What Stars Foretell Using The Oath Taking Chart of Akhilesh Yadava In The Present Scenerio

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Article written by me “Oath Taking Chart of Akhilesh Yadava” link http://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=175 dated 1st April 2012.I had mentioned that a Period of Saturn and Mercury as Per condensed Vimshotarri Dasha will be Crucial and there will be lot of Push and Pulls Period of 289 days till 1st June 2016 and then Period of Mercury of 259 days from 1st June 2016 would pose lot of Push and Pulls  .Now Look at this Link  for the News By NDTV

“Split Ahead? Akhilesh Yadav Sacks Uncle Shivpal, Mulayam Retaliates”

Link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/akhilesh-yadav-fires-uncle-shivpal-yadav-from-uttar-pradesh-cabinet-1477896?pfrom=home-lateststories

Let me reproduce the Text for the Oath Taking Chart

Akhilesh Yadava, the son of  Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadava, sworn in as the 33rd chief minister of Uttar Pradesh in a grand ceremony on March 15, 2012. He has become the youngest chief minister of U.P. at the age of 38 breaking the record of his arch political rival Mayawati who earlier was the youngest chief minister of this state when he had come into the heal of affairs at the age of 39 in year 1995. With the rise of Akhilesh Yadava in U.P. politics political pandits   are talking of the emergence of a new “Youth Icon” in they same way when the Congress (I) won over 200 seats in general elections of 2009 under the energetic leadership of Rahul Gandhi. Both Akhilesh Yadava and Rahul Gandhi are from the political families and are symbolization of  the dynastic rule in Indian political arena.

Interestingly in year 2009 when Rahul Gandhi become the youth Icon of  the Indian politics it was Saturn-Jupiter opposition in May-July, the period when general elections were held, along with Leo-Aquarius axis. Now see the astrological coincident that this time when Akhilesh Yadava have emerged into the national scene, by thumping victory of Samajwadi Party getting 224 assembly seats in U.P., the Saturn-Jupiter are again in the opposition this time along with Libra-Aries axis. It once again proves the hypothesis of Shri K.N. Rao that Saturn-Jupiter opposition always brings about the radical changes in the world order. The old order or system dies and the new order take birth when ever Saturn and Jupiter are in opposition. This time it was in   the assembly elections of 2012 the charisma of Gandhi family failed badly and dynasties of regional parties in Punjab, where the Badals came into power, and U.P. overshadowed the royal family of Gandhi’s is the new trend setting thing in Indian politics.    Now see this analysis of the Oath Taking Chart of Akhilesh Yadava given below……

Oath taking chart of akhilesh Yadav  chief minister of U.P 15-3-2012 11-38 hrs Lucknow


1.The Lagna is  Gemini shirshodaya  a dual sign  in the naksh atra of Mars  who is placed in the 3rd house of courage and initiative Dual sign not very good for oath taking . Lagna has no planet. Lagna is aspected by Moon  at very close degrees from the 7th house who is the 2nd lord and a Marka as well, Moon is in KP and hence malefic, Moon in the nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 12th house and they have nakshatra exchange, which is negative for the chart.  Dispositor of Ketu is placed in the 11th house with 7th and 10th Lord Jupiter  . Moon is also having  very close degree malefic ithasala with Retrograde Saturn , hence a Radda yoga   —————- Strong negative.           

Lagna Lord Mercury is placed in the 10th house but Deblitated and Retrograde with Sun and aspected by Retrograde Mars  ——— Negative

2.  The Kendras have Mercury and Moon   , Mercury is deb. and Moon is KP.  Malefic ——— negative.

3.The Trikonas have no benefics .  ——- negative.

4.The positive part is 3,6 houses have malefics and these give sustaining and fighting strength——-  Strong Positive.

5.There is no coalition govt. so the placement of the Lagna Lord and the 7th lord being placed in 2/12 axis will not influence much, since there is no opposition ,but this does indicate that there could be  no opposition to the Govt. Lagna Lord is weaker than the 7th Lord. The govt. may survive initially but in the long run there could be oppositions. —– negative

6.  The longevity of the Govt. is seen from the 8th house , it should have benefic aspects. There is no planet and there is no aspect .  The 8th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord  . – Moon has ithasal with Saturn the 8th lord  which is also a Radda yoga—–negative

7. Strength of Sun      Although Sun  is placed in the 10th house and has digbal strength but in Pieces which is not considered good .Sun is in utrayana which is very good Hence Sun has strength. But again with a Deb. and a retrograde lagna Lord, which may give defamation —— negative

