Coming 240 Days Most Prone To Escalation Of Wars Havoc From Rains Political Turmoil’s Stock Market Fall

The Planetary Positions Are Catastrophic For Wars and Seems No Respite From July 2024-2025

by astrodocanil

“Coming 240 Days Most Prone To Escalation Of Wars Havoc From Rains Political Turmoil’s Stock Market Fall ?”

I have been mentioning on my webpage that the Planetary positions are taking the world for a rough ride after the 6th July 2024.. The following text in this regard is most important. Let me reproduce the same below

“Fortnight From 6th July 2024 Is Explosive For Escalation Of Wars, Tornados, Earthquakes, Assassinations Stock Market Fall As Predicted”

Please note WW3 will not start in a Day. The escalation of Brawl between countries from the 6th July 2024 will take it to WW3 in 2030. Read My Articles carefully on I have already mentioned in my videos the World is gradually moving to towards a big disaster. Next date is 25th March 2025 for further escalation and then in the subsequent time frames mentioned in the end of this Article.  We are one step from The WW3 as a matter of fact. All these Predictions are based on the Book of Mundane Astrology Guide and Author K N RAO.

I am the  First Astrologer to predict the warlike conditions from July-August and then from Jan to April 2025. Now Astrologers are copy pasting my Predictions and also in the news. Why did not they predict earlier. The world is full of Fake Astrologers on the You Tube and in the Social Media.

Global tensions and Brawl between Countries are escalating such as the Ukraine-Russia Crisis, Israel vs. Hezbollah conflict , China’s war drills near Taiwan , Russia on alert as NATO ‘preps for war. The Time Frames  from July to  August 2024 are most prone for Wars as already predicted by me for warlike conditions in the World. North Korea and South Korea are at dagger’s drawn a new Front can also open here for a war.

  1. 7th July to 26th July Vedha in the nakshatra Sanghatta chakra explosive for Wars and Blood Shed. Havoc from Rains
  2. 12th July to 25th August 2024  Vedha Between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra explosive.
  3. Rahu In Afflicted Condition and in forward motion from 14th to 16th June  and then 12th to 14th July 2024 and the 26th July to 29th July 2024.
  4. Saturn aspect on Mars at 24 degrees in Aries time of Assassinations and Untoward happenings on the 6th to 8th July 2024 most prone date parallel 31st Oct 1984 when Indira Gandhi was assassinated.
  5. There will also be Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi  and  Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra between the 7th July to 26th July 2024. August 26th  Mars and Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis in Transit Navamsha is also  Critical dates.
  6. 14th August to 19th August is critical time  since Mars and Jupiter will be in the Lagna of the India foundation chart and planetary war.
  7. The Lunation chart of the 19th August  23:30:30 hrs for the fortnight is also not good at all.
  8. Solar Eclipse in close degrees on the 3rd Oct. 2024 at 00.18 hrs  where the Luminaries are in very close degrees and having aspect of Mars 
  9.  Between the 26th August to 20th Oct. 2024 and from 20th Jan to 1st April 2025 Mars will be in the sign Gemini is most Venomous for India, due to 2 reasons. 1. In India Foundation chart there are only 19 Ashtakvarga bindoos and this sign falls in the 8th house of Oath Chart of Narender Modi, hence bad effects may be seen. Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord of the India Foundation Chart and Espionage from Foreign elements is not ruled out.——-Mark by predictions.
  10. Solar Eclipse on the 29th March 2025 in the sign Pisces is also explosive since in totally watery sign.  2 Eclipses in totally watery sign indicate Natural Calamities due to water , havoc from Rains, Tsunami, and Natural and unnatural calamities are not ruled out specially in the coastal Countries and Like Japan, China, Indonesia and even India specially coastal States. Mumbai and even Delhi this time from 29th June 2024 onwards as already seen.
  11. Now Have a Look at the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra and the Rashi Sanghatta chakra which are explosive for Brawl between the Countries taking ugly dimension From the 1st June to 19th June for Explosive events around the World related to Havoc from Rains , Tsunami, Earthquakes and War in the sea.7th July to 26th July as per Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra for Wars in the globe which can escalate Due to Mars and Saturn Vedha in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra.12th July to 25th August 2024 for Wars escalation around the World and then from 1st July to 22nd July 2025. See the charts below.
  12. In March 2025 the Solar Eclipse will be in close degrees of Saturn and Rahu which is also crucial.- and is taking place in he 8th House of the US foundation Chart is Explosive and USA entering in War with Russia are not ruled out. The Conditions in US will be Precarious.
  13.  The Time frames mentioned above specially for July and August are very bad for the world  for Brawl between Countries getting ugly, Terrorism, Assassinations, Havoc From Rains Floods Political Disturbances,  Earthquakes, Cyclones across the World.  Terrorism can be the order of the Day. War like situations in the World.
  14.  Rahu Saturn Conjunction on the 3rd April 2025 Parallel  5th March 1968 when  Martin Luthe King, the Civil Rights Leader who was called Mahatma Gandhi of USA was assassinated. We could Experience similar happenings In The US and the Globe.
  15. Soviet and Warsaw Pact Countries Invade Czechoslovakia. We could See Explosive Conditions in the Middle East .
  16. A world Over Recession is also seen during this time frame  for 240 days starting from the 25th July 2024. Moon and Saturn Conjunction in the 7th house of Wars as per Foundation chart of the US is also very disturbing. Even before the US Presidential Elections 2024 we could see the World in a Mess. Stock Markets could also be influenced adversely from July to Sept. 2024
     Now see the Chakras which open the secret of wars due to Vedha between Mars and Saturn below which are explosive and secret tools in the hand of an astrologer

