What Stars Foretell For Mercury the God of Communications Turning Retrograde and Fallen In Sept. 2016

by astrodocanil

This with reference to my Earlier Article on the Retrograde Planets “2016 A Year of Retrograde Planets, What They Foretell” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/2016-a-year-of-r…at-they-foretell/ ‎ dated 1st March 2016

Let me reproduce some text of the same given in that Article here below.

Let me First explain the Phenomenon of Retrogression before I take up the Article . I will only discuss Mercury only in this Article and its Significations


To understand Retrograde planets is very essential in astrology. Retrograde planets in Western or English translation is a Planet moving backward. In Vedic Astrology it is called Vakram, which means moving in any direction , left, right, twisted or tilted.Retrograde planets are therefore unpredictable. Retrograde planet is like a Painting brush, which goes forward, backward and again forward thereby Highlighting that area.

The speed of the planet in the orbit around the Sun varies depending upon its distance from Sun. This is based on Keplers Second law of planetary motion by which the planet is Fastest  at Perihelion, when it is nearest to Sun and slowest at aphelion, when it is Farthest. . This movement is direct in reality, but as viewed from Earth, in Geometric system which we follow the planets sometimes seem to be moving backwards or direct motion in their orbit.

The same can be compared and explained when 2 cars are moving in the same direction at a certain speed the  same can be explained as follows,

1. When both the cars are at the same Speed they will look like Stationary with repect to each other

2. When the Speed of one of the car changes with respect to the other Car, one of the car will look like going backwards , though it will be moving forwards only.

For Retrogression Phenomena we have to consider for 2 Group of Planets

  1. The inferior and the inner group of Planets Mercury and Venus.
  2. The Superior and the Outer group of planets  Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
  3. The normal motion of Rahu and Ketu is always retrograde and , when Stationary or in Direct motion Periods are of much concern.They are not physical entities and are Mathematically  calculated sensitive points, hence this Phenomena applies to them when they are direct and are capable of turning the tables upside down. They are in Direct motion about 2 times a month

Mercury and Venus are inner planets and when ahead of Sun they become retrograde.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn being the outer Planets become retrograde  when they are in the 5th to the 8th house  from Sun, and hence when they are in 120 to 240 degrees from Sun

This Phenomena is understood by the following Diagram

Before this let me give the Period of revolution or Sidereal period of Planets around the Sun

Mercury  87.96 days or 0.24 years



The inner Planets have much smaller sidereal periods,  hence the phenomena is more complex to under stand in the diagram. Mercury can be maximum at 27 degrees from Sun and Venus maximum at 47 degrees . Due to their smaller sidereal periods  these planets race past Sun and on getting ahead they go in Retrogression.

Mercury becomes retrograde when 15 to 27 degrees ahead of Sun  and direct roughly when identical degrees behind  Sun.

Mercury is Volatile when Retrograde

Sarvachintamani in the chapter 13-14 Planet in Retrogression

Mercury.The person gets wife , children, wealth, he engages himself in charities.

  • Mercury retrogrades for 24 days and is stationary one day before and after.Mercury retrogrades at least three times a year.
  • Retrogrades and Stationary Motions

    Retrograde Planets can temporarily block the elements and create problems. The two most difficult retrogrades are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury as it happens so often and Saturn as it can transit over one point of the chart again and again; and create lots of problems. It is important to know retrogression of planets in a given year. The retrograde motion of your dasha ruler can change the direction of events. Retrogrades indicate a concentration of energy in the part of the zodiac where they are active. If you have planets in that area then they will have major impact. Retrogrades make life appear to be stuck in limbo, neither moving forward or backward. Saturn and Jupiter retrograde once a year and Mars and Venus one every two years.

    Aakash Ether Jupiter
    Vayu Air Saturn, Rahu
    Tejas Fire Mars, Sun, Ketu
    Apas Water Venus, Moon
    Prithvi Earth Mercury
  • 2016  is a Year of Planets in Retrogression  like the one in early  1980.
  • It has been observed that when Ever Mercury has been in the Fallen state and Longitudanal distance of Mercury and Venus is reduced there is a Market Correction
  • Mercury is Turning Retrograde on the 30th August 2016 at 18.30 hrs  and Getting Set in the West  on the 1st Sept. 2016 at 23.17 hrs
  • Sets in the East on the 18th Sept. 2016 at 16.58 hrs

Mercury is significator of Communictions, Stock market, Weather, Earthquakes.Getting Retrograde will turn the trends of the Stock Market and the Weather, Retrograde Mercury is Bad for Earthquakes  and Specially just Before the Eclipses on the 1st Sept and 17th Sept 2016 .

