What Stars Foretell for Japan By Vedic Progression Chart Of Manu Smriti 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy” dated 25th March 2016  and another Article written on 15th March 2016 “Mars Stationary  Point 14.49 Degrees Sensitive Point” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/04/mars-stationary-…tive-point-india/

Read This Para —-“According to the above Parameters from 28th-29th March to 8th April 2016 then when Mars is in Stationary Position after 14th April to 21st April 2016, 5th May 22nd May , 3rd June , 23rd August to 29th August 2016 Sensitive Dates for China, California, Indonesia, Hindu Kush Area, Himalaya Terrian and Japan ” in My article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/earthquakes/ dated 25th March 2016 Predictions coming True
Also read my Article written yesterday https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/04/mars-stationary-point-14-49-degrees-sensitive-point-india/, Regarding the Explosive Period from 14th to 22ndApril 2016 regarding the Stationary point of 14.49 degrees of Mars in Scorpio a Explosive Period fro the Globe specially for Earthquakes, War, Bloodshed , Fire and Terrorism . The chart of Pieces New Moon of 2016 for Japan and the Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smritiopens the secret of What may happen to Japan in the coming Time and why The Earthquakes are taking Place one after the Other. Shall Write an Article on Japan Using The Vedic Progression By Manu Smriti which is showing Crystal Clear of the Happenings. Predictions Proving Correct to the iota . Astrology is most amazing but Pity for Japan, my Favourite Country. Let me also Put a Shakun Astrology Predictions here . While I was writing the Article , I could Insert the Chart of Japan only in the 3rd attempt, it is therefore imperative that there could be minimum 3 Earthquakes in Japan in the Present Scenerio, specially when Mars is going in Retrogression and is Stationary at the time of writing the Article and a planet is 3 times stronger in this mode.

Let us first have a look at the Foundation chart of the Country of 28th April 1952 of 22.30 hrs Tokyo


The Country is running the Dasha of Mer-Rahu-Saturn till 24th July 2016

Mercury is the 7th and the 10th Lord of the Chart and is Debilitated , it is first Rate killer in the Chart , for the 3 Reasons, 7th Lord is marak, Bhadak and also has Kendraadipatidosh. Mercury is also the Lagna Lord of Navamsha and a Bhadak sthan is rising in the Lagna and it has again gone in the Bhadak sthan of the Navamsha and aspected by the Lord of the House is  explosive dasha for Japan. Rahu in the MT house of Saturn who is placed in MY sign of Mercury and in 8th from Rahu and Dispositor of Saturn is Debilitated and Strong killer

Transit on 15th April 2016 

1.Mercury is Transitting  Over Natal Jupiter in Aries , Marak Planet has to be in Lagna or Over  the Lagna Lord Jupiter Natal and also be influenced by Transit  Jupiter , Here all these conditions are fullfilled Jupiter Transit aspects Transit Mercury Degreewise  and Transt Saturn aspects transit Jupiter in Leo degreewise .

2. Rahu-Ketu over Ketu Rahu is normally a critical Period

3. Transit Mars and Saturn Transiting in the 12th house . Mars Stationary in Scorpio at 14.49 degrees and Saturn 21.57 degrees . Now note this Parameter Natal Saturn is at 16.27 degrees and hence aspects the Transit Stationary Mars at 14.49 very closely

4. The Planetary Cycles of Saturn and Jupiter of 5 years is also completed from 11th March 2011 when a Explosive Earthquake and Tsunami took Place. The Planetary degrees of 20.20 in Virgo of 2011 have also been activated  by Saturn 

5. Mars and Saturn Both Retrograde in the natal chart., Hence Transit Saturn influences the natal Mars and Transit Mars will influence the natal mars from 17th April 2016.

6. Mars Stationary at 14.49 degrees at the MEP of the 12th house , see the Lagna degrees 15.18 , this also gives an indication that when Mercury will be fallen in Leo after 9th Sept. 2016 there could be similair happenings as the March 2011 Massacare , hence 1st Sept. to 13th sept. 2016 could be disasterous for Japan then , apart from the Present Scenerio. 

7. Natal 8th Lord Moon aspects the Lagna , In Transit  the 8th Lord Moon of the Natal Chart is placed in the 8th from Mars and Saturn.On the Day of Earthquake Moon the 8th lord is Placed in the 8th house and a watery sign hence full chances of Tsunami , specially when Moon joins Leo on the 17th April 2016 to 19th April 2016 , when Rahu will also be in Adverse motion.

