Tornado in China : Paksha Kundali of 22nd May and 5th June 2016 Proves Explosive as Predicted

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my recent articles on the Paksha Kundalis of the 22nd May and the 5th June 2016 vide my article…/enigmatic-paksha-kundali-22n…/  Now Read this Para in the above article “Hence from the above it seems the Fortnight begining from 22nd and more so from the day of Sun ingress in Taurus on the 14th May 2016  will be a malefic one  for the Kings, Kingly Countries, China, US, Britain Europe HongKong, Japan, India and Pakistan.This Period will also be bad for the ISIS organisation, Economy Stagnation is on the Cards. A Strong Earthquake , Volcano, Tornado cannot be ruled out in the Eastern Part of the Countries and the World.” 

Astrology is most amazing and Proves its Replication 

Now Read this Link


At least one person has died after a tornado hit a township in south China’s Hainan province on Sunday.

Tornado in Wenchang. Hainan. China 5.06.2016. Tornado destroyed dozens of homes, dozens of people were injured.

There have been Tornados at other Places  also

Rare twin tornadoes dance together in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Spectacular shelfcloud engulfs Reynosa, Mexico

29 people rescued by helicopter as giant mudslide blocks mountain village near Sochi

Crazy hailstorm and extreme winds in Kuala Lumpur – Ceiling collapse video

Floods apocalypse around the world in June 2016: USA, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania

Mysterious cross appears in the sky of Oldsmar, Florida

Two strong volcano eruptions on June 1, 2016: Santiaguito, Guatemala and Masaya, Nicaragua

So many happening all on account of Mars and Saturn close to Earth and almost at 180 degrees from Transit Sun on the 22nd May and the  3rd June 2016 Respectively

 Here in this article i am only discussing the Tornado of China 

Let us have a Look at the Paksha Kundali of the 5th June 2016 of 11.00 hr. Peking
China Paksha Kundali
The Paksha Kundali is showing Crystal clear the event as Predicted by me in the above stated Article .
The Lagna is Leo the 8th house of the Foundation chart of China of Capricorn Lagna . The Lagna is in the Nakshatra of Ketu Placed in the 7th house aspected by Mars , Ketu is also aspected by 8th Lord Jupiter who is totally eclipsed by Rahu in Lagnaand aspected by Saturn , 8th house is also a Totally watery sign  and the Lord Jupiter  gone in the Fiery sign and in Airy navamsha  will give Tornados  and Strong Winds and Problems from Water , Rains, Land slides. It ha been observed that China has all this after 22nd May 2016 except an Earthquake , which cannot be ruled out after 8th June 2016
The Day is Sunday and the Day lord is Placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo, which is the Lagna of the Lunation chart and Has Rahu and the 8th Lord Jupiter who is totally eclipsed by Rahu and aspected by 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn close to Earth , hence indicative of an Explosive Fortnight for China . Mars is debilitated in navamsha and with Lumanries , the King and the Queen are also adversely influenced along with the 10th Lord Venus who is totally combusted .
The Karna is Kinstughana and is considered most malefic for Completion of any Task in this Fortnight .
Saturn and Jupiter are influencing the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali and also the Navamsha Lagna , Now Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord and Jupiter the 5th and the 8th Lord , since both are afflicted there will be Problems in this fortnight relating to these houses .
After Mercury shifts in Taurus on the 8th June 2016, could further Escalate  the Problems Pertaining to the Weather, Stock Market
After 17th June Mars will be fallen in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th house, 9th house  could further give untoward happenings , In the Foundation chart it will be in the 10th house of the Chart and the natal Mars will aspect the Transit Mars in the 10th house , There could then be Problems pertaining to Builtup Properties, Terrorism, War , Earthquakes  . Problems Pertaing to Land with Other Countries . The same could escalate after 20th June 2016 as well  May be the South Sea Conflict with US


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 6th June  2016 03.00 PM New Delhi



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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