8. Strength of Moon    Moon is placed well aspecting the lagna . Jupiter is aspecting Moon, it is also its dispositor. Moon is closely aspected by the 8th and the 9th lord Saturn and in D9 moon is afflicted in Rahu-Ketu axis and with Saturn. Also as per the above point no 1.  Moon is not very strong  — negative.   9. Navamsha D9  The Lagna has become the 8th house of D9 and 6th house is rising in the lagna of D9 which   is not good at all . The 6th Lord Mars is Vargottam and with Jupiter  and Venus in the 10th house of D9, hence there will be pulls and pressure , and the govt. may survive the pulls and pressure. Mars is very strong in all the charts D1,D9,D10. In D9 Lagna lord gone in the 12th house, Moon afflicted,Saturn the 8th lord is afflicted, this does not indicate a good longevity of the Govt. 10th house from lagna and Moon both are influenced by Mercury and Sun  .A deb. planet with Sun is not good .   —- negative.

10.   As we see the chart the Lagna lord Mercury and Jupiter are in 2/12 axis and no benefic ithasala .——– negative.

 11. The opening Dasha is Ketu-Sun-Venus  .  MD Ketu is placed in the 12th house and has nak. exchange with moon in the 7th house , which is not good. See the placement of ketu in D9/D10 and its dispositor  Weak. AD Sun is influenced by deb. Mercury , who is Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord , In D10 Sun is badly afflicted. Venus PD has ishraaf yoga with 10th Lord and also lost in planetary war. There is Radda yoga also involving Jupiter/Venusand Mars See the degrees of Jupiter/Venus and Mars. Venus is afflicted by Mars in D9 and Deb. in D10—- negative .            

  12. Let us consider the ashtakvarga to see the strength of the chart. Lagna has 27 bindoos and 10th house has again 27 not strong, just average. The 11th house has 24 bindoos, hence —-negative . Bhinna Ashataka Varga ( BAV) points of Saturn /Sun are 4 avg. and Venus has only 1, Rest of the planets have 5 Bhinna Ashataka Varga. Since Sarvashtak Varga(SAV) does not have good bindoos there may not be a good supporting system in the Govt.

13.    Let us see the 5 limbs of the panchag on the day of the muhurat..

According to Panchak Rahita Viddhi        

    The Day is Thursday   —— 5       Good for the event.

The Tithi is— ————-      8 (Ashtami)     Not good for the Muhurat. ——-negative.

Nakshatra is  Mula———-19     Ferrociousand bitter,downward   looking—–negative.

Lagna is Gemini —=——–3    Dual Lagna not very good not aspected y benefics .——negative.

Roga Panchakam  is formed by the above, hence-negative.   Although the Rajapanchakam is not good for election purposes, but this roga panchakam also not good for health areas .                 

Yoga is          Vyatipata which is also negative .

Karna Lord is Mars aspecting the 10th house is strong Positive for holding the Full Term , though there may lot of Push and Pulls in his Tenure in the Politics

The Day Lord Jupiter is Placed in the 2nd Yama of Gemini which is the Lagna of the Oath Taking Chart and Hence extremely Powerful for the Oath Taking Chart , but Unfortunately the Yama Lord Mercury the Lord of the Lagna is Debilitated in the 10th house , Placement of Mercury in the 10th house is extremely good but being Debilitated and Retrograde will be bad specially in the Condensed Dasha of Mercury from the 1st June 2016 .


As per the above chakra.

1.  Moon is in Aadhar nadi, hence the power of the King is reduced.  — Negative.

2.  Saturn is important, Saturn should not be in malefic nakshatra of Rahu,Ketu or Mars, here it is in the nak. of Mars and also retrograde, it is also in the nadi of simhasan  this is not good as per classical texts. Saturn is Karka for masses and the general public and its presence in the Simhasan nadi is not   desirable at all.  —- Negative.

3. Placement of Jupiter  Placement of Jupiter in “Assan Nadi” is a protection against evil as per the classics. Here Jupiter is in “Bharni” nakshatra in “Assan Nadi” to gave his blessing for the govt. Assan Nadi is the seat for Bureaucracy or high officials. Jupiter here signifies the support from bueraucracy in the functioning of the government  .—– Excellent .                                                                                                                  

4. Mars is placed in the aasan nadi  will give moderate administration.

5. Sun in Paata Nadi is not good for the ruler.

6. Mercury in the Assan Nadi Retrograde is not Good

Let us calculate the Condensed  Vimshottari Dasha for 5 yrs.