Hence The Period till 22nd April 2016 could be explosive for Japan specially till 20th April 2016

Mars Transit in Scorpio with Saturn will be explosive for Japan till 18th Sept. 2016 specially when mars is Fallen between 18th June to 13th July 2016 and when Mars and Saturn degree conjunction takes Place between 23rd to 25th August and then 29th August 2016 and when Mars aspects the Eclipse point of the Eclipses in 2016 between 1st Sept to 13th Sept. 2016 



Read this —Powerful 7.1 quake strikes Japan’s Kumamoto day after deadliest tremor since 2011


Japan Quake 1

Japan Quake

Japan tsunami anniversary: five years since tragedy shook the nation to the core on the 11th March 2011. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/12190685/Japan-tsunami-country-marks-five-years-since-tragedy-struck.html

Now Have a Look atthe Planetary Positions at the time of the Earthquake  Friday 16.25 GMT. As Per USGS The Quake hit Kumamoto prefecture of the Kyushu main island at 1:25 am (1625 GMT Friday)

1 day ago1 day

Japan Quake 15-4-2016

Also See the chart of 11th March 2011 14-46 hrs Tokyo

See the Video of the 11th  March 2011 on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/12190685/Japan-tsunami-country-marks-five-years-since-tragedy-struck.html

Japan Quake 11-3-2011

The 8th house of the Natal chart rising. , Mars connection to Aquarius sign is proving a Vital parameter , Transit Mars Stationary aspecting the mars at 18.45 degrees the 8th house at the time of Disaster in March 2011, Hence mars aspecting the 18.45 degrees on the 30th August 2016 could be explosive for such happenings , At that time Sun will be in leo and aspect the Sun in Aquarius , Mercury and Jupiter will be in Virgo after 19th August 2016. Rahu-Ketu in trine from these Positions, Moon could be in Scorpio or Taurus on that day in August-Sept 2016 after 19th August 2016 , Venus will then be in Leo aspected by Saturn and degree aspect by Saturn after 14th August 2016

The Conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury is Proving explosive as discussed above in the natal chart, since mercury is First Rate killer in the chart at the time of a Strong Earthquake in March 2011, Jupiter and Mercury will again meet in Virgo on the 4th Oct. 2016 and there will be Planetary war between the 2 could again Prove Explosive for Japan in terms of Economy meltdown, Earthquakes, natural and Unnatural disasters, at this Time Mars will transit in the Lagna after 18th Sept. 2016.The Period from 9th Sept to 18th Sept. 2016 could be explosive for the Country 

Now the Vedic Progression chart of Japan for the year 2015 to 2016 ending on 28th April 2016

DYPH 2015-2016 Japan

Parameters which acquire a special dimension as per above.

Present Earthquake  is also crystal clear from the chart above  Transit Jupiter aspecting natal jupiter above degreewise , Saturn aspecting Transit jupiter degreewise , Saturn Natal aspecting Transit Mars stationary mode degreewise . Moon in the nakshatra of Mercury at the time of the event Jnd in the house of Mercury as above .Transit Mars to activate the natal Mars by Retro aspect , Mercury aspected by Jupiter degreewise . Moon at the time of the event over the 8th Lord Mercury. Sun in the house of mercury and at the time of event with Mercury. All Parameters activated . This type of Tamil Progression chart is mopst amazing and gives Bullet Piercing Predictions 

Future Predictions 

  1. Lagna Lord  Saturn and Moon both at 15 .00 degrees. already activated By Saturn at the time of the Earlier Tsunami in 2011.
  2. 15.00 degrees in Scorpio is the Stationary point of Both Mars and Saturn in Scorpio on the 17th April and 13th August 2016, at this point the Lagna Lord Saturn will aspects both mars and Saturn in Scorpio degreewise , hence these Dates will prove explosive  and will be from 17th April to 22nd April 2016 and 8th August to 18th August 2016  for Untoward happenings.
  3. Mercury is the 8th Lord of the Progression chart and Moon is the 8th Lord of the Natal chart and there is Exchange in the chart above making the Things taking place Crystal clear .
  4. Mer-Rahu-Merucy Dasha will be explosive , Rahu in the sign of Saturn and will be aspected by Saturn in Leo. A Strong  Earthquakes after Mercury goes in Taurus Navamsha on the 29th-30th July 2016
  5. , Mercury can be with Rahu in Leo in the 7th house  at the time of the Next event.
  6. Mars aspects Rahu , in the Present Transit time Mars will aspect Ketu in Aquarius with Mercury in Leo

From the above it is cryatal clear by lookinfg at the time of the Tsunami of March 2011, Foundation chart and the Vedic Progression chart thet the year ending upto 28th April 2016 is disasterous and Explosive for the country , Fall of the country, Economic Stagnation natural ansd unnatural Disasters , Train Accidents, Fire Blood Shed, Tsunami , Mars is stationary and has the Capacity to turn the tables specially when Rahu is adverse till 20th April 2016

The Period from 29th July-August 8th to 18th Sept. 2016 is also a Enigmatic one for the country as per the dates mentioned above and the Similair happening again with magnitude . the Planetary cycles will alo be completed on the 7th Oct. 2016 , hence till this Period it will be explosive for the Country .


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 16th April 2016 09-00 hrs  

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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