What Stars Foretell For The Kollam’s Puttingal Temple Fire

by astrodocanil

As per News Item Kollam’s Puttingal Temple Fire: 102 Dead, 10,000 Were Watching Fireworks link http://www.ndtv.com/kerala-news/20-feared-dead-in-a-fire-at-a-temple-in-keralas-kollam-1368291?pfrom=home-lateststories


  1. Fire broke out during celebrations involving firecrackers at 3 am
  2. More than 10,000 people were in the ground when the fire started
  3. PM Modi is heading to Kerala to take stock of the situation

Over 100 people have been killed and 350 injured in a massive fire that broke out during a fireworks display at the Puttingal temple in Kerala’s Kollam district early this morning.

The fire started around 3 am at a ground next to the temple packed with 10,000 to 15,000 people watching an all-night fireworks display that had been banned by the state government.

As Per Mook Prashna since the query is of jeeva and the 3rd Sate of the query , the Lagna if Even then has to be in the 7th Navamsha  and a Planet aspecting the lagna also aspects the Navamsha Lagna from its own navamsha then the query is of Jeeva , hence the time is 2.45 hrs and not 03-00 am on the 10th April 2016

Fire Event

Panchang of the Day

Day is Saturday night   and the Lord is Saturn  , and is Placed in the 7th Yama of  Aquarius which is the 2nd  house of the event Chart and the Lord is Placed in the 11th house  in Retrogression and aspects the 8th house of mass happenings , Saturn is with  Mars hence the Mass Deaths have taken place due to a sabotage and Explosions. Placement of Rahu and aspect of Saturn on it  in the 8th house confirms it . The exchange of Jupiter Placement in the 8th house having Exchange with Sun the significator of Temples and Jupiter the karka for 9th house confirms that it was a Organised Scandle

Tithi is SP-3

Yoga is Ayushman

Karna  Gara Lord is Jupiter and placed in the 8th house  Connected to mass happening

DBA Planets Sun-Rahu-Venus All Connected to 8th house of mass Happenings and a Scandle

 Principles of Crime 

  1. For any Crime 6,8,0r the 12th Lord will be in the Kendra , here in the above chart Mercury the 6th and the 9th Lord is in the Kendra,

Who is the Culprit

Planets Placed in the Kendras —- Mercury

7th Lord   —— Exhalted Moon, hence Exhalted Planet can give 3 to 4 times hence more than 4 persons on account of Moon alone

Planets Placed in the 11th house —— Mars and Saturn  but 10th house does not have a Malefic

The Strongest of the Above is the Culprit and called a Chor Graha

7th Lord in the sign of Taurus there is a accomplish with the Culprit, although he may not be directly involved , Since the Nocturnal sign and Prishtodayo sign is rising and Prishtodayo Planet aspecting , the event has happened during the night and with Force.

The Lagna is in the 3rd Dreshkanne hence the Rear Portion of the Temple is under malefic influence .

Since the 7th Lord Moon is aspected by Lagna Lord the crime has been done in the Public , Since the 7th Lord is aspected by Mars and Saturn both and Mars is closer to moon Degreewise , the Culprit could be a Servant in the Temple associated with some one else taking a part in the act, The  Crackers were hidden underground in a Pit

Appearance of the Culprit 

Since the Lagna is strong , the Significations are to betaken from the Dreshkanne rising , which is 3rd of Capricorn whose significations are below

  1. Male , wearing a Blanket, holding a Bow,Quiver and Armour
  2. Face Like a Horse and Body of Man called Kinnara
  3. Carrying a Pot on his shoulder Containing wealth
  4. Talkative, Slender, Long Limbs, Separated from Parents, Travels to Foreign Lands
  5. Lord of the navamsha Lagna is Exhalted in Event chart, The Person is well Established  and a Male , could be a Vaishya .
  6. hence there is more than 1 person involved and one of then an Outcaste and other Well established Vaishya
  7. One of them can be Young Attractive  Round Body    Vaishya in Caste

Caste of the culprit 

Since the Lord of the Lagna is Saturn the Culprit is Outcaste 

Direction where culprits have gone 

Direction where the Culprit has gone Completed number of hours from the Sunrise on the 9th April = 20 hence the Sign which acquires a special dimension is Sagitarius and since there is no Planet there , we have to see the Placement of Jupiter in the yama chart which is west , hence the culprits have moved towards the west from the Scene of the Temple

7th Lord is not in the Kendra hence the culprits have moved away , also the Lagna is Movable hence the culprits have gone far , but the Arudha lagna is dual, hence they have not gone to far , since the Lagna is in the 7th Navamsha  the Distance will be in Multiples of 3  and since one navamsha aver 5 Navamsha = 13 Km the culprits may have gone with in 39 Km from the Temple in the West Direction

Who is the Culprit

Since a Movable Lagna and Navamsha an Outsider is the Culprit

Jupiter in the 8th house is aspected by Saturn in Retrogression , Hence the Culprit is a Notorious one and he is also involved earlier in such Crimes . , He has a Criminal History and a Background

Clothes Worn by the Culprit  One will be in Dark and orther one with Red  Color Prominently seen .

One of the Culprit age could be around 70 years  and other one Young .

Since Moon is under affliction by malefics the Suspected Person is the Culprit.

Since the 10th and 5th Lord Venus has Friendly Tajik Aspect with Lagna Lord and 2nd Lord  Saturn , The Culprit will be caught 


As  per Navamsha also the Planets influencing the Lagna are Moon, Saturn and Mercury , Hence a Young and an Old Person Involved in the crime

Timing of the event for the Culprit being caught 

7th Lord goes in the 7th house between the 15th April to 18th April 2016, Moon Joins the Lagna on the 27th April 2016 This indicates that the Scandle will come out of the bag and all details will be Known between 12th April to the above dates

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  11th April 2016 10-00 am 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

 Video Lecture Planetary cycles   https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is only Astrological Explanation and not my Personal Opinion, the same are indicative factors only and My Research Parameters. The Writer is no way connected to the episode in any way  what so ever. With my Expertise in Prashna I want to Help find out the Culprit

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