Full Moon Chart of 3rd Dec. 2017: A Feature In the Cap Of Narinder Modi In Elections

by astrodocanil

The Full Moon chart of the 3rd Dec. 2017 9s of 21.17 hrs. below

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun Placed in the 5th house  whose Lord is Forming a Rajyoga. The Day Lord Sunis Placed in the Yama of Scorpio who is the Yoga Karka for the Kundali and is Poorna Yoga Karka due to the Following Reasons

  1. Mars is the Yoga Karka for Cancer Lagna
  2. Cancer Lagna rising and is the 10th Lord with the 9th Lord Jupiter in the 4th house and both aspect the 10th house
  3. Mars is the 5th Lord and Has Exchange with the 4th Lord and placed in the 4th house and Sun with 4th Lord in the 5th House
  4. Lord of the Lagna is Moon placed in the 11th house  and connected to the 11th Lord Venus is success in the fortnight
  5. Chaitra Rasi is having Benefics Yoga Karka and Jupiter hence success
  6. Navamsha Lagna is Shirshodayo and a Benefic

Hence from the above we can say that the Day Lord Sun is Very Powerful along with Moon who is Exhalted and the Yama lord Mars getting very Powerful in the Full Moon chart, , The Karna Lord is also aspected by Strong aspect of Mars , hence the chart seems to give very good Results pertaining to the  Prime Minister of the Country . Fortunately the Gujrat Elections are also taking Place in this Fortnight and seems that since the 9th and the 10th Lord for Narinder Modi Natal chart are also connected to the Lagna Lord Mars , he will come out with flying Colors and a Flag in his hand more so since  10th Lord of the Chart who is the Battle field for the Ruling Part is stronger than the 4th Lord who is the 10th Lord from the 7th house and is weaker then Mars

The Lagna Lord Moon  is Stronger then the 7th Lord Saturn hence the Opposition may not be able to dent as much as expected in the Gujrat  and Himachal Pradesh Elections. Please also refer to my Article “Battle Ground’ GUJRAT’ What Stars Foretell ?”‘ link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/11/battle-ground-gu…t-stars-foretell/ dated 2nd Nov. 2017

The Following could be the Issues till 17th Dec. 2017

  1. Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis
  2. 3rd House of the Foundation chart is rising and indicates the Neighbouring Countries and Boarder Clashes, since Mars in Libra will be over the 8th Lord Jupiter and Jupiter over the natal Jupiter in the foundation chart of India
  3. 7th house is afflicted since having Ketu and having aspect of Mars from the 4th house , the opponents will try by hook or crook to damage the image of the Ruling Party , this 7th house is the 9th house of the Foundation chart of India hence Disputes relating to Religion, Courts, Embassies , etc.
  4. Capricorn sign is under affliction and as Per Varahamihra the Capricorn sign is for India for Untoward happenings and since under affliction and is the 7th house , there may be disputes, and disagreements with opponents and the Foreign affairs
  5. Moon is Exhalted and aspected By Venus and Sun, there will be down ward trend in the Markets
  6. In the Paksha Kundali  of the 18th Nov. 2017 Moon is Debilitated and with Mercury and Sun in Scorpio the 8th house of the chart and the Lagna Lord Mars in the 6th House and 10th Lord in the 9th house , hence strife and Quarrels in the Country , since the Lagna Lord and the 10 th Lord aspect each other and in square position , Moon affliction  by Saturn in Sagitarius may give rise to Markets immediately after the elections results
  7. Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord in 6/8 axis Tuff fight with Opponents in the fortnight.
  8. Saturn with Retrograde Mercury who is the 3rd and the 12th Lord Placed with Saturn in the 6th house and when both get Combusted  will be a terrible time  on the 16th Dec. 2017 at  3.01 hrs. when Sun ingresses sagitarius and Saturn will be totally Combusted on the 21-22 nd Dec. 2017, hence Saturn can adversely influence the Market from the 7th Dec. to 22nd Dec. 2017 and till it is combust till First week of  Jan. 2018. Saturn will cross the Retrogression mark of Sagitarius on the 2nd Dec. 2017 and also at the point of the 1929 Deep Depression year of 1929 at 3.26 degrees , hence after 2nd Dec. to Early Jan. 2018 could be the most Crucial period , specially this period also coincides with Mercury the Karka for Stock markets
  9. Fallen Mercury in Scorpio from the 10th Dec. 2017 till 6th Jan 2018 will also be the Most Crucial Parameter for the Stock Markets , Infact Mercury goes in Retrogression on the 3rd Dec. 2017 and remain in retrogression till 23rd Dec. 2017, Hence this Period is also acquires a special dimension  and in this Connection please read my article “Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/11/celestial-drama-…rong-earthquakes/ dated 17th Nov. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th Nov 2017  23-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

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