Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Roles In Life

by astrodocanil

My Article in leading Astrology magazine THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER March Edition 2018 on the page 32 

Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies .These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a sky map called the Horoscope. At the time of birth of a native the planetary configurations in the transit are freezed, and the soul enters from the 5th house carrying a bag having  different compartments with sanchit karmas in the form of Dashas. The different Dasha which are dependent upon our previous karmas generate the heat to stimulate the different planets to give the results. The Transit planets add heat to the planets to be activated and stimulated. The study of the 5th house/lord therefore acquires a special dimension along with Garbshishta ( Planets Maha Dasha and Anter Dasha Lords )

When the Women Concieves the Atma Enters the Horoscope from the 5th house and Takes Birth after 9 Months and some days when the Atma reaches the Lagna . The Following is the way the Atma moves in the Horoscope

After 5th house it moves in the 4th house where the development of the Body of the Child takes Place and Birth Takes Place when it reaches the Lagna .

The Atma  after completing its cycle in the human body  exits the body from the 9th house, hence life is like a Pendulam  of Watch which vibrates between the 5,7 and the 9th house , its fulcrum being the Lagna and when the Atma exits the body from the 9th house the Watch comes to a standstill and connects the Lagna and the 7th house ( Marka House). Our Maharishis have therefore given importance to the Houses Lagna, 5th, 7th and the 9th house  as follows


Being the Fulcrum of the Pendulam in the watch and is there fore most Important house and governs the life of the human being, Lagna is also the Shookasham house of the Lagna. It is the 9th house from the 5th house and 5th house from the 9th house . It is the Strongest Kendra and the Strongest Trikona 

5th House

As mentioned above Atma enters the Horoscope and the Pendulam keeps on touching the 5th house at regular intervals of time in Seconds . 5th house is also the shookasham house of the 9th house . Since it governs the Poorva Janma Karma , the Pendulam of the Watch shows that our Life is connected to our Poorva Janma Karma

It represents the Sanchita Poorva Punya that is accumulation of past life Karmas. It should be well fortified and it reflects the Bank Balance as far as our Karmas are concerned. Our Poorva Karmas effect our Present life in every respect, hence 5th house acquires a special dimension .The Number of Progeny one will get is also decided by this house and for this reason it is also called the Putra Bhava.

5th house also shows how far our Atma is advanced in the realm of spirituality, not only this, it can further reveal how far a person is capable of enhancing the spiritual stature in learning Mantras.

Intelligence: How Intelligent a person is and how sharp is the  grasping power

Pitru Bhava : Since the 5th house is the 9th from the 9th it is also the house of Forefathers. Malefic in this house shows Pitru Dosh.

Sacred Knowledge : Sacred Knowlwdge one can acquire in this Life, since the Trikona Sthan of the Triangular Point of the Triangle of Dharma

Inclination towards Studies : Since it the Home of Learning

Affliction to Mother : Since the 2nd house from the 4th house , which is the House of Mother , therefore causes affliction to mother. Any Malefic Influence to this house and Moon increases the affliction for mother.

Younger Brother Success and Associations : Being the 3rd and hence success through own efforts

Spirtual Commitments : The 5th house indicates the asta and belief one has towards one religion, The Influence of Malefics and Benefics will sway accordingly

Mantra Shakti and Siddhi : Evocation to God for invoking Higher powers and attain Siddhi

Sacred Journeys : Being the 9th house from the 9th house , which is also connected to pilgramages

Holy Dip : If the 5th house is associated with Watery sign  or a Planet  and at the same time associated with the 9th house , then the native is inclined towards Holy Dip

Devalaya Pratishta : Whether the Native will be able to Erect a Temple or instrumental in making a holy sanctuary

Devata Pratishta : Pious Person who would install a Idol in a Temple and Not the Temple as above

Speculation: Earning out of Speculation is seen from the 5th house

Padchuti : It is also the house of Padchuti and Dasha of afflicted 5th house 5th Lord and MCL of 5th Lord brings adversity in life and Profession, if well fortified then Success and Status rise and Fame. Education, Self respect all come from this house

Strength of the 5th house 

The following parameters are indicative of a well fortified 5th house/lord                                         

  1. 5th house should have maximum number of Ashtakvarga bindoos and strong in shadbala
  2. 5th lord should be well placed, not connected to 6/8/12 houses.
  3. 5th house should be occupied by benefics.5th house should be aspected by benefics.
  4. 5th house is the seed of success and failure in our life. The ultimate achievement depends upon the 5th house, 5th lord, Mid Cusp Lord of 5th house. This MCL of the 5th house should be connected to a yogkarka planet. In case 5th Lord is not a yogkarka planet , it should be connected to Lagna Lord, or the 5th Lord.                                                                                             

 5.Mid cusp Lord of 5th house connected to 3,6,8 or the 12th house or cojoined with enemy or lost in planetary war, then is becomes evident of the person having Poorva Punya Dosha.           

