of both Mars and Saturn are extremely explosive till the 16th Nov. 2023 and in a broader spectrum till the 30th Nov. 2023
    9. Eclipses of Oct 2023  in the 2/8 axis of the Chart above.
    10. As per the Theory of Inevitability by K N Rao when the Dasha of Rahu is in operation and the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant it is time for the fall and disaster in the Country. Specially Rahu placed in the 7th house as marka in Transit. This would happen after True Rahu  joins the 7th house on the 30th Nov. 2023 and there is also Eclipse in the 1/7 Axis of the Foundation chart on the 8th April 2024 also the same time when The Pisces New Moon Chartwhen Sun and Moon are at the same degrees in Pisces, unfortunately it falling the same day of the Solar Eclipse .
    11. In transit also Saturn from Aquarius aspects the Natal and Transit Rahu in Aries who is in adverse motion from the 1st to 7th Oct. 2023 and Stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023. This parameter is most explosive for a War and Brawl between the Countries taking ugly turn.  Consequently the war is taking an ugly shape .
    12. Rahu is Again in Stationary mode from the 13th to 25th Oct. and then in forward motion till the 29th Oct. 2023 and Stationary again on the 30th Oct. before it regains its normal motion of retrogression. The time frame is parallel to the time of Demonetization in India on the 8th Nov. 2016 and also at the time of the 26th Dec. 2019 Solar Eclipse and identical to the time of big wars of Rahu in most malefic state.
    13. The Mars-Ketu conjunction in the 2nd house and Rahu Jupiter Conjunction in the 8th house played havoc from the Hamas Terrorist Groups and a Proxy war by Iran. Hezobullah and Iran shall shortly pounce again with dimension on Israel will make the War most Ugly in the near future . US and England will keep on Supporting Israel.
    14. The Solar eclipse in the 7th house and dasha of Rahu is explosive for the Country as per the 29th March 2025

    Now See the Lunation Charts of the 4th August and 19th August 2024 as per the Time of Iran .

    Lunation chart of the 4th August 2024 for Iran below

The Placement of the Mars in the 7th house of Wars in the Rasi and the Navamsha is sufficient to indicate war .

The affliction to the Lagna , Lagna Lord , 7th house , 7th Lord  and both Sun and Moon in the navamsha  further add fuel to the burning fire and a Fierce Fight between Israel and Iran is seen from the 4th August fortnight as per the time frames  mentioned in this Article above


Lunation chart of the 19th August 2024 of Iran is below


1.Luminaries afflicted .

2. 7th Lord  afflicted .

3. Vedha between Mars Jupiter and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Chakra as per the above chakras for War

4. Mars Saturn Jupiter and Venus degrees are identical most critical.

5. Mars and Saturn aspect the 8th house

6. See the Navamsha Chart. Luminaries afflicted badly.

7. As per Rashi Tula Navamsha the 1/7 axis of the Lunation chart is afflicted badly  crystal clear points out the Brawl between Israel and Iran will take ugly dimensions.

 Now see the Chart of Iran below of the 1st April 1979 Tehran 15:00 hrs

Dasha of Jupiter Mars in Operation they do not indicate war like conditions but the  Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 over the natal Sun Mercury and Mars indicates trouble for the Country. Another parameter is the Transit Of Mars over the Natal Moon degree-wise on the 3rd August 2024 definitely indicate war like conditions in the Country. The Lunation chart of the 4th August has Mars and Jupiter in the sign Taurus in the 7th house of wars

See the Varshphala Chart of the completion of 45th Year below of IRAN

 As per Book Of Mundane Astrology Guide and Editor K N Rao the following parameters are of Concern for wars as per the Varshphala chart of the Country.

  1. Lagna or Lagna Lord afflicted. Yes
  2. 7th house or the 7th Lord afflicted. If we take the aspect of Rahu then 7th house is also afflicted
  3. Muntha Lord Mars afflicted. Yes
  4. Sun or Moon either of them Afflicted. Yes

All the above parameters are afflicted as per the Rashi and  Navamsha of the Varshphala chart. . 

Hence we come tom the conclusion that there will be fierce fight between Israel and Iran starting from the fortnight of the 4th August 2024 since the Planetary positions in both Lunation charts of the 4th and 19th August 2024 are afflicted . The Affliction in the Varshpahala chart of the completion of the 45th year of Iran is also explosive and indicates the Country will enter into war  with Israel which will be one step from the WW3 as what I have been mentioning in all my Articles on my webpage since the 16th Dec. 2023. The Major Powers of the world can also enter this gruesome war after the 29th March 2025 as explained above.

Saturn and Rahu Conjunction in 1968 in Pisces—- Martin Luther King, the civil rights leader called the Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.

Soviet and Warsaw pact countries invade Czechoslovakia.

Major Earthquake in Iran in 1990 when they were in Capricorn

August 1990 Iraq captures Kuwait.

Gulf War  on Jan 1991.

Air attack of US Forces on Iraq began in Jan 1991

 The ultimate WW# is seen in 2030 with magnitude as predicted in my earlier Articles in May-June 2030 when All planets will be in Taurus and in Rohini specially the Saturn

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

3rd August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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