Will The Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the Global Economy

by astrodocanil

As Per China Institute of International Studies  link http://www.ciis.org.cn/english/2011-11/18/content_4635120.htm .The U.S. economy has experienced vigorous development as well as “decline” Three times in the more than 200 years since the founding of the United States. The first “decline” of the U.S. economy occurred in the 1930s when the capitalist world was in the great economic depression. The second “decline” took place in the 1970s and 80s during which the international competitiveness of U.S. commodities and capital decreased drastically. The third “decline” occurred during the recent financial crisis in 2007 . The reasons and results of the three “declines” are totally different. Following the first two “declines”, the United States entered a new stage of economic growth through reform and innovation. There are still lots of uncertainties whether the U.S. economy would be able to recover this time, but it seems certain that one, the United States has fallen from the peak of economic hegemony and it is unable to change the trend of plural development of the world economy in the 21st century even if its economy could resurge, and two, the U.S. economy remains strong and will witness a fairly long period of development in the wake of fresh scientific and technological revolution.

Let us see what lead to the Recession in US with the Primary Parameter of the Nodes in the Leo-Aquarius Axis in the 3 Economy declines.

Let us  First see the Chart of US as Per Shri K.N Rao  of  4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs . Philadelphia PA USA .


USA has Leo Lagna in the nakshatra of U Phalguni and the Lord of the Lagna and the Lagna Nakshatra is Sun and Placed in the 11th house with 3 more planets , showing the concentration of the energy of the Planets in the 11th house and making it a strong nation with International relations and gains from other nations  . Mars placed there with the 3rd  lord Venus and  mutual aspect of Saturn the 6th and 7th lord makes it war mongering . From the above periods of Recession in the country it has been observed that the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna specially when Jupiter was also afflicted had brought about major Recession in the Country.

Rahu-Ketu approximately Come back to the signs in 18 years and Jupiter in approximately 12 years , now between them the Lowest Common factor is 6 years . Hence  Jupiter and Nodes conjuction can take place every 6 years  from the  placement in one sign.We would use this Parameter of the Nodes and Jupiter Cyclic cycle to locate the same in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart of the Country to see if  these 2 parameters are responsible for the 3 Recessions in the Country at different times .

Now Let us see the Time of the Eclipse in the year 1932 when the Major Recession took place in US

 At the time of First Decline of Economyin 1930- 1932 .

Solar Eclipse on the 31st August 1932  14.54 hrs .and Lunar Eclipse on the 14th Sept. 1932 17.50.50 hrs Chart below.

I am taking the chart of Lunar Eclipse since Mars will activate the Eclipse point very soon by 8th aspect and Degrees of Lumanaries very close to nodes.


The Eclipse has Taken place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and very close degrees of the Lagna . Lagna is 29.47 and the Eclipse Degrees are 24.12 and Sun and Moon at 28.53 degrees. The combination of Rahu -Ketu and Jupiter affliction by Nodes is Predominant in this Eclipse. Another Parameter in this Eclipse is the  Saturn and Mars are having mutual aspect and Mars is also Deblitated and Mars activating the Eclipse point very soon by 8th aspect. Saturn and Mars ill placed from Nodes.All Planets in Rahu-Ketu axis as well.

In the above Eclipse chart majorly parameters afflicted  which are responsible for the Economic Decline in the country are the  Following.

1.The 1/7 axis getting afflicted in the Eclipse. Lagna  is the most important house of the chart and represents the  People and the general condition of the country, behaviour at the time of emergency, National Disaster. The Lagna also shows the condition of the cabinet  and since Lagna is afflicted it adversely influences the same .Lagna Lord is Sun and in the Eclipse. These combination make the Chart Precarious. 7th House is Wars , Enemies,  Foreign Secret agents, International affairs, Disputes relation with other countries  Agreements , Alliances, Immorality and Treaties.Here the 7th Lord is Saturn and Afflicted by Deblitated Mars , thereby Total affliction to the 1/7 axis and the Lords of the houses.

