Will Mars & Saturn Conjunction In The 7th House Of US Foundation Chart Prove Bolt From The Blue ?

by astrodocanil

“Will Mars & Saturn Conjunction In The 7th House Of US Foundation Chart Prove Bolt From The Blue ?”

I have been writing on my webpage about the explosive conjunction of the heavy malefics Mars and Saturn  from the 15th March to 23rd April 2024. This conjunction is taking place in the 7th house of Wars in the Foundation chart of the US of the Leo Ascendant as taken by Shri K N Rao.

Apart from the Above of the  The Solar Eclipse on the 8th April 2024, North Node Demon Rahu in Direct Motion for 45 Days from the 28th Feb to May 2024 will put the world in Deep Trouble. Investors in the Stock Markets are warned  since a Crash in the Stock Market is on the Cards along with Wars  in the time frame from the 15th March to May 2024. Gruesome act around the 6th-7th July is  also on the Cards Parallel to the after effect of the Mars and Saturn conjunction in Libra in India and Assassination Of Indira Gandhi. We could also have similar Happenings when Saturn aspects Mars in Aries degree-wise.

As per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao when Rahu Dasha or Anter Dasha is in operation and Eclipse over the 1/7 axis of the Luminaries or the Sensitive planets like Saturn the 6th and the 7th Lord the Country can  be involved in War like conditions

Let us first have a close look at the foundation chart of the US of the 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs  Philadelphia below

The Dasha in operation is of Rahu-Saturn which is supposed to be most enigmatic. In the chart above Rahu is placed in the 12th house of Losses and the dispositor Moon in the 7th house of Wars and Saturn again the 6th and the 7th Lord. This Dasha Started from the 20-11-2023 and will end on the 26-9-2026. From the above it is crystal clear that the Country may be prone to wars during this time.

Now as mentioned above Mars will join Saturn in Transit in the 7th house over the Natal Moon in the 7th house from the 15th March to 23rd April 2024 and Total Solar Eclipse over the 8th house in Pisces on the 8th April 2024 when Mars and Saturn will be in very close degrees in the 7th house. This Solar Eclipse is visible in the US can prove disastrous for the US

Have a Look at the chart of the Pisces New Moon Chart and the Total Solar Eclipse which fall on the same day on the 8th April 2024 at 14-20-30 Hrs  Philadelphia

The King of the Year is Mars and The Minister of the Year is Saturn and both in the 8th house in Planetary war  which is the 7th house of the US foundation chart.  Saturn loses in the war. This Conjunction of the heavy planets is taking place over the natal Moon as explained above.

As per the Book Of Mundane Astrology Editor K N Rao if the conjunction takes place in the 7th house the War is eminent. In the year June 1984 the Conjunction took place in the 6th house of the India Foundation chart and we had the Blue Star Operation and then subsequently Assassination of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

As per Matsya Puran If the Planetary war between heavy malefics are taking place with in one week of the Eclipses then there will be war like conditions in the World. In the present context  Mars and Saturn planetary war is taking place in the sign Aquarius on the 10th April 2024, parallel to the Blue Star Operation and also in the Year 1994 when the Stock market had Blood shed on a single day when Mars and Saturn were degree conjunct in the same sign Aquarius along with Mercury fallen and Stock Market and market collapsed by 10 % . Therefore the Solar Eclipse and the Pisces New Moon Chart falling on the same day can be a bolt from the blue for the world and specially for Countries having Leo Ascendant like the US, and also Countries who have been allotted Leo Lagna Italy, Parts of France , Cities Like Mumbai, Chicago, Damascus, Bristol,

When Lord of the year is Mars and in affliction with Saturn  the Following happenings could take place.

  1. Kings at daggers drawn around the world and India
  2. Trouble by thieves.
  3. Plenty of fire in forests and other places.
  4. Terrorist activities.
  5. Virus taking ugly shape in March-April 2024
  6. Strong Ups and Down in Stock Markets. 2nd Lord Losses In Planetary war with Mars in 3rd house and 2nd house has no aspect of Benefic, although Jupiter in the 5th house is good  some grace.
  7. Inflation foreseen . Prices of Diesel and Petrol may go high
  8. Life and Property will not be safe.
  9. There will be less food crops.
  10. People will be unhappy.
  11. Crime will increase.
  12. Mass happenings.
  13. Earthquakes and Typhoons.
  14. Destruction of Properties all over the world.
  15. Political Turmoil.
  16. War like conditions and Boarder Clashes with China and Pakistan
  17. Instability in the Country and general happiness will suffer.
  18. Party in Power may not  come back in power. Joe Biden will suffer the toughest times as predicted as per above article.
  19. Major Weapon deal and Scientific Achievements.
  20. Major achievements in Sports since Mars is placed in the 3rd house.
  21. Mars will activate the Solar Eclipse point on the 26th May 2024 and will be most explosive for the world as explained in this Article. In fact Mars and Rahu will join degree -wise on the 20th May and form angarak yoga. Hence from the 20th to 26th May 2024 will be the worst time for the Globe for wars may be due to Brawl between the Countries and the ups and down in the Financial Markets.
  22. Since the Eclipse is taking place in totally watery sign Pisces it is prone time for wars to take place in the Red China Sea

The Minister of the year is  Saturn and Mars and Saturn are enemies , hence a difficult year for the Globe

The Transit of Rahu-Ketu  In the Pisces-Virgo axis on the 29th Nov. 2023 is prone to Heavy Earthquakes and Tsunami specially When Rahu In Mercury Star and Mercury fallen after the 10th April 2024. The Countries Prone are  Indonesia, Japan, Russia and all those countries where the Nodes axis in transit is in the 1/7 or 4/10 axis.

