Fate Of Israel-Palestine Brawl What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil
‘ Fate Of Israel-Palestine Brawl What Stars Foretell ?’

The premeditated surprise attack, named ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’, by Hamas on Southern Israel by launching nearly 7000 rockets since October 7, 2023, morning has been the biggest and unprecedented attack on Israel since the Yom Kippur War 50 years back. The attack has killed over 700 Israelis and wounded more than 2,000. The Israelis retaliated with air attacks that have killed 425 Palestinians and injured another 2200 in Gaza.

This is with reference to my Articles  on my webpage and my Predictions for warlike conditions and  Blue Star Operation happening comes true even the Date 7th Oct. 2023 when Demon Rahu was stationary and has aspect of Mars and Saturn the 2 heavy malefics. The reasons for the catastrophic attack is due to the following reasons. Not a single Astrologer Predicted this time frame and now they are doing post -mortem of the same which speaks bad for them and Astrology.

  1. Demon Rahu Adverse from the 30th Sept. to 7th Oct. 2023. On the 7th Oct. Demon Rahu was Stationary the time when Hamas Terrorist group pounced upon Israel. This Time frame was predicted well in advance for Blue Star Operation in the world and brawl between the Countries taking ugly turn.
  2.  Mars and  Ketu Explosive combination degree-wise on the 3rd Oct. 2023.
  3. Solar and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Oct. on the 14th and 29th Oct. 2023 respectively.
  4. Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra from the 3rd Oct. to 16th Nov. 2023 most explosive for wars and Demon Rahu in Aries till 30th Nov. 2023 catastrophic.
  5. Tensions Developing  and reaching boiling point in Sept. 2023 due to Mars and Saturn Vedha in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra from the 4th Sept to 24th Sept. 2023.
  6. Demon Rahu Adverse from the 13th to 29th Oct., 5th to 11th Nov and 20th to 25th Nov. 2023 are most explosive for the globe in terms of a mega happening across the world and specially the War. I am only taking about Oct and Nov. 2023 .
  7. I have also mentioned in my Articles about the Solar Eclipse falling on the 8th April 2024 which also falls on the Day of Pisces New Moon Chart and the Same Falling in the 6th House of the Israel Foundation chart and in the 7th house Of Russia and Mars and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius may add fuel to the burning fire in the world between the nations.

Have a Look at the Chakras  first below


The Vedha between Mars and Saturn from the 4th to 24th Sept. 2023. 21st-22nd Sept  Mars – Saturn and Moon Rahu was explosive for the espionage  by the Hamas Terrorist Groups against Israel.


The Vedha between Mars and Saturn most essentail for war are activated from the 3rd Oct. to 16th Nov. 2023. Rahu in Aries till the 30th Nov. 2023 is most explosive for war as per the Prashna Texts. I have written n number of Articles explaining the above on my webpage and all my predictions have come true.

Read my Article below

22 Israelis Killed, Over 500 Injured After Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets From Gaza Predictions On Spot – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)


Reproducing the Article

22 Israelis Killed, Over 500 Injured After Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets From Gaza Predictions On Spot”

Hamas is a Terrorist Group operating from Gaza and there has been tussle between Israel and Gaza  for a long time . Iran supports the Terrorist Groups .  I have been mentioning in my Articles and Videos that this time frame will bring two group of countries , one supporting the war and another against the war and with Israel. Surprisingly all is happening as per my Predictions specially in the time frame mentioned and when Mars and Ketu are conjunct from the 3rd Oct. and Demon Rahu like a snake bite till the 7th Oct. 2023 and then from the 13th Oct to 29th Oct . 2023 in Oct. A mega happening will be Bolt from the Blue for the World.——-NOTE MY PREDICTIONS

As per the recent news Israel was approaching Saudi Arabia for peace talks, A snake has come in between and marred the peace talks. It goes without naming the Nation and will be the main source of Trouble in the War . It seems as predicted by me it can take a mega shape between the 13th Oct to 16th Nov. 2023 which may prove Catastrophic for not only the War between Hamas and Israel but for the whole world. “Coming events cast their shadows before” Shadow Planet is Rahu and showing the Future  for a mega operation and becoming most ugly. The Year 2024 is no better and from the year 2025 world Crisis Starts  Read the Article below written by me.

World Catastrophe: Jupiter Attichari 2025 Saturn-Jupiter Opposition 2028 Eclipses In Rohini 2030 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

All the above Predictions boil down to indications of Big wars Starting from Oct. 2023 onwards across the World


The Foundation chart of Israel is of the 14th May 1948 16-00 hrs . Tel Aviv of Virgo Ascendant below as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. .

The Chart is self explanatory. The Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn till the 22-11–2023 and broadly speaking the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu  till 28-10-2025 will be explosive and the Country and  may be involved in war like conditions due to the following parameters explained below  .