2.  Jupiter Karaka for Wealth and Finance . Jupiter gets afflicted in 4 ways Retrogression, Combustion, Deblitation,In Rahu-Ketu axis  forming Guru Chandal yoga. Kendra from Jupiter under affliction..Planet  Jupiter  Getting  afflicted  will adversely influence the Speculation,  Foreign Affairs , Education,   Banks, Treasury, Finance, Revenues,  Prosperity,  Capitalism, Buisness in the country. Lawyers and Judicairy all will be adversely afflicted , if  Jupiter is  afflicted . Sun and Jupiter have a big role in the trend of the weather conditions in the country .  The Chart above is showing crystal clear the afflictions on the 3 Parameters . Leo-Aquarius Axis is badly afflicted .  As per cycles of Rahu and Jupiter , they will meet every 6 years from the Placement from one sign and for Rahu and Ketu to be in Lagna irt will be every 18 years and jupiter every 12 years ,hence after 36  years they will again meet at in the signs where they meet at the time of the Sept 1932 Eclipse , which is Approximately end of  August 1969 there was Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the foundation chart  , but Jupiter was in Virgo, The effects were less but there in 1970.

At the time of 2nd Decline in Economy 1980.

  Lunar Eclipse on the 2nd March 1980 The  Solar Eclipse took place on the 16th Feb 1980 04-51 hrs. See the chart below

Eclipse 1980

The 1980 Eclipse above was also crucial since Mars is also in the Eclipse and activating the Eclipse point  very soon . From the above it is crystal clear of the events in 1980 in US and all Parameters were afflicted as  per Parameters explained above in the 1932 Eclipse .

At the time of 3rd Decline in Economy  in 2007.

Let us see the chart of the Eclipse on 3rd March 2007 at 18.18 hrs.

The Parameters mentioned above are totally satisfying for the decline of Economy as mentioned above .

Eclipse 2007

Let us now see the Eclipse of the 8th March 2016 20-54 hrs. what ir foretells


The Parameters are the worst among all the Eclipses taken so far from 1932 to 2007

Let us see the common Factors in the 4 Eclipses and see what could emerge in the future eclipse of the 8th March 2016

Date of Eclipse         Eclipse point           Jupiter Affliction in Leo            Mars and Saturn involvement                     Remarks

14-9-1932                         24.12                            With Ketu at 14.54 degrees                  In 1/7 axis and 6/8 axis from Nodes       Mars Deblitated and Saturn Retrograde

16-2-1980                           5.42                            With Mars and Rahu at 12.48               Mars with Rahu and Saturn in 2/12          Mars will shortly Aspect the Eclipse point

3-3-2007                            22.10                            Jupiter in Kendra from Eclipse          1/7 axis  and 6/8 axis from Nodes             Mars Exhalted and Saturn in Cancer

8-3-2016                            27.42                            Jupiter with Rahu at 24.08 R                Mars and Saturn Conjunct in Scorpio    Mars aspecting Eclipse point and Saturn Jup and Rah

1. In all the cases the Eclipses have taken place in the Leo-Aquarius axis of the Foundation chart, which is extremely  the vital parameter for recession in Economy for the Country .

2. In al;l cases the Eclipses have taken place when Lumanries are very close to the Nodes.

3. In All cases Jupiter has been in Rahu-Ketu axis in Leo and afflicted badly.Only One Case Kendra from Jupiter Eclipses , whixh again makes Jupiter weak

4. In all cases Mars and Saturn have been influencing the Eclipse or placed in 1/7 axis with each other and in 2/12  and 6/8 axis from the nodes.

5. There are 2 Prominent features in the Foundation  chart of US ,Mars and Saturn Mutual aspect and Jupiter Combusted with in 7 degrees of Sun .

6.  in the Present context US  running the Dasha of Mars-Mercury till 12-4-2016  and at the time of the Eclipse in March 2016 it will be Mars-Mercury-Saturn .

