Prashna Jyotish Gives Heart Throbbing Results For Querist

by astrodocanil

One of the most exciting Experience which I had today was a  Mook Prashna by a Client from Dubai.  As per the Time in Singapore 15-10 hrs today 30th May 2015 , An old Friend and a Client had the following conversation with me .

Hi sir
Just wanted to share a good news
Any guess??? .
Now see the  Chart of the Query on 30th May 2015 15-10 hrs Singapore
Day is Saturday and Moon in the nakshatra of Mars . Since Venus Acquires a special dimension  and Jupiter Exhalted aspecting the 5th house and so many Planets influencing the 9th house and 5th Lord , I could make out it was a Good news of Child birth. I was just about to tell him and , he told me that he was blessed with a Baby Boy .
I then asked him if it was a C section delivery and he answered in affirmative . He then Asked me if i could tell him the Place and  I told him away from Home and in the North East Direction, He was totally amazed on this , Since it was in US . I then asked him if he travelled before the 2nd May 2015  to US and again it was
so exciting for him as he travelled on the 1st May 2015 . Then I told him that the dasha  he would be running would be connected to Jupiter-Venus and in return he told me that he was running thre Dasha of Jup-Ketu and in his chart in Libra  and for nodes we have to see the dispositor ,. He was again taken aback. I told him that this should be the 3rd Trial for the child , since 2 earlier ones would have failed and amazingly he said i am 100% correct  . The Native came back on the 27th May and the Child was Born on the 18th May 2015.
Now let me give the analysis of the same how i reached the Query and the details of the same .
1.  The Query is Jeeva Query and about a Women who was Pregnant , Rahu in Lagna .
2. Venus the 9th Lord  in Rajyoga about to meet the Karka for Child birth Jupiter who is  aspecting the 5th house and 5th Lord Saturn .
3.5th Lord Saturn aspecting the house of Conception and also the house of child birth.
4. C Section combinations in the chart and Mars the Karka for operations involved in it .
5. Child birth will only take place after 2nd May to 30th May 2015  as per Venus Transit .
6.  Moon has to Activate the 5th house/lord  and Mars for C section and would only be possible on the 18th May when Moon transits over the 9th House and activate all the parameters, time will be as per Place of Birth  .
7.According to Prashna Principles for direction, Since from SunRise 8 hrs. were completed the House which is important is Sagitarius and there is no Planet , now we have to see the direction of Jupiter in the yama chart which is  North East Direction and hence US, Now since Saturn and Mars are making a connection with 12th house the hospital and for C section it has to be abroad. Now  Since Saturn the 5th Lord has connection with Jupiter and for Foreign Travel both are essential to activate the Foreign Travel.
8.5th Lord in Retrogression and in inimical sign, 3th Attempt for child birth  will be successful
9. The Lagna nakshatra is Haste and Moon has to be in Lagna for the native to be back home and the date is 27th May 2015,Also Venus will go in Cancer on the 30th , hence he has to be back before this period .
10.Ketu his Antar Dasha Lord in the natal chart in the 1/7 axis and in the nakshatra of Saturn.
11.DBA Planets all connected to 5th Lord Saturn and showing the event crystal clear.
Astrology is most  amazing
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 30th May 2015 18-00 hrs

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