Prashna Jyotish For Native’s Disease Jupiter As 6th Lord Attichari Helps In Early Recovery Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu Rog Karnam in the 2 charts discussed in the article 1. Prashna chart 2. Event chart when the native was hospitalised Rahu and Ketu are in the 1/7 axis is most malefic Parameter in the charts discussed below

One of My Student from US called me up and asked me when his mother-in-law will get rid of her diseases. The Prashna was asked on the 21st Nov. 2018 at 21.54 hrs. I  told him that I will get back to him after studying the Prashna chart  which is below


Panchang of the Day 

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the 5th house of the chart in Retrogression as the Lord of the 3rd and the 12th house and also the Gulika Lord . The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Sagitarius and is also at the junction of the Scorpio and the Sagitarius sign is most malefic parameter in the Prashna chart, since the Lord of Scorpio is placed in the 8th house of the chart and has aspects of 8th Lord and the Lord of the Sign Sagitarius is placed in the 5th house with Day Lord , Gulika Lord ,Sun and Jupiter. The sign Lord Jupiter  is also the 6th Lord and is Combust . Sun is 5.14 and Jupiter is 8.48 degrees and Jupiter will be totally combusted on the 27-28th Nov. 2018. The Worst is the Dispositor of Jupiter and the Day Lord is placed in the 8th house  having aspect of 8th Lord Saturn from the 6th house .

The Yoga is Variyan and the Lord is Jupiter and also the 6th Lord , it is ill placed from the 6th house and Rog Karka Ketu is placed in the 7th house  in paap kartari yoga, since we have Saturn and Mars gripping from either side . Gulika and  Jupiter the Yoga Lord and the 6th Lord is ill placed from Moon. In the navamsha chart the Yoga Lord Jupiter and the 6th Lord is ill placed from Moon and the Disease giver Ketu, hence the disease cannot be cured .

D6 Shashtamsa Chart

Here it is in Earthy sign and in the 7th house and ill placed from the Ketu the disease giver . Jupiter the Yoga Lord and the 6th Lord of the Rashi Chart is ill placed from Ketu placed in the 12th house , hence there will be frequent visits to the hospital  and the disease may not be cured , Since Sun is with Jupiter the diseases could be pertaining to Sun and connected to Bones . Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are all in Sarp Dreshkanne and disease giver . The Lord of 64 N is Mars and 22DK is Saturn  are another malefic Parameters and since placed in the trik bhavas in the rasi chart are most malefic and hence difficulty in cure due to Placement of 6th Lord in the Lagna of the D6 chart

D8 Ashtamsha Chart 

8th Lord of the Rashi Chart Saturn is placed in the 6th house who is also the 8th Lord of the D8 chart and aspecting by Rahu and Ketu indicates that the Diseases are mainly due to Accidents and crippling ones and pertaining to Bones since the Sun in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn the 8th Lord 

Parameters which acquire a special dimension

1.Mars , Jupiter and Saturn very close to MEP of Lagna look at the Lagna degrees and the degrees of Jupiter and Mars  they are at the MEP and so is Saturn  who is in Nakshatra gandantha as the 8th Lord and Karka for Longevity 

2. Gulika Virgo 21.29 degrees hence in the Navamsha of  Cancer . Hence Moon is Gulika Navamsha Lord 

3. Mrityu Sphuta  Pieces 5.37 degrees 

4. Deha Sphuta Capricorn 23.30 degrees 

5. Pran Sphuta Aquarius 4.37 degrees 

Between the above 3 papameters the  Mrityu sputa is the greatest , hence not good for cure and the Longevity of the Patient

6. Malefic Rahu in the Lagna disease cannot be cured by the physician on the contrary the disease will become complicated one .

7.Cancer sign the sign rising from behind  and a Malefic Saturn as the 8th Lord in Gandantha is not good in the 6th house.

8. Arudha Lagna is Capricorn and having disease karka Ketu in Paap Kartari yoga . Lagna and Arudha Lagna prishtodayo no cure 

9. Chaitra Rashi is Sagitarius a dual sign and the 6th house of the chart having Saturn in affliction  and most malefic .

10.Moon Lagna Lord in Kendra and a Planet in the 6th house Saturn under affliction and the 6th Lord combusted  indicates untoward happenings to the Patient .

11. When Arudha Lagna is capricorn and affliction by malefics and specially Ketu placed there  the Native will not be able to walk and diseases of Saturn will sprout  and this combination is extremely malefic for the patient 

12. The 6th Lord in fixed sign and the dispositor in the 8th house  recovery not possible and 6th Lord still not crossed the 15 degree mark when the disease will be at the maximum after 20th Dec. 2018

13. Jupiter will become attichari and the recovery  may seem to be fast but  asper the above date will take a most malefic shape 

14. 6th Sign of the Natural Zodiac Virgo  has Gulika  is not good and the Navamsha sign of Gulika is Cancer where Rahu is Placed in the Lagna 

15. Gulika influences the 6th Lord , Moon  and Saturn in the Navamsha  is not good for the Longevity of the native .

16. Gulika sign is aspected by both Mars and Saturn most malefic parameter

17.There is ishraaf yoga between the Lagna Lord and Saturn the 8th Lord  is most malefic parameter for the survival of the Patient and recovery , Saturn also has Ithasla with Mars in the 8th house and the difference is  3 degrees , hence 3 days/ weeks  are critical for the patient , Specially when Jupiter is totally combusted , Jupiter also has Ishraaf yoga with Mars , hence these combinations do not indicate good for the Patient. Critical Period when Rahu turns adverse from the 26th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2018 

Let us also Analyse asper the time she was first Hospitalised on the 17th May 2018 at 02-02 hrs  US Columbus Ohio

The Most malefic Parameter in the above chart is Lagna Lord Saturn is placed in the 8th house from Moon and the 8th Lord Sun.The above Prashna chart is the 7th house of the this chart . The above chart shows when Rahu and Ketu crossed the Lagna degrees of 21 in Jan. 2018 first week was most malefic , When Mars and Ketu Conjunction was also most malefic on the 10-11th June and then on the 26th Sept. 2018.  When Mars reached the Lagna degrees on the 21st Oct. 2018 and When Mars has shifted in the sign Aquarius the 8th House of Prashna and the 2nd house of the above chart malefic happenings on the 7th Nov. 2018.

The D6 and D8 Charts show crystal clear of the happenings , 6th Lord influenced by Rahu and Ketu along with Saturn in D6 and in D8 by Ketu , hence serious accidents and Connection with Bones 

Lagna Lord  Saturn as per the above chart is in the Navamsha of Sun and Sun is in the first Navamsha and Sun Takes 6 months and is also Karka for Bones and Life giving Force  Adding 6 Months to the date of 17-5-2018 = 17th Nov. 2018 and indicates malefic happenings after this date  specially when Moon is afflicted and goes in Taurus or Cancer after 26th Nov. 2018 and the most critical date will be 2nd Dec. 2018 when Moon is over the Gulika sign Virgo afflicted by Mars and Saturn and Sun in Dwadamsha of Taurus. 


Written on 24th Nov.. 2018 8.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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