Future of Real Estate Prices : Mars and Saturn As Per Declination Bolt From The Blue

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to My Article on the “Fate of the Stock Market in Nov.-Dec.2016 A Research Analysis link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/fate-of-the-stock-markets-in-nov-dec-2016-a-research-analysis/  and my Article “Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous like a Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/rahu-demon-becomes-most-venomous-like-snake-bite-in-nov-dec-2016/. My Predictions on the Stock Market and Demonetization  have been on the dot by the Grace of God.

In this article I am going to Put the Parameter for the Real Estate Prices in the Near Future

Mars is Karka for Built up Property and Saturn the Karka for Land . Mars is famously known as Bhoomi Putra in Astrology, owning the 8th house of the natural Zodiac .

Mars is Reaching the Declination point in 2017 at the time of 1990   when there was a Crash in the Real Estate Prices  .Read this —-House prices: 2008 vs the Nineties crash link http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-1636718/House-prices-2008-vs-the-Nineties-crash.html

and then in 1997  Read this Looking back: Real estate crash of 1997 reminds us prices can fall by 50% http://www.firstpost.com/business/looking-back-real-estate-crash-of-1997-reminds-us-prices-can-fall-by-50-2357070.html

Mars Declination Point in the year 1990 will be activated By Mars Transit between the June and Oct. 2017 and hence the Prices of the Real Estate are Bound to suffer another 20-30 % after Demonetization.

Unfortunately the Significator of Land Saturn will also Reach the Declination point in 2020 and Saturn in the Present Scenerio between 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be in  Fallen State as well. A fallen Planet is Most Venemous and behaves like a snake bite  . In 2018 Mars will also Be fallen in the sign Scorpio making the Real Estate most Vunerable for Drop in Prices.

The Planetary Cycles of Jupiter and Saturn also have a role in the Global Trend for Stock Prices and the Real Estate  

The Nodes also play a role and Transit in the Royal Signs of Leo and Cancer will be crucial till 12th Sept. 2017 and then another 1.5 years of Rahu in the 4th house of the natural Zodiac in the sign of Cancer .

Read this Media News “The naysayers might turn around and tell me, but this happened in the United States and not in India, and given that something like this is not possible in India.” link http://www.firstpost.com/business/looking-back-real-estate-crash-of-1997-reminds-us-prices-can-fall-by-50-2357070.html

See the Chart of Mid 1990

So, let me tackle this by offering evidence from the real estate bubble of the 1990s, which started to run out of air sometime in the mid 1990s

In 1990 Saturn was also in Sagitarius , Rahu in the Sign Capricorn, as above . There will be similar Combinations of Mars and Saturn after 26th Jan. 2017 and Rahu and Ketu will come over the Ketu and Rahu after 12th Sept. 2017. Jupiter is already going to be under affliction after 26th Jan. 2017 both by mars and Saturn

Mars will be in Gemini as Per Declination method in the 2nd House of Gemini in the Foundation chart of India and the Ashtak Varga Points are minimum.

Mars is also in Gemini in the Foundation chart of US and after Touching the Declination point in Gemini Mars will become Debilitated as Per Declination after approx. 28 years from 1990

Normally it is seen that when ever Saturn and Jupiter are Conjunct or are in 1/7 axis there is a mojor shift in the Global Activities

Jupiter and Saturn were opposing each other 3 Time s Degree wise in the year 2010 and 2011 . Saturn was then the the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and Jupiter in Pieces , the 6th and the 12 th house of the natural Zodiac , unless Jupiter crosses Saturn in 2021 there may not be any respite from the Financial Crunch of 2016 and 2017 . In 2021 Both Jupiter and Saturn will be influencing the Sign of Balance Libra and the 7th house of the Natural Zodiac and then there will be Growth in all fields. Real Estate will also Pick up then but not as it has been the Case before like a Baloon inflating , there will be gradual and a sure increase .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

10th Jan. 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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