Communication With Nature Best Remedy Cosmic Energies Warn Us Before Hand

by astrodocanil

“Communication With Nature Best Remedy Cosmic Energies Warn Us Before Hand”

Yesterday some thing most amazing happened with me as usual. I went to a Doctor for 2nd Opinion on my Heart Issues. The clinic was full of Patients and negative vibrations. I decided to leave, just then it started to rain very heavily. I got nature’s call to wait. I took a seat and just then the Doctor arrived. He called me and did echo of my heart and found that there was no need to reboot my heart as suggested by my family Doctor. The nature guided me. When I came out of the clinic the rain  stopped then immediately. I was amazed.  During my visit to the Doctor I received a positive news waiting for the last 17 years for my ancestral property which also indicated as per the Muhurta chart that the Problems will be solved after 17years and 3 months. Astrologers also command that Muhurta charts have only 20% effects which I totally disagree. All my happenings in life are opened by the Muhurta charts what will happen and when . The Communication with nature  happens with me very often and I have made n numbers of Videos on You Tube promoting communication with nature is best remedy in our day to day issues in our life. As an Astrologer I don’t recommend Gem Stones as they cannot change iota in your life. 99.99 % Astrologers recommend Gem Stones. If the Gem Stones change your life then why all Astrologer’s state is the same . Why don’t they become Kings is my question ? Gemstones is merely a mode of making money in tonnes by  Astrologer’s . Their professional fee is just peanuts and they entice you to wear stones and propitiations of the Planets  by them where they make huge money. They Play with your psychology and say when their predictions fail, you are running the dasha of Rahu, Saturn, you are under sadesati, you have ashtam shani , you have kaal sarpa dosh. They bring a bad name to Astrology specially those whose bread and butter is Astrology. I don’t recommend Gemstones instead . I teach them how to use the omens for your day to day life. I also teach them how to use the Chandra and Surya Nadi, which direction is favourable and which colour of clothes they should avoid. I find Communication with Nature plays vital roles which and is the best remedy in our life, instead to of going to Pakhandi Baba’s wasting time energy and money. I have shared my 50 years of experience for the above. Read My Articles on my webpage and listen to My Videos on the YouTube. Stalwart Astrologer’s of the past also pleaded the same .

This is only on the basis of Astrology and for  education purpose.

ACHARAYA ANIL AGGARWALA      B Sc Engg. Prod. P.E.C ch 26th July 2024 04-30 hrs Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao for 8 years and  Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY

22 years of Astrology  First as a hobby and 2015 Opened a website

THE ONLY ASTROLOGER WHO PREDICTED COVID-19 IN SEPT 2019 FROM CHINA UNIQUE 7 MODULE ANALYSIS OF THE QUERY  UNLIKE OTHER ASTROLOGERS WHO USE ONLY BIRTH CHART ASTROLOGY TEACHING ALSO UNDERTAKEN CALL +918527884764,  +919810038903  BOTH ON WHATAPP Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects


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