 6.Third house is also taken into consideration as benefics in the 3rd ,6th,8th and 12th house get set and are the negative signs for benefics to be placed in these house from the Natural Zodiac, From the Mool Trikona sign and in the Rashi Chart                                                                                      

7..If 5th Lord is Deblitated, 5th house has a Deblitated planet then weak and afflicted                                             

  1. 5th house is a dagdha rashi then afflicted
  2. 5th house has a avyogi planet then also afflicted 


The native will not have success or happiness and will strive in life if the 5th house is not strong  .For the purpose of Parihar for PoorvaPunya dosha one has to see the navamsha and see where the 5th Lord of the birth chart is placed, then the Lords diety is to be propitated. Rahu placement in the signs 3,5,6 and 8 not good for a female in the 5th house. These are aputrabhav and not considered pious for the family. 5th house is the shookshan of the 9th house being the 9th from the 9th, it signifies the PitruDosha, if it has any malefic influence. It means that the native had some way or the other performed an act, that was not good and and therefore , incurred the wrath of the forefathers. The magnitude of this can be analysed by the gravity of the bad influence on the house and the 5th lord.                          

The afflictions to the 5th house are as under.                                                                              

Affliction in respect to Sun—Pitru Dosha.

Affliction with respect to Rahu—Putra Dosha.                                                                              

Affliction in respect to Jupiter is Putra dosha and Deva Dosha.                                               

Affliction inrespect to Saturn—–Kuladevata Dosha.                                                                      

Venus afflicted will give one Matru or associated Goddess Dosha.


5th house an affliction as stated above, then the native has Poorva Janma Dosha. Dasha at birth and the connection of the 5th house 5th Lord connection to the Lagna ,Lagna Lord one can come to know if a native is immedaitely born after previous Janma death. If there is no connection, then the soul was wondering and is not an good indication in this Janma for Success and Tranquility.


7th house

 This house gets  Permanantly connected to Lagna  when the Atma exits the world and then the Pendulam of the Watch stops to move to and fro .7th Being the Sookasham sthan of  10th from 10th house and 4th from 4th house. As Per age the 7th House works as Marak Sthan 

9th house

This House where the Pendulam of the watch touches at regular invervals of Seconds and is the shookashma sthan of the 5th house being the 9th from the 9th and also the house from where the atma exits the body

Hence from the above we can say that the Shookasham sthan Lagna, 5th house, 9th house 7th house are the Most important houses in the horoscope since they cover all the Kendras as well as the Trikonas .

The Motion of the Pendulam keeps on connecting the above Shookasham sthans of the Kendra and the Trikona , there by indicating that our life is connected to these houses and also coonetced to our Poorva Punya  and the Dharma in this Life .

Hence from the above we can say that the Strength of these houses it of utmost importance specially the 5th house for  Good Fructifications if connected to the 10th house  . Atma enters from the 5th house the Poorva Janma Karma therefore acquire a special dimension and for this reason the Garbshista Planets which are carried in the Bag depicting the Poorva Janma Karmas  also acquire a special dimension in our life and play a major role.  They are the seeds of our life and Longevity in an capsule form. What ever is promised by these planets  good and bad the Native has to go through the same . Garbshishta Planets are the Maha Dasha and the Anter dasha Lord . These Planets have to be seen in the following Varga charts

  1. Rashi Chart D1 .I have explaind above the Importance of the Rashi chart
  2. Navamsha D9 the Shookasham Of the Rashi Chart
  3. Dreshkanne Chart D3. The Heights a native can reach. Genetic Problems, Growth, Penice he has to do in his life , Tablet or Pain Killer . The Coborns are also seen from this chart 
  4. Dwadamasha D12 . Genetic conditions and what is my energy, Potentiality, where I will reach in life, my road map in life, Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna  


Garbshishta Planets apart from Lagna, Lagna Lord,5th house, 10L, Yogkarka, the Garbshishta planets are the most important parameters in the chart. Any promise in our chart, anything which we are going to attain in our life, any disease which we are going to suffer, the span of life, achievement , the losses, etc. everything is decided by these 2 planets only. They therefore acquire a special dimension and are the seeds of our life.

