Benevolent Jupiter ingresses in Virgo on 11th August 2016

by astrodocanil

Gochar  is a Sanskrit word and Go literally means  Grahas  or Planets and Chara means movements . We therefore need to Consider the Parameters when a Planet Ingresses in a sign  to evaluate the good and Bad impact of the Planet 

We all know before Transit we have to see the Promise in the chart and the Condusive dasha and then the Favourable Transit for the Event to Fructify.

Promise in the chart is like a Passport to Travel, Condusive Dasha is like having a Visa and a Ticket  and Favourable Transit like a Flight available to Travel.

In this article i am going to Discuss the various Parameters to be considered  for the Transit of Jupiter in the sign of Virgo  form the 11th August 2016

Benevolant Jupiter, the planet of fortune, ingresses in Virgo on the 11th August 2016 at 21.28 hrs . It gets  relief from being Eclipsed by Rahu  forming a Guru Chandal Yoga . Jupiter Transit in Virgo will be the 6th house of the natural Zodiac  and the Badhak Sthan from the Pieces sign   and sets the stage of human consciousness for the forthcoming year. In 2016, Jupiter will remain in Virgo for one year until September 12, 2017 (IST).

Jupiter is our Teacher, our Guru, and is one of the most powerful 100% benevolent  and influential planet. It is large and moves very slowly, but when it makes a move, its impact is unique. in animals it can be compared to An Elephant  and is  Saumoya like an Elephant , but when afflicted can behave like an Mad Elephant like it behaved In Leo when it was Eclipsed By Rahu after the 9th Jan 2016 .

Jupiter encourages us to reach out for more in our lives. When we connect with Jupiter, we experience Growth and Prosperity. Virgo is a hostile sign for Jupiter, and so Jupiter’s stay in Virgo will cause him to lose his benevolence so that he showers only very restricted grace on us.

However, while in Virgo, Jupiter will transit in three friendly stars: Uttaraphalguni (star of the Sun), Hasta (star of Moon), and Chitra (star of Mars). These planetary-star combinations will provide blessings in the following ways:

  • Jupiter-Sun combination is good for career growth after Sun Ingress in Virgo on the 16th Sept. 2016 to 17th Oct. 2016 Shiv Raj Yoga
  • Jupiter-Moon combination will be good for your finances and wealth Gajkesri Yoga
  • Jupiter-Mars combination will bring material happiness.

Despite Jupiter’s stay in his destructive sign Virgo, he will be able to bestow favourable results. Jupiter transit is a time when you can seek and obtain the maximum benefits from this planet. It is very helpful to acquire Jupiter’s assistance in overriding any negative afflictions you have from any other planet.

Participating in well-timed rituals for Jupiter will give you the power boost to support your aggressive and successful growth in specific areas of your life. It will also prevent or lessen the harmful effects that are coming your way.

Jupiter as Dakshinamurthy, an avatar of Lord Shiva who is the Teacher of the Gods, leads you towards growth and prosperity in abundance by removing ignorance. In Virgo, combined with the energies of Mercury, the Guru will bring many learning opportunities for you to grow in life. Both Mercury and Jupiter signify knowledge and intelligence, and together in Virgo are the sign of perfection. This astrological combination will help you to make the proper planning  your future so that you make health conscious choices and overall life improvements with integrity. It will help you to become successful in all aspects  while providing you with confidence and Stability. He will also facilitate better development of your intuitive abilities, otherwise known as the sixth sense.Jupiter is also Significator of Astrology

The Influence on the Individuals will be by the following Transit Influencers 

  1. The Ascendant 

Friendly for Aries,Cancer, Leo,Scorpio, Sagitarius,Pieces

2.Nakshatra Tara

Excellent Results  when Transiting in the Following Taras from the Natal Tara 4,6,13,17,20,22,24,26 and 27

Good Results  2,8,9,11,18 and 21

Bad Results 5,14,16,23,25

Worst Results 1,3,7,10,12,19

3.Sign Transiting Friend or Enemy 

Taurus, Gemini,Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

4.Ashtak Varga Strength According to Individuals chart .

5.Transit From Moon  2,5,7,9, 11 house benefic Results.

6.Moorti Nirnaya 

The Tale of the 2 Moons starts when  a Planet ingresses into a sign . The 2 Moons are the Natal Moon and the transit Moon at the time of ingress of a Planet in a sign , here in case of Jupiter Transiting in Virgo moon is Placed in the sign of Scorpio at 5.11 degrees in Anuradha Nakshatra .See the Chart below

Transit Jup in Virgo 2016

Now we have to Examine the Transit Moon from the Natal Moon. the 2 Moons will now be available .

  1. The Natal Moon .
  2. The Transit Moon

From the natal Moon count upto the Transit Moon  and See the table Below For Present Transit Jupiter

Moorty                                         Transit Moon                                             Remarks

Swarna (Gold)                              1,6,11 Counted from Natal Moon        Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

Rajata (Silver)                               2,5,9       ”              ”                                 Cancer , Libra,Pieces

Tamra  (Copper)                            3,7,10      ”              ”                                Taurus, Aquarius,

Loha ( Iron)                                    4,8,12     ”             ”                                 Aries, Leo,Sagitarius

7.Transit Paraya  (Cycle)

In the life cycle of an Individual there are 7 cycles of Jupiter  12×7=84 years

Jupiter 1st Paraya  0-12 years  8th from Natal Moon ——– Pran Bhayam , death like situation. Nadi Shastra says  8th house from Moon Dhan Prapti  will benefit in Materialism.

9th from Moon Elder Brother and Sisters will benefit from Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter Gives Excellent Results in Aries and Taurus in the Nakshatra  of Sun Krittika  and Forms Shiv Raj yoga

Jupiter Transit in the 9th and 12th from Natal Moon Auspicious Results for Father

Jupiter 2nd Paraya  13-24 years  Extra Ordinary in Aries and Taurus

Jupiter 3rd Paraya  25-36 years From Natal Moon  1,4,5,7,9,11,12  Auspicious Happenings in life

Jupiter 4th Paraya  37-48 years  Over Natal Moon Rajvirodham , 2,4,9,11,12 from Natal Moon  Benefic Happenings

Jupiter 5th Paraya  49-60 years  Jupiter will be Jittery Rethinking over Natal Moon and Mental confusions , 2nd House Dhan, 3rd House benefic , 4th house Benefic, Rest of the houses not auspicious

Jupiter  6th Paraya 61 to 72 years again as the 1st Paraya

Jupiter 7th Paraya  73-84 years  again as the 2nd Paraya

All the 7 Parameters together will show how Jupiter will behave for an Individual .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th July  2016 16-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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