Mars Stationary Point 14.49 Degrees Global Wreck

by astrodocanil

Mars Stationary  Point 14.49 Degrees Sensitive Point 

This article is in continution to my article “Hindu New Moon Pieces  Chart  For India: What It Foretells ?”…-chart-foretells/ dated 11th April 2016

I have already written a Detailed article for the long stay of Mars and Saturn and the  Predictions according to the same may be added here . Article 

“Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days”  link…crucial-211-days/ Dated 11th Feb. 2016, this article may be included in this .

Red planet Mars will be stationary mode from 13th April to 21st April and will turn in Retrograde mode on the 17th April 2016 at 17.43 hrs. From APRIL 17 through JUNE 29 2016, the planet Mars will be in retrograde motion. This period is inappropriate for activities requiring the normal flow of Mars initiative.

Retrograde planets in Western or English translation is a Planet moving backward. In Vedic Astrology it is called Vakram, which means moving in any direction , left, right, twisted or tilted.Retrograde planets are therefore unpredictable. Retrograde planet is like a Painting brush, which goes forward, backward and again forward thereby Highlighting that area.

The speed of the planet in the orbit around the Sun varies depending upon its distance from Sun. This is based on Keplers Second law of planetary motion by which the planet is Fastest  at Perihelion, when it is nearest to Sun and slowest at aphelion, when it is Farthest. . This movement is direct in reality, but as viewed from Earth, in Geometric system which we follow the planets sometimes seem to be moving backwards or direct motion in their orbit.
The Year 2016 is a Year of Retrogrades like the year 1980 and now after a cycle completion of 36 years . The Most Crucial Parameter in the year 2016 are as Follows .
1. 4 Planets in Retrogression from 25th March 2016 to 29th June 2016
2. 2 Most Crucial Planets Mars and Mercury Fallen in 2016, Mercury Fallen 2 times once in Jan. 2016 and again in after 8th Sept. 2016. Fallen Planet is most Venemous and like a snakebite  Hence the significations of the Mars and Mercury will sprout with magnitude and also the houses owned by them in the Natural Zodiac and hence 6th and the 8th house . The Planetary cycle of Planets activating the Virgo and Pieces since 2010 will also be complete in the early Oct. 2016, indicating Economic Stagnation, Terrorism, Earthquakes, War like conditions and specially concerning  the Middle Eastern part of the Globe.The Positive Part is the Innovations and Renewable energies Replacing the other Energies and with lots of innovations till 2020. The world will be set for Transformation in the Positive Perspective after 16th Dec. 2020.

Let us have a look at the chart at the time of the Same

Mars Stationary 1

Please also refer to my article mentioned above . The Pieces New Moon Chart of 2016 is also of the Virgo Lagna  and the Predictions as per the same may also be included in this article . I am putting here a brief summary.

Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mercury in the 8th house is a Parameter which acquires a special dimension  in a movable and a Fiery sign , whose lord is Placed in the 3rd house . 8th house is Death of the National Leaders,, Presidents, Prime Ministers ,Kings , End of the Govt. Setback to Cabinet , Death of Important Ministers, Trouble to the People of the country due to Famines, Epidemics,Morality, Capital Gains, Death Duties , Cabinet is seen from the 1st house and the 10th house, Death of the People of the country due to Heat Waves, Fire and Abnormal Temp.Volatility in the Stock Exchange.

The General condition of the Country will not be good and Difficulties to the PrimeMinister and the Cabinet Ministers , Mercury as Minister in the 8th house shows untoward happening with the Cabinet Minister  by Fire , Mercury is also with Ketu in navamsha aspected by Mars , it could also be due to Significations of Planet Mars  and goes with out saying and need not be eloborated .The reshuffling in the Cabinet cannot be ruled out . There will be Major Security lapses  after 13th  April 2016 when Sun goes in the 8th house and Specially after Sun Joins Taurus Sign after 14th May 2016 and in the fortnight from the 5th June 2016.

EarthQuakes , Tsunami Like and Terrorism Related to Rail Transport cannot be ruled out From 17th April to 22nd April 2016 and then  5th May to 11th May 2016, The Direction where the happening will take place will be North Direction , Clashes at the Boarder also could take place during the above Periods. Newly Launched Rail Transport  Could be a Target as on the way back , since both Mars and Saturn are strong in the navamsha ,Mars Vargottam and Saturn in own Navamsha, 5th House of the House aspected by 6th Lord and 6th house aspected by 8th Lord are sensitive Parameters in the chart. Trouble to Journalists as well.

Rail and Air Accident  as per the Dated mentioned above critically 

Scandles related to women and sex will sprout with dimensions

Communal Roits Regarding Educational Institutions and other Organisations 

Foreign Trade will first flourish then all of a sudden dip

All the above on the increase around 14th to 21st April 2016

The Year 2016 is Durmukh and hence there will be Economy Stagnation , Scanty Rains, Famines. Trouble from Anto social elements, Robbers, Thiefs.

