Prashna Jyotish By Tamil Texts For Missing Persons Query

by astrodocanil

While I was Taking a Class for Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Texts ,one f my Student wanted to know the status of a young Boy of 13 years who went missing on the 2nd Jan. 2017 around the 16-00 hrs

As Per Tamil Texts For Mook Prashna when Jupiter and Saturn aspect the Lagna then the Query is for the whereabouts of the Missing Person.

The Chart at the time of the Missing Child is as below

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the Yama of Leo and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 8th house of Permanent Loss and shows the Query for the Missing Person . The Query is also for the Child and the 5th Lord is Placed in the 8th house and has exchange with Jupiter who is Placed in the 5th house and is Karka for Children. Jupiter is Placed in a Dagdha Rashi and the 5th Lord in the 8th house is a strong negative Parameter for the Missing Child

The Query is crystal clear of the whereabouts of the Missing Child since Jupiter and Saturn aspect the the Lagna .

Tithis is SP-5

Nakshatra is Dhanistha and is the 24th Nakshatra and a Andha Nakshatra , the News for the child should have come with in 3 day of the missing but lot of difficulty will be faced by the Querist

In the Query for Missing persons the Lagna signifies the missing person.

4th house the Condition and happiness  of the Missing Person

7th House the Path and the difficulties faced by the traveler on the way

There are more Negative Parameters then Positive Parameters for the Return of the Child , never the Less even we should take it in a positive note even if one Parameter is Positive

Fixed Lagna Taurus rising which is an Prishtodayo Lagna and aspected by 2 Malefics Mars and Saturn  and One Benefic Jupiter who is Placed in the 5th house in a Dagdha Rashi are Negative Parameters for the Return of the missing Person, On the contrary Movabale Lagna and Movable Navamsha indicate the return of the missing Person . The Navamsha rising is also Dual and influenced by Saturn and Jupiter confirms the Query for Missing Person and the 5th house rising for the child .

Saturn and Jupiter aspect the Lagna at the MEP , Jupiter is also the 8th and the 11th Lord but since Exchange of the 5th and the 8th Lord Mercury and Jupiter , Jupiter will give the results of the 8th house .

Difficulties on the Way. 7th from Lagna and the Lagna Lord have Satrun and Rahu respectively hence the Missing Boy is facing difficulties on the way.

Moon Nakshatra Lord is Mars , Lagna Nakshatra Lord is again Mars , 7th Lord Mars and in the Nakshatra of Rahu  are negative Parameters and shows obstructions for the missing child to Return.

Saturn Karka for Bhandan. Jupiter Saturn Poorna Ithasala and connection shows the work of a Professional in the Kidnapping , since Saturn is placed in the 7th house and is Karka for Kidnapping

The Direction where the Missing Person has gone , since the number of Completed hours from Sun rise =8  Counting from the Mount of Lord Shiva the sign is  Sagitarius and Mercury is of Less degrees and hence we have to see the Directionof Mercury in the Yama Chart . Mercury is Placed in the North East Direction . Sun is Placed in the west Direction , Hence the Missing Child has gone in the North East Direction

Distance from the Place of Missing . Since the Lagna is in the 9th Navamsha and upto 5th Navamsha it is 13 KM  adding 4 more navamsha = 13 + (4×13)=65 KMs

Place Significations for the Missing Boy. Sign rising in the Lagna Taurus and the Arudha Lagna is Sagitarius is stronger than Taurus , the significations of the Sign are , Capital of the Country , Kings Place or Court , Battle Field. Place of Activity.

Lagna aspected by Jupiter closely hence missing child in theHouse of a Virtuous Women, in the back portion of the house.

Debilitation signs of Planets in the Kendra Belong to Moon in the 7th house , the Child may be with his mother or Mother may be responsible for the Event .The Query was Raised by the Father and hence the Lagna also represents the Father and the 7th house the Mother , since they are in the 11th house and in Rahu-Ketu axis , indicates a dispute between the 2 .

Lagna aspected by Saturn Place where Broom is kept or Marshy spot.

Negative Parameters for the Child to Return 

  1. Prishtodayo sign rising and Fixed and aspected by Mars and Saturn
  2. Lagna Lord in Rahu-Ketu axis
  3. Moon in the 10th house aspects the 4th house hence no return
  4. Jupiter and Saturn aspect the Lagna slow moving Planets , hence delay in Return
  5. 7th Lord in the 2nd Half of the sign is good for Retrun , but is a single Parameter for Return 
  6. Moon is afflicted by Ketu and not in Movable Navamsha , strong Negative
  7. Afflicted Moon in Poorna Ithasla with Retrograde Mercury in the 8th house, Strong Negative
  8. Planets from 5th to 10th house show outward journey and no inward journey .
  9. , Lagna Lord in ishraaf yoga with Moon.
  10. Jupiter and Mercury Exchange in the houses 5th and 8th
  11. Lagna Lord Related to Moon , the Child has gone out of his own willingness
  12. Bhandan Yoga , Bhandan saham is Capricorn 14.59 degrees and aspected by weak Jupiter and Saturn
  13. Bhandak Yoga, Bhandak Saham  Pieces  aspected by Jupiter  Both Signs are not afflicted

Retrun of the Missing Child

  1. When Mercury becomes Direct , since has ithasala with Moon and Mercury is the 5th Lord having exchange with Jupiter  on the 8th Jan 2017 evening The Whereabouts of the child may be known
  2. 26th Jan . 2017 when Saturn changes sign to Sagitarius
  3. when Moon Navamsha Lord goes in the Lagna in Taurus sign after April 2017
  4. The above possibilities are weak but cannot be ruled out .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

8th Jan. 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



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