  1. Rahu in the 8th house and having aspect of Saturn 6th Lord of enemies  and aspect of the 7th Lord Jupiter is Crucial for war like conditions in the Country
  2. As per the  Research Theory of shri K N Rao Mars placement in the 12th house makes the Country prone to Terrorism  Espionage and Warlike conditions from neighbours. The Connection of Mars with12th 3rd, 6th and 7th House make the nation War mongering also.
  3. Transit Rahu Over the natal Rahu and Aspect of transit Saturn on both the Rahu in natal and Transit  Rahu is most malefic parameter.
  4. In the navamsha also Rahu and Ketu in these signs further aggravates the situation till the 30th Nov. 2023
  5. Jupiter placed in the4thhouse forms a hamsa yoga but Retrograde and is bhadak and marak for Virgo Lagna since the benefic as the  of Kendra Lord  forgets the beneficence but aspect of Venus on Jupiter is good as the 2nd and the 9th Lord due which it has support from US and other Countries of the World The sun and Mercury placed in the 9th house and the aspect of Saturn and Moon on the 5th house makes the nation technically advanced nation.
  6. In the Rashi Tula Navamsha Jupiter with Mars in Taurus is not good and Rahu with Moon in the 2nd house . Lagna Lord and the 10thLord strong shows the Strength of the Prime Minister in Position.
  7. Arab Countries attacked Israel in the year 1948, 1967 and1973 and they faced defeat.
  8. Unfortunately the Current Dasha in operation for 18 years of Rahu placed in the 8th house of sudden untoward happenings and attack by the Hamas is due to the Rahu In Transit was stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023 over the natal Rahu and having aspect of the Natal and Transit Saturn and Jupiter and also Rahu in Transit in the 8th house having the aspect of both Mars and Saturn are extremely explosive till the 16th Nov. 2023 and in a broader spectrum till the 30th Nov. 2023
  9. Eclipses of Oct 2023  in the 2/8 axis of the Chart above.
  10. As per the Theory of Inevitability by K N Rao when the Dasha of Rahu is in operation and the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant it is time for the fall and disaster in the Country. Specially Rahu placed in the 7th house as marka in Transit. This would happen after True Rahu  joins the 7th house on the 30th Nov. 2023 and there is also Eclipse in the 1/7 Axis of the Foundation chart on the 8th April 2024 also the same time when The Pisces New Moon Chartwhen Sun and Moon are at the same degrees in Pisces, unfortunately it falling the same day of the Solar Eclipse .
  11. In transit also Saturn from Aquarius aspects the Natal and Transit Rahu in Aries who is in adverse motion from the 1st to 7th Oct. 2023 and Stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023. This parameter is most explosive for a War and Brawl between the Countries taking ugly turn.  Consequently the war is taking an ugly shape .
  12. Rahu is Again in Stationary mode from the 13th to 25th Oct. and then in forward motion till the 29th Oct. 2023 and Stationary again on the 30th Oct. before it regains its normal motion of retrogression. The time frame is parallel to the time of Demonetization in India on the 8th Nov. 2016 and also at the time of the 26th Dec. 2019 Solar Eclipse and identical to the time of big wars of Rahu in most malefic state.
  13. The Mars-Ketu conjunction in the 2nd house and Rahu Jupiter Conjunction in the 8th house played havoc from the Hamas Terrorist Groups and a Proxy war by Iran. Hezobullah and Iran shall shortly pounce again with dimension on Israel will make the War most Ugly in the near future . US and England will keep on Supporting Israel.

This is with reference to my Articles on my webpage about the brawl between the nations taking a ugly turn proves spot on after the 3rd Oct. 2023  . I had used the most valuable tool the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra as shown above which indicated that the time from the 3rd Oct . to 29th Oct. 2023 is explosive for Terrorism, Warlike situations and the Brawl between the nations may take ugly turn. I had also Predicted about the Earthquakes and all the Predictions made on my webpage have proved on spot even the dates. I had also mentioned that starting from the 30th Sept. to 29th Oct 2023 Demon Rahu will be in Adverse motion and since having aspect of both Mars and Saturn will create Panic till 7th Oct. and then from the 13th Oct. to 29th Oct 2023. In Nov again it will create panic  from the 5th Nov to 11th Nov and then from the 20th to 25th Nov. 2023 . All my Predictions are proving 100 % even the dates . Not a single Astrologer Predicted the out come of the planetary positions for Oct. and Nov. 2023. My Predictions for the celebrities and the Politicians also proved on spot due to the following Parameters .

The Solar Eclipse all though not visible in India is taking place on the 14th Oct. in the Star of Chitra and asper the Koorma Chakra the direction is South.