7. One of the most Crucial parameter in the Eclipse of the 8th March 2016 is all the Planets are in Rahu-Ketu axis  and Mars and Saturn both Conjunct and placed in Kendra and aspecting the Nodes is a very Crucial Parameter in this Solar Eclipse. In this Eclipse the Lumanaries are in the Airy sign  and in Earthy Navamsha . Jupiter badly afflicted and very close to Rahu and aspected by Saturn as well in close degrees . Mars is the ammunation dump in cases of Eclipses and is aspecting the Eclipse point in Aquarius makes every thing crystal clear that the Malefic effects of the Eclipse will surface very soon. See the degrees of the Lumanaries and the Nodes. in fact this Eclipse could be even worse than the 1932 eclipse . This Eclipse will be visible in the  South east Asia, Pacific and Indian Ocean, North east Australia. Saturn and Mars in Earthy Navamsha also indicate  major losses of lives and Property in the fortnight from 8th March 2015 with Cyclones, Tornodas and a Strong Earthquake.

As mentioned USA is a war mongering Country by its Placement of Mars and Saturn mutual aspect and US Running the Dasha of Mars-Mercury at Present , there is every possibility of US intervention by its Military attack on the hideouts of the ISIS in Iraq, and all Islamic States and may lose , since Mercury the Antar Dasha Lord is placed in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis of losses . Mars Transit over the Natal Mars on the 15th June 2015 in the Foundation chart of US will activate the War mongering tendencies and US May Jump with Military attack on the hideouts of ISIS in a Big way. The Effects of the recession may start to be visible soon it so seems after 2nd June to 19th June 2015 when Venus and jupiter will conjuct in the 12th house of the US over the Antar Dasha Lord  Mercury, this classical conjuction of Venus and Jupiter in Mundane astrology indicates bloodshed on Earth. Mars will also activate the Eclipse point of April lunar Eclipse in virgo between the 1st July to 22nd July and more so till 10th July 2015 . The Eclipses in the month of march and April took place in the 2/8 axis of the Foundation chart of US.

At the time of the Eclipse of the 8th March 2016, dasha of Mars-Mercury-Saturn will be in operation till 12-4-2016 and then Mars-Ketu-Ketu. Mars is aspecting Ketu in the 6th house by 8th aspect and Ketu is Placed in the sign of Saturn and as already mentioned Mars and Saturn have return aspect .Hence there is every Possibility that US  may be again trapped in a Economy Decline , although it is a well developed nation and may be able to handle the situations in the dasha of Mars- Sun .

The Eclipse of the 8-9th March 2016 will be in the 4/10 axis of India and in the 2/8 axis of China, could also be influenced by the ill effect of the same and Economy decline and Earthquake. Delhi has Scorpio Lagna for ill effects and the Eclipse will be in the 4/10 axis , hence Delhi could also be influenced by an Earthquake then.

As per the Paksha Kundali or the Solar Eclipse taking place in the 12th house of the chart , the following Parameters can sprout with magnitude .

1.Foreign spies.

2.Underground movements,

3.Terrorist Attacks on the Govt.

4. Labor Unrest .

5. Strikes and Representations with Anger

6. All Type of Scams will Sprout.

7. Close aspect of Malefic Planets  on the Lumanries and the Benevolent Jupiter in Affliction is indicative of Economic meltdown and stagnation and nosedive between 9th March 2016 to Middle Oct. 2016

8. Eclipse in the Airy sign Cyclones , Earthquakes, since Earthy signs are afflicted

9. Mars aspects the Eclipse sign and when goes in Retrogression on the 17th April 2016 and in stationary position from 13th April to 21st April can be explosive along with when Mars aspects the Aquarius Sign in Transit Navamsha between the 3rd May to 16th May 2016, more so between 3rd may to 5th May 2016 , Explosive situations , Mercury will also be in Retrogression and Combust. jupiter Stationary ansd aspected by Saturn degreewise and Jupiter aspecting Sun Degreewise and dispositor of Sun in the 8th from Sun in Retrogression. 