The Countries who have been allotted Gemini Lagna will also be prone to disasters Like Canada,  South Of England, Belgium, Egypt, London.


Mars and Saturn degree conjunction is taking place on the 10th April 2024 at 20.30 degrees and in the Aries Navamsha . Saturn looses in the planetary war and is debilitated in the navamsha . This may bring mass happenings in the world.


Mars and Saturn conjunction is considered to be most inauspicious. Even Jahangir-Mughal King  of India was afraid of this conjunction.  It is mentioned in Jahangir Nama ‘ Since  a conjunction of Mars and Saturn the two inauspicious planets had occurred , I ordered gold, silver, other metals and all sorts of grains to be given  to the poor and needy and distributed through out the realm’


In this battle Rana Pratap was defeated by Akbar. Mars and Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius.


It was a fearful day when Mars and Saturn both were in Gemini. The whole population of Delhi was put on sword. Nadar Shah mounted the roof of Golden Mosque in Chandini Chowk- Delhi and ordered the general massacre (katle aam) . The Carnage began at 09-00 am, the persian soldiers forced their way into shops and houses killing the occupants and laying violet hands on anything of value. The Money Changers bazaar  and shops of jewellers and merchants were set on fire and destroyed. No distinction was made between male and female, old or young.

The dark day has become proverbial in the history of India and Nadar Shah stands for  a symbol of cruelty, anarchy and as an incarnation of devil himself.


Operation Blue Star took place in which Golden Temple was stormed by the Indian Army. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn was in the sign Libra the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India and now in the 10th house of the Foundation chart is explosive for the Country since there is Planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars wins on the 10th April 2024. Mars is the 7th Lord and the 12th Lord of the India foundation chart, hence espionage from foreign elements is not ruled out. At the time of  Operation Blue Star  Mars and Saturn were almost degree conjunct at 17-19 degrees, when Mars went in Sagittarius at 24 degrees and had an aspect 3rd from Saturn degree-wise the Assassination of Indira Gandhi took place.  Now Mars and Saturn in  Aquarius at 20 degrees is explosive for a similar happening when Again Saturn Aspects Mars in Aries at 25 degrees on the 6th-7th July 2024. The Degree is also of the Eclipse Point of the Total Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 in Pisces.  The Eclipse point of 25 degrees in Pisces will be activated  on the 25th-26th May 2024. Hence 2 Time frames as mentioned above  may be a bolt from the Blue for the Security of the  the Country and the Ruling Party


Russo-Japanese War 1905

Murder of King and Queen of Portugal 1909


  • Feb 6th  – Markale massacres a Bosnian Serb Army mortar Shell kills  68 civilians and wounds about 200 in a Sarajevo marketplace.
  • Feb 24th  – In Gloucester , local police begin excavations at 25 Cromwell Street, the home of fred west, a suspect in multiple murders. On February 28, he and his wife are arrested.
  • Feb 25th – Israeli Kahanist Branch Goldstein opens fire inside the  in the west bank ; he kills 29 Muslims before worshippers beat him to death.
  •  March 15th – U.S. troops are withdrawn from Somalia.
    • March 23rd  Green Ramp Disaster : two military aircraft collide over , North Caroline causing 24 fatalities.
    • Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo was  assassinated at a campaign rally.
  • APRIL 1994

    • April6th  – Rwandan  President and Burundi  President  die when a missile shoots down their jet near,Rwanda. This is taken as a pretext to begin the Rwandan Gemocide begins on 7th April 1994.
    • . April 21st  – The Red Cross  estimates that hundreds of thousands of Tuttsi have been killed in Rwanda.


Solar Eclipse and Pisces New Moon Chart For Canada of the 8th April 2024 14-20-20 hrs  On Monday Hence the King of the Year is Mars and the Minister is Saturn and both are placed in the 8th house where the Planetary war is taking place. The relations with India will become ugly as per the above Parameters discussed.


 The Chart below shows War like conditions in the world due to Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the same star  as per the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra from the 24th March to 5th April 2024 and then from the 12th April to 27th April 2024 . These combinations are taking place in the 7th house of the US foundation chart over the natal Moon most precarious for the Country to be involved in a war like conditions in the Red Sea. These Parameters are for the complete Globe and specially fore India and the US and so many other Countries.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

10th March 2024 13-00 Hrs New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 




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