A Prashna On Relationship By Tamil Jyotish

by astrodocanil

Today in the Morning around 7.39 hrs.  I Got a Call from a female for Consultancy and I could judge the Girl in question is in the age Bracket of Multiple of 12 and to this the Girl Replied in affirmative. and said she was 36 . She had not shared any information about herself  and even then I could make out the Queries in her mind for Marriage, Career and General Prospects in life . Amazingly I was writing this article of Prashna for Disturbed Marital relations  at that point of Time. I could imagine the kind of Mental worries she had but did not disclose the same to her , since the Prashna was not raised at that point of time . I have the permission of my Client to write this article .

In the End May 2017 I had a Prashna Raised by a Querist for a disturbed relationship with his spouse . For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Prashna Details . Why I am writing this  Article is to show how accurate Prashna Jyotish is by Tamil Texts . I had Predicted the return of his spouse who left him and wanted a divorce .The Spouse of the Querist Returned as per exact date and time on the 9th June 2017 after Jupiter became direct. .

The Prashna chart is below 

The Panchang of the Day

The day is Tuesday  and the Lord is Mars   Placed in the 11th house  aspected by Saturn in Retrogression as Lord of the 6th and the 7th house in close degrees and an Ishraaf yoga with Saturn  . It is Placed in the yama of  Venus who is placed in the 8th house and has aspect by 8th Lord from the 2nd house and aspected By the Day Lord Mars and the 6th and the 7th  Lord Saturn . Shows crystal clear of the query for Family relationships and  disturbed marriage .

The Yama Lord Venus in Gandantha — Marriage Disturbed since 27th Jan 2017 ever since Venus has joined Pieces and overstaying in Pieces for 124 days after reaching it s declination point  and shows the Native  is age bracket of 27.5+24 Plus =52 -53 years. This is My Research and whenever there are Disturbed Relations I take the Nodes for this Calculations. Ever since the Marriage of  the native has taken  place there are disturbed marriage relations with his spouse. I predicted that the Marriage is like no marriage and they sleep in the different rooms for the last 8-9 years. The Querist was amazed and replied in affirmative. The Venus in Gandantha and at Declination point indicates the same. In the Birth chart the native has strong Venus but ill placed from all the other Parameters required for Good Marriage

Tithi  SP-6

Nakshatra  Pushya

Yoga Dhruva

Karna  Kaulava Not connected to the 10th house or the 10th Lord

DBA Planets   Saturn, Jupiter Moon  the same are not connected to 2,7, 11 house except  Saturn  Weak Combinations for Good Marriage relations till 6th Feb 2018 till dasha of Mercury starts

The Prashna Moon and the Yama Moon were in 6/8 axis  showing the Extreme Conditions in the Query of Marriage and Separation .

Uday Lagna Leo having Rahu close to Lagna Degrees and a Avyogi Planet and Leo a Dagdha Rashi   Most Malefic

Arudha Lagna also Leo and same as above  Extremely malefic , Hence the Present and the Past are extremely bad and since 9th Jan 2016 the relationship has been strained beyond the limits.  The Native confirmed all the above was on dot .

Chaitra Rashi  Aries  and has Mercury and Venus about to join this sign was a good Parameter and the Bhav bala of Aries was strongest then the Leo the Sign of Uday Lagna and the Arudha Lagna . Mercury was to Stay there till 3rd June and Venus was  Joining this sign on the 31st May 2017, Hence I predicted that he should take the Help of his Son to Talk to her Mother for Reconciliation and also Take the help of a Young or a Beautiful Women. The Native did as I had suggested and since the Query was raised on the Shasti and the Lord to be Propitiated from the Chaitra Rashi and Sun was Mars, I told him to Propitiate Mars the same day . Fortunately things worked and his son talked to her mother to come back  for which she agreed , but latter there were some hindrances since Mercury changed sign on the 3rd June and left the Chaitra Rashi. I had already told him to contact his spouse through a Beautiful women, which the native did and was successful . I told the native that his spouse will return on the 9th  June 2017 night after  Jupiter becomes direct at 19.32 hrs. Amazingly the same happened and the spouse returned exactly after this time yesterday.

Malefic Combinations for Repeatition

Since the Nodes are in the 1/7 axis and approaching the MEP of the Lagna the native has to be careful after  the following Dates are Repeat issues due to Saturn retrogression.

  1. After 21st June 2017 when the 7th Lord enters in fallen state in the 4th house of happiness
  2. When Venus leaves the sign Aries and will fall on his natal Venus in the 12th house ill placed from the other parameters .
  3. When Rahu-Ketu fall on the MEP on the 22nd August 2017 at the time of the Solar Eclipse

The Lagna is Fixed and in Gandantha the fructification will not take place properly and may fail

7th Lord falling in Gandantha soon after 9th June 2017 and fallen on the 21st June 2017

Yama Moon and the Prashna Moon in 6/8 axis

Dasha Lords of the Birth Chart Rahu-Jupiter ill placed in the Prashna chart since Jupiter as the 8th and 5th Lord will be in Stationary position till 13th June and aspected y Mars and Saturn

Avyogi Rahu in Lagna and Dagdha Rahi in Gandantha Leo

Lagna has Rahu and the dispositor of Sun Lagna Lord in the 8th house in Gandantha

Moon strong but in Paap Kartari yoga

Navamsha Movabale having Debilitated Saturn  and Moon in Debilitation with Ketu

Malefic in Lagna like Rahu can repeat the same pattern after 7 to 9 years

Venus placement and declination will also behave like this with magnitude about the same time as the Nodes .

Venus Placement in the 8th house the Native will suffer all kind of Troubles in marriage

Chandra abhilashi Rashi is  Aries  and Navamsha sign is also Aries , when Moon transits these signs one has to be careful in Marital relations

Yoga Shukra  Is Virgo 24degrees and 4 minutes 

Yama Shukra Lord is Sun and Lord of 10th house Venus

The Settlement may become difficult , Hence till 6th Feb 2018 they may be again  at daggers drawn and separate it so seems

The DBA Planets are not condusive to give good Results till 10th Sept. 2017  and till 6th Feb 2018. On the 6th Feb 2018 the Native dasha of the malefic Planets Rahu-Jup ends in the birth chart where Jupiter is 1st grade marak . Hence he has to be careful in relationships till 6th Feb. 2018

Prashna chart helped me in the Birth rectification time , my another Research 

Tamil Astrology Principles are amazing and hit the nail on the head 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 9th June  2017  Time 21-10 hrs. New Delhi
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
  • Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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  • Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US
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