  1. . Connection of these 2 planets MD and AD with the 6,8,12 Lords and Paap grahas or sandwitched between paap grahas or losing strength in the basic chart and Vargas, the native will have a very miserable and uneventful life. By this we do not mean that Rahu or Saturn or a Krur graha or Paap graha spell doom for the native. If these grahas own good houses and get associated with good planets or yogkarkas they attain immense strength, and life will therefore have prosperity and upward movement, though there could be initial hinderances .

Let us discuss a specific case for the above Parameters in the Chart Below . of 10th April 1966 14-03 hrs  Noida UP  

  1. Day Sunday Day Born Sun is strong , but an Avyogai Planet in the 9th house and Connected to Garbshishta
  2. Tithi KP-6 Moon is weak
  3. Nakshatra Jyestha Moon is in Gandantha, Debilitated and in Rahu-Ketu axis, Dispositor of the 5th house is Mars and Combusted, In Paap Kartari yoga and in Gandantha
  4. Yoga Variyan
  5. Karna Gar Lord is not connected to the 10th house for Good Fructifications in Life
  6. Since Day Born the benefics are strong

7.Garbshishta Dasha at birth Mer-Sat-Rahu  7 m 29 days (Less than one year is not good Dasha ) since Moon in Gandantha

  Remarks Saturn and Mercury in Miserable condition, But Saturn gets a relief as in Pushkar Navamsha and as Malefic in Sandhi

Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are neither connected to Lagna or the Lagna Lord Moon 5th house or 5th Lord Mars , hence the Native will not get any success and tranquility in life , though he may be born to very rich Parents , since the Connection of Mercury and Jupiter connection of Exchange as per Garbshishta and Mercury also in Pushkar Navamsha .  This  Dainya Yoga  is malefic and not good , though this may be good for the Father when he is Born and will only get success after the demise of his Father

The Garbshishta Planets are ill placed from the 4th house and 4th Lord as well, hence there will be no permanency in life

The Native has Poorva Punya Dosh as per the Parameters explained above

5th house is like a door entering a house or a castle

  1. Moon Debilitated Planet in the 5th house
  2. 5th Lord in Paap Kartari yoga
  3. 5th Lord Combusted
  4. 5th Lord in Gandantha

10th Lord Mars is not connected to the Dasha at Birth and 2/12 from all the 3 Dasha Lords , hence the Native will suffer in his Career in the Dasha of Mars  for 7 years , since Mars is also the 8th Lord from the 10th house and also the Lord of the 5th house  and is afflicted badly . hence Mars most Crucial dasha . The Most Powerful Planet for Cancer Lagna is  Mars being a Yoga Karka and not connected to dasha at birth and Afflicted badly shows that the Native is not Karmsheel and will suffer due to Poorva Janma Dosha in the Dasha of Mars since all his efforts will go invain and he may loose the Commercial Properties in this dasha since the Dasha Lord Mercury at Birth is also Afflicted Badly and 2/12 from the Mars Karka for Property

Moon Dasha was  also not good since afflicting the 5th house but Placed well from the Dasha at Birth hence this Dasha was not Bad but Moon-Sun Dasha Gave him losses , since Sun and Saturn is a Bhandan Yoga  in the 9th house

8th house rising in D9 Such Natives are unconventional in their approach in life and even if Skating in life  till the Period of 42+- 3 years  Fall in life and face  miserable events in life

Native Suffered huge Losses in the Dasha of Moon-Mars, Moon-Sun  and then Mars Total Dasha the native suffered huge losses and Buisness came to a standstill and had to Close the  Buisness .

 5th House affliction and 10th house and Lord weak are the Sensitive areas in life .It is said that when 5th house and its Lord is weak along with Jupiter Karka for Children , The Native can have a Child Birth if 10th Lord is strong

Rajyoga at Birth. Jupiter and Mercury in Kendra from each other and Exchange, hence rise and Fall of the native after Fathers dealth . It is Considered most auspicious when the Jupiter, Mercury, Venus are in the Kendra from the Garbshishta Planets

Special points in the horoscope

  1. Yogi point in the 8th house 
  2. Yogi Graha Jupiter  in 12th house
  3. Avyogi Sun in 9th house and all most at the MEP of the Lagna