3rd house is Neighboring Countries, Communications, Press,Rail Travel, Merto ,Boarder Clashes , Armed Forces , Army chief ,, Public opinion,Loss and gain of Land in War. Trade and Accidents , Since Mars and Saturn placed in the 3rd House and both will go in retrogression between 17th April to 29th June 2016, this Period will become Volatile for the above significations , since Mars and Saturn are also the 6th and the 8th Lord . Rail Accidents, Terrorism by Neighboring Countries cannot be ruled out  along with Boarder Clashes with Pakistan  specifically .

The Navamsha rising is the 5th house and hence the Entertainment sector  and the diplomatic relations with Foreign Countries will be at Daggers drawn, since the Navamsha lord  Saturn in the Rashi chart is placed with Mars and Saturn is also in Retrogression .

Mars and Saturn conjunction is an Explosive Conjunction and their Long Stay in Scorpio till 18th Sept. 2016 could be Explosive for the Country . 23rd August to 29th August 2016 and then from 1st Sept to 18th Sept. 2016 are also Periods when there could be explosive events.

Saturn as the 5th and the 6th lord placed in the 3rd house will sprout many Scandles Pertaining to the Diplomats .

All the above Predictions will sprout with dimension, See the Degrees of the Lagna , Saturn, Jupiter, Venus  are  20 degrees Plus and are the Most sensitive Parameters due to the Planetary cycles  and Saturn and Jupiter Transitting in the Virgo and Pieces sign in 2011 at 20.20 degrees , I have already explained this Parameter importance in my Article on the Planetary cycles . 

As per the India Foundation Chart 

The Country is running the Dasha of Moon-Moon till 10-7 2016 and then Moon-Mars which is not good for the significations of the 7th house  as mentioned in this article  Rail accidents , Terrorism, Boarder clashes are all on the cards it so seems

The Long stay of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house over the Natal Ketu could be explosive  for the Country till 18th Sept. 2016 and the dates mentioned in the above Paras .

Mars and Saturn Retrograde between the 17th April to 29th june and the Period when Mars is Fallen between 18th June 2016 for 25 days will be explosive and Mars will then be transitting over the Natal Jupiter the 8th Lord  for Mass happenings and Economy Stagnation and Scandles for the Significations of Jupiter will sprout with dimension

Earthquakes and natural and unnatural explosive events cannot be ruled out as per the dated mentioned 

Scandles of all types of Jupiter significations in a nut shell  when Rahu and Jupiter are conjunct between the 6th June to end June 2016 

In a Nut shell the Period from 17th April to 22nd April  are disasterous  for Terrorism,Accidents  Air and Rail Transport , Boarder clashes , War like condition with Neighboring Countries and specially Pakistan , Natural Disasters , Fire and Earthquake with magnitude , Scandles sprouting , Political Turmoils, Bloodshed  

Delhi needs to be careful because of Scorpion sign and from 14th April to 21st April and the dates mentioned—— Read This Para —-“According to the above Parameters from 28th-29th March to 8th April 2016 then when Mars is in Stationary Position after 14th April to 21st April 2016, 5th May 22nd May , 3rd June , 23rd August to 29th August 2016 Sensitive Dates for China, California, Indonesia, Hindu Kush Area, Himalaya Terrian and Japan ” in My article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy” link 25th March 2016. Predictions coming True, since Japan and Hindu Kush Area had Earthquakes on the 14th and 10th April 2016 respectively

The Period From 17th June to 13th July when Mars will be fallen in Libra will be explosive For , War, Terrorism, Political Turmoils, Assasinations, Bloodshed ,EarthQuakes, Stock Market Volatility.Kashmir Issues will escalate  and become explosive 

August 23rd to 29th August 2016 and then from 1st Sept. to 13 Sept. 2016 are sensitive dates along with 1st week of Oct. 2016  when the Planetary cycles complete

4 Planets in Retrogression from 25th March 2016 to 29th June 2016 Explosive  Parameter for the Globe.

15 degrees is also the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016  . 15 degrees in Scorpio is also Stationary point of Saturn in August 2016

The Globe will face  some uneventful happenings as per Dates mentioned. ISIS will be more active , Scorpio sign is the 12th house of the Chart of ISIS hence losses as well, but Terrorism with magnitude  and will become Most War Prone , Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Yemen , North Korea will be in a state of War like conditions , US, China, Britain , Predictions have already been made  and need not be repeated here . The Globe will float in Economic Recession as already Predicted.

Earthquakes and natural and unnatural explosive events cannot be ruled out as per the dated mentioned 

The Countries Prone are —California, Hawaii, Japan, Mexico, New York City, Russia,Japan,China, Indonesia for Earthquakes , Fire, Untoward happenings, man Made or Natural both , Economy Stagnation is on the brink and soon the world will be in Grip of Economic Recession . The bubble burst will take place 2 times , One on the Cards after 17th April, more so in the first week of May 2016 and then when the Planetary cycles complete in the 1st week of Oct. 2016

Let me also add here Russia has Virgo Lagna and Mars becoming Stationary the 8th lord  in the 8th house from 8th house with Saturn the 6th lord and aspecting Rahu in Capricorn could also be explosive during August to Sept. 2016 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 15th April 2016 16-00 hrs  


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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 



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