Prashna Jyotish Gives Stunning Results For Date of Travel and Landing Time

by astrodocanil

Query for Travel to India  ?  The Query was raised on the 6th March 2018 at 20-56 hrs. I just wanted to show in this article how  ccurate is the Prashna Jyotish which can even predict the date of Travel along with landing time at the Airport.

Lagna is towards the Movable sign and Moon in the Movable sign and both are connected to Benefics , hence Travel will take Place .

As per Mook Prashna Between the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord Moon is stronger and placed in the 2nd House where the 7th Lord is Placed for Travels, also the dispositor of the Moon is placed in the 7th house  for journey and the Dispositor is Placed in the 7th House and being the 9th Lord and exhalted , Long Travel will take place

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars the 3rd Lord aspects the 9th and the 10th house . Mars is placed in the yama of Scorpio and the 3rd house where the Yama  is placed . The Day Lord is ill placed from the 4th house and the 4th Lord Jupiter, hence travel will take place, more so the Lord Mars is about to join the 4th house where Saturn is already placed . Affliction to the 4th house takes place on the 8th March 2018 which is essential for the long travel. hence the leave for the native will also be sanctioned on the 8th March 2018 when the native goes to the office in the morning hours since Mars changed the sign in the evening of 7th March 2018.  

The Karna Lord is Mercury  along with the Lagna Lord and the  10th Lord and Placed with the 9th Lord for Long Travels in the 7th house of Journey of the native . The 9th Lord  Venus is also the Karka for Aircrafts. The 9th Lord is in close Ithasala   with Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord shows the Travel will take place.  See the degrees of Mercury and Venus . 

When will the Travel Take Place

Leave will be granted to the querist  when Mars joins the sign Sagitarius  and on the 8th March 2018 Morning house when the Native goes to the Office 

Sun the 12th Lord and the Boss in the office when reaches the MEP of the Lagna at 26.14 degrees  on the 11th March 2018 hence will give permission for leave before the  11th March 2018

The Native will Travel on the Date when Lagnesh  Mercury or the 9th Lord will be at the MEP of the Lagna at 26.14 degrees on the 23rd March 2018. 

The 9th and the 2nd Lord signifies the Native is coming back to India to meet his Parents after a long time .

Now see the chart of the 23rd March 2018 of the Same Prashna Lagna Virgo at 26.14 degrees at 19.50 hrs 

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus and at the Lagna degrees of the Query chart and the Lagna and the Lagna Degrees are the same as the Prashna Lagna and the time is 19.50 hrs . Amazingly the Native is Planning to travel on the 23rd March 2018 and the Landing time of the Flight In India is 19.40 hrs . This also shows that the flight may be delayed by 10 minutes 

The Querist has applied for leave and hopes to get his leave approved soon , According to me he would be travelling by a Very Sophisticated and an Airlines of Repute since Venus is Exhalted 

Direction of Travel as per the Number of Hours from the Sunrise are 14 hours hence from the Mount of Lord Shiva counting the 14th house is sign of Mercury and Mercury is placed in the North direction in the Yama chart hence the Native will travel towards North from his Country of Stay, which  is on dot 

Benefics in the 7th house and Benefic Lagna rising  amd Moon with Beneifcs and Stationary Jupiter will bestow good Results

All the above Results are matching and the Native Plans exactly as per the above Date and Landing time in India The Native was stunned to see Astrology could Predict so accurately  . The Native informed me that his wife got the leave sanctioned today Morning and how would book the Ticket before the 11th March as indicated by me for the Flight on the 23rd March scheduled to reach 1India at 19.40 hrs.

I was waiting for the Native to inform me if the leave was sanctioned  and in the Morning hours today  I was informed that the leave was sanctioned


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 8th March  2018 10-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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