Group of Planets yogi


Sun-Rahu-Mer This Group of Planets should be in Vipreet Rajyogas  and Debilitation of Mercury is Good

Ven-Mars-Sat Neutral Planets

One Group of Planets is Neutral and one Group of Planets Avyogi

Yogi Planets should be strong and Not Placed in Trik Bhavas, Avyogi to be Placed in Trik Bhavas to give Vipreet Rajyogas , Avyogi Debilitated good for Vipreet Rajyogas

Yogi Point should not be in the 7th and 8th house, since the highest point in the Horoscope and if Placed in the Lagna and at that point there are Rajyogas the Native rises to the highest levels in life . Dheru Bhai Ambani of Relience group had Yogi Point in the Lagna with Lot f Planets in the Lagna forming the Rajyogas


  1. Pushkar Navamsha Planets Ketu, Saturn and Mercury


  1. Shree Lagna Cancer and the Lord is Debilitated and Mercury the Dasha at Birth is 5th Pyartari Enemy not good Health, wealth and Prosperity in life


  1. Indu Lagna  Sagitarius and in the 6th house , wealth may not be retained by the native , More over Shatak Yoga
  2. Pak Lagna.    Scorpio Afflicted badly
  3. Dasha Sequence  Mer, Ketu,Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu
  4. Navamsha Lagna Rising Aquarius the 8th house of the chart making the native unconventional Methods adopted in life and failure in life at the age of 42 +3 years and in the dasha of Mars

Garbshishta Planets in the 6th house along with Lagna

Sarp D3  Sun and Ketu  most malefic , Lagna Lord , Moon and Sun should not be in this State Suffering due to Sun Significations and Emotional Hurdles in life . Ketu is Disease Karka and in Sarp Dreshkanne it is not good for Health more over Mars is Placed in the 6th from Ketu

D3 Chart  Also Tells us about the Poorva Punaya Dosh


Lagna has Debilitated Planet Mercury  is showing that the Native has Poorva Punya Dosha . The Native will not be successful in life without the Guidance of a Good Guru or his Spouse  who has to be  Virtous, since the Lagna Lord Jupiter is with Venus the Karka for Spouse and Marriage

 Rahu is connected to Debilitated Moon in Rashi Chart and Dispositor of Rahu is Placed in the 8th house in the Rashi chart who is also ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets in the Rashi chart. Also  Rahu is ill placed from the 10th house and the Lord Mars, hence total Closure of Buisness in the dasha of Rahu

9th house is also in Rahu-Ketu axis along with Sun and 9th Lord is badly afflicted in the rashi chart the Native lost his father in the dasha of Venus-Mercury, from the 9th house Venus is 12th Lord in the Dreshkanne chart and in the Rashi chart Venus is placed in the 12th house from the 9th house and Sun and is also the 8th Lord from the 9th house

Mercury is the 7th Lord from the Sun and the (th house in the Rashi Chart and Debilitated and in the Dreshkanne chart Mercury is the 8th Lord from the 9th house and Sun

Hence from the above we can say that the Role of the 5th house is immense along with the Garbshista Planets and are the seeds of our Life  and must be seen in the Dreshkanne chart specially

Navamsha Chart Below

The Kendras of the Rashi chart become weak ,8th House rising  Lagna in the 6th house , 10th house gone in the 3rd house and the Lord is extremely weak , 7th House gone in the 12th house , only the 4th house is well placed and become Trikona and having Jupiter and aspects the Mars , hence the Father of the Native buys a huge Property at his birth. Sun gone In the Lagna which is the 8th house of the Rashi Chart , the Native lost his father  when he was only 24 years old

Dwadamamsha Chart D12

Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna shows no happiness from Parents is missing and Represents the Parents , Lagna had Rahu and aspected By Saturn the Marka for Father and Ketu aspected By Mars 8th Aspect , hence the Happiness from the Parents is missing and again the Role of Mercury and Saturn the Dasha Lords Playing their game is Obvious

2nd House has benefics hence good Sanskar and good Social Status of Parents

3rd House is Marak house for Parents and aspected by Combusted Mars and 3rd Lord Moon is also aspected by Mars , specially for Father

5th house the Native and the Lord is Debilitated and with Saturn who is the Marak Lord for Father and aspects the Lagna . Saturn is the 2nd Lord from the Sun and the 9th house.

Hence from the above it makes crystal clear that the %th house role along with Garbshishta Planets Play a Major role in Life for a Native and are the key planets in the chart.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 3rd March  2018 08-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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