10. 4 Planets in Retrogression, Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis with Sun most Crucial parameter for Earthquakes, Terrorism  and signification of planets Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Mars , damage to Kings and kingly Countries is on the cards along with Meltdown in Economy.

11. Solar Eclipse taking place on the 1st Sept. 2016 is another Parameter which will escalate the Parameters of the 9th March 2016

12. Planetary cycles sprout their Results  with Magnitude finally when Jupiter and Mercury are in Virgo sign in the 1st week of Oct. 2016


In fact the Effect of the Financial Break in the Globe and the country mentioned above  US, China and India could be visible around the Eclipses in Sept. 2015 and around the time when Saturn is in Stationary position and aspects all Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in Leo Around the 4th August 2015 and more so after Mars enters Virgo and aspects the eclipse point around the 19-20th Nov. 2015 and when Rahu and Mars will be degree conjunct on the 13th Nov. 2015. Mars is Karka for Blasts, Terrorism and War. There could be war like conditions , which could escalate  when Mars and Saturn are conjunct on the 20th Feb. 2016 for 211 days. till 21st Sept. 2016.

To Fine tune the Predictions for Economic Meltdown Read this ——–One Very important Parameter in the Present Scenerio and in the Month of March 2016 is the Acceleration of Mercury . The Normal Speed of Mercury is 59 minutes 8 seconds and in the Month of March 2016 starting from 1st March the speed of Mercury is increasing and the small term effects are the Volatility in the Stock markets , which is liable to increase further till the 2nd -3rd April 2016 and will start to decline then and will be minimum on the 1st May 2016, hence the actual Decline in the Market may start from the 2nd April 2016

One another Critical  Parameter which is the Opposition and Conjuction of Saturn and Jupiter in the Transit which brings a change in the conditions prevailing  . Jupiter follows a Pattern of 12 years as mentioned and Saturn 30 years  and the Least common factor between them is   2.5 years for Jupiter and Saturn 60 Years , After the Economic Recession of 2007, There was opposition  of Saturn and Jupiter in the year May 2010 and exact opposition at 4 degrees on the 24th May 2010 and there after US was again on the pedestal of Revival of growth. After 2016, Jupiter and Saturn  conjuction will take place on  the 5th Nov. 2019 and in oppostion in the Navamsha Transit , hence US could then come back on the pedestal of Revival of Growth and Prosperity. One of the Most important Parameter in the Jyotish Shastra as well all know the effect of the slow moving planets Saturn and Jupiter . Jupiter strongest aspect is the 9th aspect and Saturn 10th aspect is the strongest hence when Jupiter is one house ahead of  Saturn. In Transit  Nov 2021 Jupiter will be in Aquarius  ahead of Saturn in Capricorn, This year there will be maximum growth in the world.the period from 2016 to 2021 will be a Period when the Energy Replacement due to innovations will be replaced by Renewable Energies. Solar Energy  will also be used in dimension  For US the 3rd house and 9th from Moon will be positively activated and there will be Growth in respect to the significations of these houses . China will be benefited most and there will be again Good things coming in life with lot of Innovations to help the mankind in the day to day life.  India will then be under the Dasha of Moon and placed in own house in the 3rd house . As per Dasha Varga charts Moon owns 5th  house and placed in good house . Moon Dasha Starts from Sept. 2015, but initial 4 years will be of Struggle but  will take India miles ahead  God bless

Jyotish Acharaya  anil aggarwala  23rd May 2015

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: The Article is purely written on the basis of Astrology parameters and similarity in the earlier trends at the of Economic Falls as per mentioned above. The writer of the article does not hold himself responsible in any respect thereof for any One in person or a Company making any investment , in case he does , then he will be totally responsible for the risk and liabilities of the same. This Purely on the basis of Astrology and Eclipse Parameters and may prove to be wrong .



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