Amazing Predictions For Career By Shakun,Omens And Birth Date Only

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to discuss the Predictions given by Omens and Shakun at the time when the Querist had put a Query regarding his Career. There were some Problems and the issues were not getting sorted out in his company. At the time of Putting the Query I was loading my Video on the Youtube through the Mobile recordings . It so happened that I was not able to load the Video on the Yputube for the last 2-3 days but when the Querist approached me I had already Loaded about 95% of the Video and when the Querist finished his query the Video was completely loaded on the Youtube.

I gave the following Predictions

1. The Issues in the Company of the Querist will be sorted out and in his favour. The Reason is clearly that I had issue loading the Video recordings which were done 100% at the time the Querist had put the Query

2. The Problems started in the company after Rahu had ingressed in Cancer sign after the 9th Sept. 2017. The Time elasped from this date to the day of Query was 466 days and when he had put the Query. Now since the Video was completely loaded I told him he would receive a positive News with in a Day and the complete fructification in his favour with a Promotion will take place = 466×100/95 = 490 days Hence from 466 days and the Balance days left are only 24 which would mean it is 14th Jan 2019. This Date is when Sun would ingress in his 8th house and will be eclipsed by Ketu and Sun is the Boss

3. The Querist Informed me that He got Positive News the very next day on the 21st Dec. 2018 that the Senior in his company who was creating issues for him has been asked to resign and may be releved from the Office Soon.

4. I had earlier told him that after Sun and Saturn join Sagitarius after the 16th Dec. 2018 would bring relief for Him. Sagitarius sign being the 7th house, the 10th from 10th the Sookshma Sthan of the Career and when Sun goes in the sign Capricorn the Boss may have to leave. Sun is the Boss and Combusting Saturn and then joining the Saturn house Capricorn on the 14th Jan. 2019 and getting Eclipsed in Capricorn by Ketu on the Lunar Eclipse day the 21st Jan. 2019 will bring Disaster for the Boss.
The Date of Birth of the Boss is 30th Nov. 1973 but time of Birth is not known . Even then I had Predicted That 2nd Jan. 2019 the Day when Saturn and Sun are degree conjunct will be the worst for him. Since as per the Earlier Transit of Ketu over his natal Jupiter in Debilitation at 14 degrees 17th May 2018 he was asked to Resign as a Director of the Company. Ketu proved most Venomous for him in Transit over the natal Jupiter , Now the Transit Ketu is reaching the Natal Venus degrees and the same Navamsha when Sun and Saturnin Transit will also be degree Conjunct, the Company Car will be taken back from him. I had told the Querist . Now Surprisingly only yesterday I was Told by the Querist that Reliable sources said the Boss had resigned and the Company Car soon will be taken back by the Company. I told Him 2nd Jan . 2019 will prove most Venomous for him and by 14th jan. 2019 he may no longer be in the Company

Written on 23rd Dec. 2018 15-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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