The Partial Lunar Eclipse visible in India is taking place in the Star Ashvini on the 28-29th Oct. 2023 and as per Koorma chakra the direction is North-East and Parts of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China, Burma and even Assam may be influenced adversely by Natural and Unnatural calamities and war like conditions in the world and earlier brawl between nations and the terrorist groups may escalate beyond expectations

The Following Parameters are responsible for the above happenings as already predicted long back

  1. Partial Lunar Eclipse on the 28-29th Oct. 2023
  2. Mars and Saturn Vedha in the Rashi sanghatta chakra from the 3rd Oct. to 16th  Nov. 2023
  3. Demon Rahu adverse  first from 1st Oct to 7th Oct. 2023 , 13th Oct to 29th Oct. 2023, 5th Nov. to 13th Nov. 2023 and then again from the 20th to 25th Nov. 2023. These time frames are explosive for the Stock and the Financial Markets of the world also apart from the parameters mentioned in my Articles.
  4. For India Mars and Ketu travel over the Natal Jupiter and 8th Lord is crucial for India as per the Foundation chart for Terrorism and as already predicted my Predictions are proving 100%. In Case of Russia it is falling in the 2/8 axis and for Israel in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart of Libra Ascendant

Have a look at the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra below and the Vedha between Mars, Ketu Sun and Saturn in the 2 7 11 triangle. The Vedha between Mars Ketu and Saturn stars from the 3rd and we have seen what has happened  on the 7th Oct. 2023 above and till 16th Nov. 2023 catastrophic


As per the news the Hamas Attacked on Israel on the 7th Oct. early morning at 06-30 hrs from Gaza Strip. The Chart is Below

The Parameters which acquire an important dimension.

  1. The Day is Saturday and the Lord is placed in the 6th house is the most evil positions as the 6th Lord in Retrogression. Saturn aspects the Stationary Rahu by third aspect on the 8th house where Jupiter the 7th Lord is also placed in Retrogression.
  2. Tithi is  KP- Navami a Rikta Tithi is good for a war.
  3. Karna is Mercury and placed in the Lagna in Exaltation also as the 10th Lord hence karya siddhi will take place for the Terrorist Group Hamas.
  4. Gulika in the Lagna at 19.26 degrees and the Lord is Mercury and in navamsha it has gone in the sign Gemini which is also ruled by Mercury and also aspects the Lagna but is in debilitation.
  5. The DBA planets are Jupiter-Ketu-Saturn
  6. The Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord Saturn is Saturn and the Trishamsha Lord of Mars is Mars is most explosive for the War and Terrorism between Hamas and Israel since both are connected to the 8th house . Hence Blood shed.
  7. Mars and Ketu conjunction is some what parallel to the time of 9/11 attack on the US Tower. This Combination is catastrophic in all respects.
  8. Lagna Lord Mercury and 7th Lord Jupiter are in 6/8 axis indicates blood shed.
  9. The Dispositor of the Sun and Moon in the Navamsha is Mercury the Gulika Lord and in Debilitation  is not good for the Hamas Terrorist group. Initially they may pounce on Israel but they will suffer the Most when Israel retaliates.
  10. 9th Lord is not connected to the Lagna Lord hence the enemy arrives again and again.
  11. Lagna is moving towards the movable sign hence the War and Terrorism may escalate into a bigger war.
  12. Generally a Malefic in Lagna  is good for taking a revenge and since  Sun is placed it is good, but as explained above the Sun and Moon are weak IN NAVAMSHA THE ATTACKS BY HAMAS AFTER THE TIME STIPULATED AND CALCULATED MAY BE WEAK ALTHOUGH THE WAR MAY CONTINUE TILLl 3×2 = 6 Months as per the Navamsha
  13. In Navamsha Bhadak in Lagna the Terrorist Group may suffer.
  14. Rahu Stationary  in the 8th house and having aspect od 6th and 8th Lord Saturn and Mars there will be blood shed, Mass Tragedies, Fall of the Govt., Death of Important person, Earthquakes and epidemics.
  15. Mars and Ketu Conjunction in the 2nd house Explosive.
  16. Dasha of Jupiter-Ketu till the 15-1-2024 explosive for the world.


.As per this method 6×3 = 18 months most crucial for Israel and  Hamas Terrorist Group till 7th April 2025

7th Lord when attains direct motion then the war can ease after the 1st Jan 2024.

As per Moon navamsha the first 20-21 AND UP TO 30  days will be fatal on the 22nd Day lot of other Countries may jump in the War like US, China, Iran and Russia Hence 27th to 31st Oct. 2023 will be catastrophic for the War  and specially on the 30th Oct. 2023 . FIERCE WAR WILL TAKE PLACE TILL THE 16TH NOV. 2023 ——– NOTE THESE  PREDICTIONS

Immediate violent fight is indicated


The houses from 9th to  2nd house Govern the attacker and has 2 benefics and 4 malefics

The Houses from the 3rd to 8th are governed by then defendant and Israel  has 2 malefics and one benefic  Jupiter may bring success for Israel after Lot of Efforts.

My word of Caution for players in the Stock market to be very vigilant and invest carefully else  you may land in troubles and loose money. The conditions in the Stock market will be volatile as already predicted and then the most crucial time in the Financial sector and may face the toughest time in the year 2023 as already predicted by me in so many articles on my webpage as per the partial Lunar Eclipse falling on the 29th Oct. 2023. It has been observed that ill effect of the eclipses are also felt before the actual eclipse and after the 3rd Oct. 2023 when Mars joins Libra and after the 18th Oct. 2023 when Sun also joins the Libra sign and a parallel combinations in the sign Libra for a Stock Market to take a beating.

I salute my Guru for the skills I have got in Astrology.


10th Oct. 2023 07-10 hrs.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


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