As per the Solar Eclipse Chart of the 1st Sept. 2016 of 14.33 hrs  Below

Solar Eclipse chart of Sept 2016


Mercury is the Lord of the 7th ans the 10th house  placed in the Exhaltation sign , but in Retrogression and in Planetary war with Jupiter  who is also In Mrityu Bhag  is a Big Negative Parameter for the Head of the Country and the Country as a whole . As per the significations of the  House in Mundane Astrology. Mercury will be in a fallen state  and considered most venomous like a snake bite and as per the earlier occassions when ever Mercury has been in this State the Stock market takes a hit in a strong way .  Mercury will be in a fallen state from the 9th Sept to 4th Oct. 2016 will there fore be Enigmatic and can Sprout the worst conditions for the Stock marker, Weather, Earthquake ,and  communications . In the Earthy sign and Airy Navamsha it can cause Tornados, Earthquakes with Magnitude . I have already written an Article  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/08/solar-eclipse-1st-sept-2016-earthquake-prone-periods/ dated 11th August 2016.  The sensitive dates for EarthQuake have already been mentioned in the Article cited along with the Prone Countries.

The Longitudanal Difference between Mercury and Venus will also be Minimum as per the above Eclipse chart

Eclipse in the sign of Leo in the Lagna in close degrees is also a malefic Stance

It has been observed on Earlier Occassions on the

18th Oct 1929 the Day of Depression in the world Mercury was in Virgo with Venus

On the 19th Oct. 1987  Mercury was Retrograde in Libra with Venus almost degree conjunction

6th Oct. 2008 Mercury was Retrograde in Virgo and Venus in Libra, Sun was also in Virgo

From the above it seems when ever Mercury and Venus are in the Signs Virgo and Libra and Mercury in an afflicted state and specially in the Month of Oct. and Near Eclipses, it can adversely influence the Stock Market.

From the above it seems that Sept -Oct 2016 will be instrumental due to the Adverse Planetary Positions and  Mercury state from 30th August to 4th Oct. 2016. The Stock Market could become most Volatile and also Take a Strong Dip. Specially after 9th Sept 2016 and and an Important Day Monday the 12th of Sept. 2016  then the other Days which could Prove Black Days could be 19th Sept. 2016 and between the 4th to 7th Oct. 2016 and finally when the Planetary cycles are complete on the 28th Jan. 2017.The Other  Black Days could be when Earthquakes sprout with intensity on the 18-19th Sept. 2016.Tsunami, Earthquakes and  Weather conditions  could  be  Adverse. The Fallen state of Mercury the Time Frame mentioned above from 9th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2016 will be explosive one  . Mars Activating the Eclipse points along with Saturn could also be instrumental in the adverse situations which will sprout with Magnitude. Mars ingress in Sagitarius on the 19th Sept. 2016 could also be Explosive for Earthquakes, Fires, Tsunami  and all sorts of untoward happenings

A Special Note for the Stock market Since Rahu is also in Adverse motion the Stock Market can keep on dipping till 16th Sept. and then on the 19th Sept. 2016, Mercury the Karka Graha for Stock Market will be with Rahu and Sun  will be Explosive for the Market Conditions 

The Planetary cycles of Saturn and Jupiter will also be completed on the 28th Jan 2017 and hence the Prediction of the year 2016 as Durmukhi will also Prove to be correct

Predictions for Precious Metal Gold  as already Predicted that the Prices of Gold will take a correction after 11th August 2016 to a Level of 1300 $  and the Present Prices are already Touched 1315 $ , since Jupiter is ill Placed from Leo and Aries sign. Sun getting Eclipsed after 1st Sept. 2016 will volatility and after Sun ingresses in Virgo Gold may become more Volatile . The Chances of the FEDInterest Rates may not be increased in that cse the Prices may further have correction, but volatile in any case.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

29th August 2016  14.00 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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