    Rashi Sanghatta Chakra




    Also Read My Article  Lunation Charts Of 19th Aug. 2024 3rd Oct. 2024 What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

    “Lunation Charts Of 19th Aug. 2024 3rd Oct. 2024 What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?”


    As Per K N Rao a very experienced and expert Astrologer uses the Lunation charts specially of the New Moon  and Full Moon for short term predictions. Instances are there that Hardeo Sharma Trivedi Predictions about the wall street collapse of Oct.1987 one year in advance, demolition of Babri masjid in Ayodhya was hinted referring to Communal tensions in the UP and dismissal of the UP Govt. of Kalyan Singh in the fortnight of Dec. 1992.

    Here in this Article I am going to discuss the Full Moon Chart of the 19th August 2024 below of the 23:55:30 hrs New Delhi below.

    The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and afflicted in the chart above and also in the Yama chart in the sign of Mars and hence debilitated is not good the day Lord should not be afflicted.

    The Lagna is afflicted by the Placement of Jupiter 8th Lord and Mars the 7th and the 12th Lord. The Lagna is the same as the Foundation chart of India. This conjunction of these 2 Planets is taking place over the Natal Rahu. This parameter is explosive as explained in my article below

    “Mars & Jupiter Conjunction In Taurus The Ascendant Of Foundation Chart Of India Espionage, Terrorism & Stock Market Scams – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( dated 13th July 2024

    “”Mars & Jupiter Conjunction In Taurus The Ascendant Of Foundation Chart Of India Espionage, Terrorism & Stock Market Scams”

    The Mars ingresses in Taurus on the 12th July 18.56 hrs IST and has joined Jupiter in the Ascendant of the India Foundation Chart of the 15th August 1947 00:00:00 hrs. Mars will stay in this sign till 26th August 2024. The Conditions will be precarious after the 10th August 2024 till 26th August 2024 and the the time Mars in this sign and in Rohini Star and Mrigshira star since Mars and Saturn vedha will take place in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakras which is explosive for Wars, Terrorism Assassinations in the world. On the 5th August 2024 the Planetary positions will be parallel the placement of Jupiter and Mars conjunction at the time of Corona Virus and a Crash in the Stock Market. Here the grace is Jupiter and Mars are not in Rahu-Ketu axis. This was on the 20th Feb 2020.

    The Jupiter Transit in the Ascendant of the India Foundation chart as the MMP is explosive and own the MT sign in the 8th house Sagittarius. Mars enters this sign and own the MT sign as the 12th Lord and the 7th Lord. This conjunction is dangerous for the Country and the general conditions for our country and also for the Globe and the Countries mentioned in this Article.