Here Moon is 3.32 degrees and therefore the balance of Moon in the Mula nak.will be 13.20-3.32 =9.48 degrees = 588 minutes. Therefore balance of Ketu dasha =588/800×106=78days ( total 106 days)

Ketu dasha from 15/3/2012 to 1/6/2012

Venus dasha from 1/6/2012 to 1/4/2013. This dasha could give some pulls and pressure since  Venus lost in planetary war, has ishraaf and radda yoga, has only 1 BAV and the house has total 24 sarvashtak bindoos . In varga charts afflicted.Venus is also the Lord of the 5th house the mantriya pad. On the 22nd June 2012 Mars will join Fallen Saturn in Virgo and create affliction to the 4th house of throne. Saturn the karka for the masses will be in a most venomous state. This will be aspected by Jupiter from Taurus, but  on the 1st Jul 2012 there will be degree conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu. Jupiter will be afflicted totally.The question is if Jupiter will be able to give the required protection then as placed well in the chart.

Sun dasha from 1/4/2013 to 1/7/2013  91 days, Moon dasha for 152 days then. Mars dasha for 106 days and then Rahu for 274 days, then Jupiter 244 days,then Saturn 289 days this dasha also not good.  Mercury 259 days and then balance of Ketu dasha of 28 days.Saturn Dasha will be full of obstacles and hinderances . Dasha of Mercury who is Debilitated in the 10th house and Retrograde and approaching towards Sun who is in Pata Nadi is not good hence in the Dasha of Mercury starting from 1st June 2016 could pose Push and Pulls in his Party and a Period after 28th Jan 2017, when Saturn Joins the 7th house and aspects the 10th Lord Jupiter in Virgo can  be  Most Crucial for him to  come back in Power .

Conclusion The condense Vimshottari  dashas of Saturn and Mercury  will be giving pulls and pressure  not good at all, Jupiter will give protection , but there are sensitive dates as mentioned above which can be adverse as well. The aspect of Mars in the 10th house in his oath taking chart is  going to give lots of  trouble from unsocial elements with in his party. Akhilesh will not be able to stop them in mending their brash ways and it will create lots of law and order trouble in the state of U.P. remembering those old days of extortion’s, hooliganism and loot in the state under the rule of his father Mulayam Singh Yadava earlier.

There can be health problems as well to him because of Roga panchakam and  adverse planetary combinations, specially when Mercury is fallen between the 2nd  April and 6th April 2012, and in the subsequent years  and when ever the Dasha of Mercury is in Operation after 1st June 2016  and Mercury is Fallen and Retruns Back to the sign that Period for him may be crucial.

Now on in the Present Scenerio look at the Chart below of Today comparing with the Oath Chart


As Per the Oath taking Chart the Dasha in Operation is of Mercury  and Mercury Placement is good but Retrograde and Debilitated , Mercury has been afflicted since 30th August 2016 when it went in Retrogression when it was in Virgo activating the Mercury in Pieces in the Oath chart , Sun and Mercury both activated the Sun and Mercury in Pieces till 17th Oct. 2016 and then Sun Ingressed in Libra over the Natal Saturn of the Chart on the 17th Oct. and Mercury on the 21st Oct. 2016 , Today Both Sun and Mercury have activated the Natal Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord at exact Degrees  and Saturn in Transit is Over the Natal Rahu in the 6th house has activated the Rahu degrees at the time of Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 at 15.15 degrees

The Decision and the News comes exactly when Dasha Lord and the Lagna Lord of the Oath Taking chart comes over Saturn In the Simhasan Nadi which is not good for the Masses

Mercury will be totally Combusted on the 27th Oct . 2016 and when Rahu will be in Forward Motion from 23rd Oct. 2016 the Day of Decision till 27th Oct. 2016 could be explosive for the Ruling Party and the split. Rahu will be responsible for all the Drama  till 27th Oct. 2016 and will be irreversible   

The Exchange of Mars and Saturn on the 1st Nov. 2016 will further escalate the issues

After 27th Jan 2017 Saturn will ingress the 7th house and aspect Jupiter in the 4th house is definitely a Negative Parameter for him to win the future Elections in UP

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 23rd Oct.2016 18-30 hrs Early Morning

Email   astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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