Stunning Results Through Prashna Jyotish For Wife Pregnancy Through Prashna Jyotish Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

On the 21st of this month Dec.2018 at 16.52.17 hrs a querist approached me and wanted to know when will he become a father of a child? The Querist is 1989 Born. I was positive for the query even before I had opened the Prashna chart and looking at the Prashna chart with in a minute I told him his wife is Pregnant which took place 3 days back on the 18th Dec. 2018. The Querist was much surprised and also delighted to learn this. The Querist went back home and gave the news to his wife and then they went for the Pregnancy test which confirmed Pregnancy. The Querist who did not believe in Astrology was much thrilled since he aspired to become a Father but was not successful for the last 2 years .
How I was able to see even with out opening the Chart
1. As per Prashna Triangle which can be just done in a minute in your minute I could see the Planet influencing the Qyery was Mercury and In Transit I knew Mercury and Jupiter were degree conjunct and Probably in the 7th house as per the Query time which also had aspect of Moon Exhalted. Moon is Strong and connected to Jupiter the Karka for Child Birth and also the 5th Lord Mercury .

2. On opening the Prashna chart I found Moon Exhalted in the Lagna and 7th house had Conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury degree-wise Mercury the 5th Lord . Jupiter and Mercury conjunction at 15 degrees and Moon at 18 Degrees , hence ishraaf Yoga and a Poorna ithasla 3 days back. From this I concluded in a minute that his wife is pregnant since 3 days
3. Mercury and Jupiter both Vargottam in Navamsha
See the Navamsha and the Saptamasha Charts , There are positives. Since the Querist did not ask for any more details. I did not do any more Predictions . In fact when He asked when will he become a Father I had suggested that He should Plan when Jupiter is out of affliction since in the near future Jupiter will be afflicted badly. The Child may be Born in this case when Jupiter is afflicted fallen and also Retrograde in Scorpio. 5th House has aspect of Mars and Saturn and in Navamsha 5th house has Ketu aspected by Mars are some negatives for the Prashna .

Lets have a look at the chart below

As per Jyotish Shastra if in the Prashna chart Moon is related to the 5th Lord and the Karka for Children Jupiter in auspicious houses then there is Promise for progeny. Hence we can Predict that the Querist will become a father with in a year. The Fructificationis also indicated by the Ishraaf yoga of the Moon , Mercury and Jupiter as explained above. The query was also in the Hora of Jupiter and the Day was friday both are positive for the query.

Lagna is fixed and aspected by Jupiter and Mercury and Exhalted Moon in Lagna the query is regarding a pregnant women.Venus exhalted and aspects the navamsha Lagna shows the women in question is pregnant.

The query is by a male and and Venus and Sun in own sign or navamsha in upchaya houses, here Venus is in own sign and 6th house
Rahu posited in Uday Lagna, Arudha or in Chaitra sign the women in question is pregnant.
5th lord is placed in shirshodayo sign is good for the query
5th House has aspectt of Saturn and Mars is not good.
5th lord, Jupiter and Moon in even signs a female child. Moon in exhaltation a healthy child.
Since the 5th house is aspected by malefics 2nd, 4th and 6th Month are problematic Since the Planet Karka for 2nd Month is Mars and 4th Month is Sun placed in the 8th house with Saturn who aspects the 5th house and Karka for the 6th Month
BEJA SPUTHA Aquarius 10.23 degrees and Navamsha is Capricorn and Saptamsha is Aries and Mars is connected to all these 3 Beja Sputha amshas and afflicted in the Rashi and Navamsha. Sun and Saturn in the 8th house are not good. Moon is ill placed in the Yama sign of Sagitarius which is the 8th house of the chart and Yama Moon and the Prashna Moon are in 6/8 axis is not good for the query , more so the 8th house is afflicted and has the 4th Lord , 9th and the 10th Lord placed there
Adoption of surgical procedure in delivery is clearly reflected by involvement of Mars with the 5th house/5th Lord, here Mars aspects the 5th house. In the saptamsha chart Mars is with 5th Lord and Jupiter.
Jupiter is not under affliction along with 8th Lord although the 8thhouse is afflicted and shows some concern of C-Section and surgical intervention in the 9th Month
Since the 9th Navamsha is running and about to finish. The Pregnancy is just 3 days old on the 21st Dec. 2018
Prashna is during the Day time and Nocturnal sign is rising but the Lagna Lord is strong in the day, hence the Child will be born during the day
There are negatives and the Querist has to take care in the Months mentioned and Proper care during the above months.

The Uday Lagna is Strongand Arudha Lagna is Gemini since the native was facing South East and Chaitra Rashi is Taurus and is strong , But Caution sinmce the Arudha Lagna is aspected by Sun and Saturn from the 8th house

Written on 27th Dec. 2018 15-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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