The Tale Of The Missing Person Through Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this article I will discuss the Parameters important for missing Persons . As Per the Jyotish Shastra since the Query is pertaining to Jeeva Living Person  the Lagna and the Navamsha should be as follows

Dhatu is initial stage of chinta

Mool is later stage of chinta

Jeeva is ultimate stage of chinta

Odd Lagna               Navamsha

D                    M                    J

1                       2                     3

4                       5                     6

7                       8                     9


J                       M                    D

J= Jeeva , D = Dhatu , M = Mool

Another method to dentify the Navamsha Lord of lagna

  1. Such lords aspect Lagna and placed in own D9—– Dhatu chinta
  2. Not placed in own navamsha , but aspects Lagna —– Jeeva chinta
  3. Such Planets not aspecting Lagna——- Mool chinta

In the Article under discussion the Lagna is Even and since Jeeva Query it has to be in the  1st, 4th or 7th  Navamsha and the Last Stage of the Chinta

I am Not disclosing the time of the query for Obvious Reasons , since we are only interested the way of Predictions.

The below chart is Even Lagna and the 7th Navamsha Hence it confirms to Jeeva Query regarding a Missing Personmissing Lady

Prashna Triangle  (My Research)  Neptune is the Planet signifying the Event and Neptune is Placed in the 4th house with Ketu and aspected by Mars

Defective relations , Mysterious Relations , Going through Water  or Crossing Sea is indicated by Neptune, indicates Defective relationship between the Querist and the Missing Person.

Nakshatra Sulochana  Krittika   Failure in tracing the Missing Lady, No Recovery

Direction North Faced by the Querist  is Mercury as Per Naisargik and Moon as per Tatlika since the native faces  North  Failure of Query due to Strained Relations of Husband and wife.

Lagna has Mars and Saturn in Degree conjunction with Gulika is strong Negative for the fulfillment of the Query for the Return of the Missing Native

Rahu is also adverse motion and in the 10th house and again in the trinal house from Chaitra Rashi hence Bondage , The Benefics have disappeared from the Kendra a strong negative for the Query

Moon  aspecting the Moon At the Time of the Native leaving Home 

Can Return between 25th to 30th August 2016 taking a Positive perspective

The Native may Return with in 1.5 months taking a Positive Perspective although very weak Possibilities for Return , Since Lagna has Malefics and 4th house has Ketu and aspected by Mars , the whereabouts and the Status of the Missing Person is not good and the Missing Person has met with undesirable lelments on the way.

The Combinations are the same as were at the time of Leaving the house . Mars and Saturn in the Lagna and Malefics in the Kendra are strong Negative . Also Prashna is raised when 2 Benefics have left the Kendra indicating trouble to the missing Person. Venus is still in the 10th house with Rahu is strong and Bad for  captivation since with Rahu and Rahu is in the trinal house from the Chaitra Rashi, and hence in Bondage

4th house strongly afflicted shows the Person on journey is facing Problems of all types

Completed number of Hrs are 8 from Sunrise , hence the native is now in the South East Direction , Since the navamsha is in the 7th The Native can be traced with  40 Kms in the South East Direction from the Place of Disappearance  Near the Ponds , Crevices, Tunnels , Basement, Depleted Buildings Near a Water Tank etc.

The Missing Person will move from the  City of disappearance  after 25th August 2016.. Moon is ill Placed from Lagna Lord 8th Lord

Gulika is in the Lagna, Moon is Navamsha Lord of Gulika and Gulika in the 7th house in the navamsha chart are strong Negatives

Lagna is Fixed and hence no change, Missing Person will not come

Debilitated Planet in the navamsha Lagna with 8th Lord of Prashna Chart and a Negative sign

See the Dwadamsha  Chart above Making every thing Clear Sun is in the Dwadamsha of Scorpio and the Scorpio sign is rising at the time of the Query, hence the native is no more and the time will be when Sun went in the Dwadamsha of Scorpio.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

26th August  2016  14.10 hrs. New Delhi 



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, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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