Arvind Kejriwal In Hot Waters As Per Oath Taking Chart and Vedic Progression Charts

by astrodocanil

Please read this media news “Highlights: Bureaucrats to boycott meetings until Kejriwal apologises for ‘assault’ on Delhi chief secy Anshu Prakash

This article also has reference to my earlier Article “Oath Taking Chart of Arvind Kejriwal:What it Foretells ? ” link…hat-it-foretells/

I am reproducing some text here below 

In a Nut shell after 29th Dec. 2015 will be a period of stress, anguish, hurdles  till 31st Jan 2016 . There could be bickering in his cabinet ministers . Arvind Kejriwal will work for the poor and the Aam Admi.   The ride of Saturn will be very good  slowly after Saturn crosses the Capricorn navamsha  when it joins Capricorn navamsha , and then  Aquarius and Pieces navamsha  respectively from 29th Nov. 2016. .Saturns  journey  in the navamsha of  Aquarius  and Pieces will be excellent   the 10 and 11th house in the event chart and   signifies complete success. But till Saturn remains in Sagitarius and Capricorn navamsha may not be good, since the navamsha sign of 8th Lord Jupiter is also Capricorn.  The best part of Saturn in Scorpio is that it will not get Deblitated in navamsha .After Saturn in transit Joins Sagitarius it will offer hurdles after Jan 2017  for 2,5 years specially the first navamsha will be in Aries and Saturn will be debilitated and then when Saturn joins back in Sagitarius and there is Mars with it in Transit around the March 2018.  Hence it is clear though Arvind Kejriwal will have power and good administration but he may have to face hinderances in the period mentioned above . I have also mentioned Periods for his caution also.

As Per Simhasan  or Panch Nadi Chakra above.   It is like the seating arrangement  at the Kings court where the King sits at the highest Pedestal or Throne. The Chart is above.  In this chart the importance of Moon and Saturn in higher nadis is immense.

In this chakra Moon is placed in the lowest nadi Aadhaar , best placement is in Simhasan, hence in this case the power of the King is reduced and hurdles are offered Hence he will work for the down troden and the Aam Admi for their upliftment.
Saturn is also placed in the Assan nadi  The position of Saturn is very important since it is a planet of Democracy and Masses, it is also significator of death and destruction, it should not be with Moon any way. In the Event chart both are placed together in the 7th house aspecting Lagna, hence this factor is not good as per Simhasan chakra . Saturn in the Aasan nadi and connection with Retrograde planets  is dreaded for the King. Here Saturn is Placed in Aasan nadi and aspected by Retrograde Jupiter who is placed in the Aadhaar nadi will not be able to give full protection. Jupiter in Aasan Nadi is protection against all evil , hence Jupiter aspect on Saturn may not give full protection to Saturn.
Hence from the above it is clear that though he may have good administration and number of points in Agenda which will be apprecaited by the masses ,but he may face Obstructions, Humiliations and may have to work very hard to reach his goals. Moon affliction is a very big factor in the Muhurat chart and not Placed well can also play with the Longevity of his tenure.——- Negative
N Modi may also extend help, but BJP other Leaders may create bottlenecks for him. Moon Sign though of Arvind Kejriwal and N Modi are in 6/8 axis , this is another factor not good for Arvind Kejriwal, he has to make sure that he does not annoy N Modi and his leaders for this purpose.
His main agenda and Policies will be pertaining to will be for the 2nd , 5thhouse Educational Institutions    , Finances, New amendments, Law and Order, Home for the Poor  and Black money along with Security for Women.

From the above it is crystal clear that the Oath taking Chart is  Precarious  and may not bear good fruits and Arvind Kejriwal may land up in Humiliations and 8th Kinds of So called deaths, Pain, Grief,Fear,Shame, Disease, Sorrow and Constraints. No wonder he may not be able to complete is full term. specially after 27th Jan. 2017 and when Saturn joins back in sagitarius after 7th Oct. 2017 and then when Mars Joins Sagitarius after 7th March 08.

As Per Yama chart and the Panch Pakshi  , Simhasan Chakra and Muhurat Parameters , he will get into troubles at every stage , he takes an aggressive stance and highly malefic  and may play with his tenure as a Chief minister
The Vedic Progression charts for the Running year and the Next year show Struggles at every stage and hence may get into hot waters after 7th March 2018 for 244 days since the Eclipses are also taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Natal Sun and the Natal Mars in affliction and specially when Mars is Retrograde and at the natal degrees of 13.00 in Transit in Capricorn in July 2018 and specially around the Eclipses on the 28th July 2018

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 3rd March  2018 08-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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