Stock Market Investments & Speculative Combinations In Natal Chart Through Astrology

by astrodocanil

“Stock Market Investments & Speculative Combinations In Natal Chart Through Astrology”

Stock Market

If you are thinking of investing in stock market or even making a career in stocks, you should first look at fact whether you have a fortune to gain from stock markets or not.

Many people regularly consult us for career related issues and with the rising investments in stock market, this has become the preferred career choice. However, as I have already told that your success in this investment depends a lot upon the planetary yogas in your birth chart. There are special combinations in the chart which will support your investments and help you earn big gains through them.

Let’s dig some deeper and find out what is necessary to make it big in the world of stocks.


The first thing that comes to my mind to analyse a chart for stock market success is the houses which can promise massive gains. Here comes into the picture, the role of 5th (speculation),8th (sudden gains),9th house(fortunes) and 11th house(gains).

– When the lords of 5th and 9th house are placed together or in good positions to each other (trine and labh yoga), then it shows fortune through speculations.

– When the 11th lord is connected with 5th and 8th lord in a positive manner, then you may get sudden gains from trading in stock market. However, you should be careful while analyzing such combinations as 8th house can give both sudden gains and sudden losses. Many people incur huge loss with 8th lord combinations and indulgence of 8th house.

– Exchange of 5th and 9th lord with 2nd and 11th lords gives success in stock markets.

– Presence of Jupiter in 11th house or mercury and Rahu together in 11th house can give immense success in stock markets.

So, there are many combinations which can actually aid for success in stock markets. However, many people having the same combinations might not get the desired success. For seeing the ultimate results of planets, we need to analyze the nakshatras, astakvarga, navamsa and dasamsa chart. A holistic view of the chart can decode inner sanctums of your karma and the potential to gain success in the field of stock market.

If you are facing any setbacks in personal or professional life, or you need your chart reading with respect to 2024 transits which have crucial impact on your life, health, marriage and job, or Whether stock market business suits you.

 Houses in the horoscope dealing with stock market 

  • In astrology 5th house rules speculation so a benefic or favorable planet in the 5th house will give native success in speculations.
  • 8th house rules sudden rise or fall, strong 8th house will give sudden gains through speculations or lottery or similar means.
  • 2nd house rules wealth, 11th house gains, and 12th house rule losses, so if there is a connection between 2nd and 12th house /lord then loss of wealth through speculation can be predicted.
  • 9th house –house of luck and fortune.



– Malefic planets like Rahu play a major role in analyzing the success through stocks as Rahu has given many rags to riches stories and even riches to rags. Many people who have strong Rahu in a beneficial nakshatra and money giving houses especially 11th, 2nd , 5th etc with a beneficial aspect of 9th lord are the multi-billionaires with lots of wealth coming through stocks. NORTH NODE RAHU SHOULD NOT BE IN DIRECT MOTION. THIS MATHEMMATICAL POINT CAN TURN THE TABLES UP SIDE DOWN.


The  placement of these 2 planets is very important and any connection in the birth chart would spoil the good combinations for speculations

  • Jupiteris the significator of wealth and Mercury the significator of the Stock market.
  • Jupiter also indicates gains from banks, banking shares, money, gold, and precious saleable items like diamonds and precious stones.
  • Mercury–indicates sudden gains from intellects or through speculations especially the stock market.
  • Moon: gains from liquid or glazy types of things.
  • Rahu: Triggers the unexpected events in life, sudden gains from unethical sources, fluctuating gains

Combinations one needs to have for gains through stock market:

1) Connection of 5th house 2nd house and 11th with each other will lead to gains. The stronger the connection ,more gains one will get

2)Exchange between the lords of 2nd house and 11th house which are houses of wealth

3) A well placed Jupiter and Mercury in the  horoscope  will surely ensure gains through speculation.

4) Lord of 8th house which is house of sudden gains well placed or connected with 2nd or 5th house which are wealth giving house also leads to gains through stocks.

Combination for losses:

  • If the moon is heavily afflicted in a person’s horoscope it indicates a person being fickle-minded, such people should refrain from the stock market and taking risks.
  • Sun-Rahu placed in the 1st/5th /9th house and not expected by Jupiter can lead to losses.
  • Lord of 5th/9th /11th house placed in 12th house of a horoscope indicates losses
  • Retrograde planet of 6th /11th house placed in 12 the signifies losses.


1.  Combination of Moon and Mercury not the time to invest in the stock Market.

2. North Node in Direct motion has the capacity to turn the tables up side down most dangerous time to invest in the Stock Markets.

3. Ketu Transit over the natal Venus is time for losses in the speculation market.

4. North Node Rahu and Eclipse over the natal Jupiter is time for losses.

5. Those Natives who have Jupiter in Pisces Born in 1987, 1999,  1963, 1975, 1976, are prone to losing money in stock Markets till  May 2025.

6. Those who have Fallen Jupiter in the Natal Chart and Debilitated in Capricorn

7. A through examination of the Birth chart and a Prashna  would tell the time frame when to invest and when not to invest.

7. In the Present Scenario the Planetary positions are marching towards Global Crisis between March and May 2024.

Have your charts checked thoroughly for the above to avoid losses in the time frame mentioned abovebetween March andMay 2024

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

9th March 2024 09-00 am New Delhi New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 



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