Case Study of Marriage Of A Male By Tamil Texts

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to discuss the Marriage of a Male Native and for Reasons best known I will not disclose the Birth details  to keep the secrecy of the Native

The Chart is below

The Panchang Parameters 

The Native is Born on Tuesday and the Lord of the Day Mars  is placed in the 10th house digbali as the Lord of the 6th and the 11th house . Mars is Malefic for the native

Tithi SP-10

Nakshatra Magha

Yoga Gand

Karna Gar  and the Lord is totally Combusted a Strong malefic Parameter

Garbshishta is Ketu-Venus

Lagna has Rahu and is  the Lagna in the nakshatra of Mars who is the day Lord and Placed in the 10th house digbali. Mars attains the status of a Malefic Planet

From the above it is clear of the Planetary Positions  and the Current Dasha Running is Rahu -Jupiter from the 18-9-2015 to 6-2-2018

We have to analyse the marriage of this Native. The Following Parameters are important while analyzing the Marriage of a Native

  1. Promise For  the Marriage

7th house from the Lagna, Moon and Venus are the Important factors. From Lagna is the Physical condition of the Marriage from Moon the mental condition and from Venus the Sexual condition of Marriage . 7th Lord is Totally combusted and aspected by Saturn 

For Gemini Lagna Jupiter is the Bhadak, Marka and has Kendra adhipati dosh  and when afflicted will behave like a Mad elephant and since has the capacity to ruin the Jungle . Jupiter has the Capacity to Ruin the native . In the chart Jupiter is a 1st Class Marak and Killer 

7th house from Lagna has Ketu , 7th from Moon has Saturn in own sign

7th from Venus is aspected By Saturn and Venus . The afflictions are there but not much but 7th from Venus aspected by Saturn is not very good for Good Marital Relations , Since Saturn and Jupiter are connected and Saturn as the 8th Lord and Jupiter as the 7th Lord  and 7th Lord afflicted Badly

2nd House of the Kutumb

Karka Venus  Placed in the 12th house in own sign

Up Graha Rahu Placed in the Lagna and the dispositor in the 11th house

Bhavat Bhavam has Rahu

Saptama roodh Leo aspected by Jupiter and Saturn and has Moon. Dasha for the Native adverse for Marriage  Mars, Jupiter,Mercury  

MCL of the 7th house  Nakshatra is Poorva shadha and Lord is Venus 

Navamsha Libra and Lord is again Venus  and in Navamsha it is in the sign of Cancer the 2nd House of the chart and with Ketu

2.Promise from the Garbshishta 

3. Parameters 

Jupiter, Mars, Rahu Transit  Jupiter in the 4th house, Saturn in the 7th house  and Rahu over Moon in the Present Transit

Vimshottari Dasha   Rahu-Jup  till 6-2-2018

Mangal Dosh From Moon

Doshasamyam  of Husband and Wife

Viviha Saham For Mariage Timing

Let me now Briefly analyse the chart for Marriage 

Karka Venus is Placed in the own sign  in the 12th house . Venus is the 2nd and the 7th Lord of the natural Zodiac and Exhalts in the 12th house . Hence Since Venus is Placed in the 12th house in own sign and Fast Friends with the Lagna Lord it will give Marriage

Promise is not good due to the following Reasons 

7th Lord Combusted totally and afflicted by Saturn  and Jupiter thus becomes 1st Rate Marak, But since Venus is own house in the 12th house and attributes the 2nd From it Beneficaince  and Garbshishta Planet Gave Marriage

Unfortunately Venus Karka for Marriage  is Ill Placed from the Following Parameters 

  1. 7th house 
  2. 7th Lord . 
  3. As MCL of 7th House ill placed from the above 
  4. Ill Placed from Lagna and Lagna Lord 
  5. ill placed from 5th house 
  6. Ill placed from Saptama Roodh Lord Sun
  7. Up Pada Ill Placed from all above 
  8. Venus afflicted in Navamsha and as per Rashi Tula Navamsha entered the 2nd House of Kutumb with Ketu
  9. From Venus the 4,8 and 12th house are afflicted  


Year of Marriage

As Per Ketu Principle Counting from the dispositor of Ketu  we get the Year where the Karka for Marriage or the 7th Lord or the Up Karka for marriage is Placed who so ever is strong will give marriage . Now Counting till Venus is 26 and till Up Karka Rahu is 27 years Hence the Marriage will take Place after 26-27 year

As Per Declination of Venus 24+ 36 months = 27 years completion Marriage will Take

As Per Vedic Progression chart Venus Satisfying the Conditions for Marriage to happen but what  like no marriage ?

Parameters for Timing Date  of Marriage

The 8 Parameters for Timing satisfying

Date also exactly as per Tamil texts Principles

Amazingly the Marriage of the native took place exactly after 27th year. Although the Marriage took place but it like no marriage  due to the above Parameters

As I have Mentioned above the Dasha of Jupiter is Most malefic and ever since the Dasha of Rahu-Jupiter has started the Relations between the native and his spouse have aggravated and the spouse has left the native

The aggravation took place when Rahu Transitted over the Natal Moon the Lord of the Kutumb after 9th Jan 2016 and troubling the native since then and exactly when Ketu Transitted over the Natal Saturn at 9.19 degrees in March 2017 and then When Rahu Transitted over the natal Moon at 2-4 degrees in the Month of May 2017 . The Spouse separated . As can be seen the spouse is under the influence of her Father .

The Dasha till Rahu-Jupiter is  bad for the native  and In the Present Transit June 2017 Transit Jupiter is in the 4th house Stationary  and afflicted by the 6th and the 8th Lord in Transit .

Venus the Karka for Marriage has over stayed in Pieces for 124 days from 27th Jan 2017   and has sprouted untoward happenings for many. In the above case it is ill placed from the 7th Lord and aspecting the 7th Lord in Transit . Natal Venus and Transit Venus are 3/11 hence the Venus significations ince weak will give negative results . After 31st May Venus over the 7th Lord and the Saptmarudh Lord when Venus goes over Venus on the 29th June 2017 will further aggravate the things to highest dimension till Jul 26 2017.

Tamil Astrology Principles are amazing and hit the nail on the head 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 8th June  2017  Time 17-00 hrs. New Delhi
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