    The Lunation chart of the 3rd Oct. 2024 and the Solar eclipse in the sign Virgo is worst of the 00:18 hrs  New Delhi Below.


    This chart is also precarious and Mars in the Lagna aspects the Eclipse in the 4th house in the sign Virgo. This chart is some what like the Lunation chart of the  Oct. 2008.

    The Eclipse in the 4th house is explosive and even worst then the Lunation of the 19th August 2024

    On October 19, 1987, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted by 508 points, marking a nearly 23% decline, in a daylong selling frenzy that reverberated worldwide and tested the limits of the financial system. The S&P 500 wasn’t spared either, as it witnessed a drop of more than 20%. The difference is Mars is not with Ketu and Sun but aspects the Ketu and Sun some what similar at the time of Oct. 2008.

    Jupiter and Mars together and Mercury Retrograde from the 5th August is also prone to Stock Market corrections till 26th August 2024. It may happen or not but some correction in the Stock Markets can take place till Oct. 2024 in a broader spectrum

    From the above it is clear that the fortnight of the 6th July as predicted before, 19th August and 3rd Oct. 2024 are explosive. The Navamsha in all the 3 cases are afflicted badly.

    Now Let us see the Solar Eclipse of the 25th March 2025 of 16:26 hrs New Delhi

The Solar Eclipse and the Pisces New Moon Chart fall on the same day and Lunation is taking place in the 8th house  is explosive. The following parameters are of Concern.

  1. 8th house is the house of Mass tragedies, under ground wealth, fall in Govt., death of important person, earthquakes, epidemics.. Saturn is also about to join the 8th house  making the things worst. There may be panic among people. Sudden accidents and death of important people. Defeat and danger to the Govt. Strikes and Scandals are not ruled out. Death of royal people . Women can be subject to crime .

2. Saturn in 7th house will be influencing the Sun Moon and Rahu where as Mars will aspect the Ketu is not at all good. Saturn placed in the 7th house is unfavourable position with regard to foreign affairs, depression in foreign Trade is not ruled out.

3. Jupiter in the 10th house . Good for Govt. The affairs of the Govt. will be smooth.

4. Mars in the 11th house Afflicted since Fallen and Progressive. Irritation in the Parliament. Illness and Health issues for e Members of the Parliament.

5. Afflicted Ketu in the 2nd House. Economic Condition of the Country will deteriorate.

6. The Nakshatra at the time of Eclipse is U Bhadra and as per Koorma chakra the direction is  North will be most prone  in the South East Asia for Untoward happenings and Wars.

 Now see the chart of the 3rd April 2025 01:29 Hrs IST when Mars goes in Cancer debilitation sign

 The chart is self explanatory the Number of Planets in Watery sign War in Sea, Havoc from Rains, Earthquakes, Crime, death by fire, death of military naval. People in Iron and Steel Industry suffer. Danger to Kings Throne.

 See the Navamsha it is horrible . 7 Planets in Watery sign. crystal clear shows war in Sea and Tsunami, Earthquakes, Mining Disaster. Death of People in high Authority. War Escalation is not ruled out.

Next Date is 6th June when Debilitated Mars aspects Rahu at exact degrees of 29 by 8th Aspect.

Further See the Conjunction of Mars and Ketu on the 7th June 2025 in Leo and degree conjunction at 25 degrees on the 21st July 2025. On this date Mars with Ketu and aspects Saturn in Pisces also deadly combination. Mars and Ketu Conjunction is deadly and explosive for a very big war.

 The Brawl Between Nations will turn most ugly from the Above time frames mentioned in this article  The Ukraine- Russia, Israel -Iran  And NATO Countries taking part in Wars is not ruled out. China may also join Hands with Russia. As already mentioned we are one step from the WW3.  The Planetary positions are most Scary for the complete Globe and Stock Market break.

  1. This is only on the basis of Astrology and for  education purpose.

    ACHARAYA ANIL AGGARWALA      B Sc Engg. Prod. P.E.C ch

    26th July 2024 04-30 hrs

    Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

    Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




    CALL +918527884764,  +919810038903  BOTH ON WHATAPP

    Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 








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