U.S. Stocks Join Global Rout As Predicted.Economy Meltdown Inevitable

by astrodocanil

This is in Continution to my Earlier Articles on Global Economy on this webpage https://www.astrodocanil.com/?s=Global+Economy and my Articles “https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/05/will-the-solar-eclipse-of-march-2016-bring-decline-in-the-us-economy/” dated 24th May 2015

“https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/12/will-the-eclipses-in-march-2016-bring-a-meltdown-in-indian-economy/” dated 15th Dec. 2015

“https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/paksha-kundali-of-10th-jan-2016-and-the-fear-of-terrorism-looming-over-the-worldisis/” dated 27th nov. 2015

Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn: What it has in Store for India https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/12/solar-ingress-of-sun-in-capricorn-what-it-has-in-store-for-india/ dated 8th Dec. 2015

Now go through the Following links

Dow Sinks 390 Points in Global Selloff, Crude Falls Nears $29 dated 15th Jan. 2016


Oil fall drags Sensex 318 pts, Nifty to 19-month closing low

Graph of Crude oil

6 Month Crude Oil Prices - Crude Oil Price Chart

Graph Of Gold Prices

3 Month Gold Chart

Dow Jones Industrial Average  since 2016

China Stock merket since 2016

China Stock Market

BSES Stock Exchange at 24455






Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/local-markets/oil-fall-drags-sensex-318-pts-nifty-to-19-month-closing-low_5022401.html?utm_source=ref_article


My Predictions are in line with what ever is happening in the globe regarding , Economy Stagnation, Terrorism, Political Turmoils

I had written a small article on my webpage on the facebook link https://www.facebook.com/Astrologer-Anil-Aggarwala-1480325592273542/

dated 14th Jan. 2016 . I am Reproducing the same here

See the chart below of 14th Jan. 2016 20-00 hrs .is a Enigmatic chart Drawn by me to evaluate the Present Scenerio.This chart is drawn at Random for the 29.00 degrees planets and the Lagna in Gandantha at 29 degrees Cancer . 

Enigmatic Chart of 14th jan. 2016

One can imagine what are the State of Affairs in Transit , what will happen to Stock market, Gold, Crude oil, and Terrorism sprouting .one can guess easily. Asd and almost all Planets at 29 degrees plus and Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis and Rahu in Adverse motion . Astrology is most amazing , specially when you you add Nadi Jyotish in Parashar , just like you add Salt and Pepper in any dish for it to become Tasty.In Parashar there is no explanation for a Fallen Planet and say for example in the case of Mercury , it is fallen today and having maximum degrees in Sagitarius and as per Jaimini Astrology it will be Atma Karak and a Day before it was Dara Karak since less than one degree in Capricorn. As per Tamil Texts of Jaimini Shastra a planet which is fallen ceases to be any Karka . in the Present Scenerio Mercury in Capricorn was stationary on the 6th Jan. 2016 at 6.46 degrees was aspected by Mars and Saturn ,can trigger now when it is fallen it is Totally combusted in Sagitarius, in Paap kartari yoga  and Dispositor is totally Eclipsed by Rahu forming a Guru Chandal Yoga and a Malefic one and today is also Thursday and the Lord is again Jupiter . Tomorrow is Friday and Solar ingress of Sun in Capricorn and Lord of the Day is in Planetary war with Saturn and Sun also under malefic influence and Rahu in Forward motion can trigger many results pertaining to Significations of Mercury, Sun, Venus , Jupiter . Solar ingress in the cardinal signs is very important and indicative of the happenings for the coming 3 months , I donot see any repite from the Economy meltdown and Friday could trigger many events pertaining to the Planets mentioned above, regarding Economy, Stock market, Gold , Crude oil Prices and Terrorism. Day Lord Venus is with Saturn (Black) God bless

18th -19th Jan 2016 could be most crucial for the world Economy to take a big hit till Mercury crosses the retrogression degrees of 6.56 degrees on the 14th Feb. 2016. The Fall in the market will continue till the Longitudnal distance between Mercury and Venus keeps on decreasing till the 26th Jan 2016 in the sign Sagitarius and then in the sign Capricorn. till 14th Feb. 2016

Now Let us compare the Parameters at the time of 2 Economy Falls

Now See this chartbelow Global Equity down by 7.9 % in 2016

Global Equity on 15th Jan 2016

Let us see what was the Primary reason at the time of 2 Major Stock market Melt down at the time of the Great Depression of 24th Oct. 1929 and Oct 2008

The Great Depression of 1929


What Was The Great Depression of 1929?

The Great Depression of 1929 was a worldwide depression that lasted for 10 years. Its kickoff in the U.S. economy was “Black Thursday,” October 24, 1929, when 12.9 million shares of Stock were sold in one day, triple the normal amount. Over the next four days, prices fell 23%. This was known as the Stock market Crash of 1929

There are 2 main Parameters at the time of 24th Oct. 1929 and the Present Scenerio on the 14th Jan 2016 Planetary Positions

  1. Mercury about to fall, Jupiter Stationary on the 1st Oct. 1929. In the Present Scenerio Mercury was Stationary on the 6th Jan 2016 before going in Retrogression and aspected by   Mars and Saturn in a Bearish Sign Capricorn .14th Jan 2016 Mercury is totally combusted , Fallenand also in Paap Kartari yoga. 1st Oct. 1929 Mercury was about to fall in Virgo a Bearish sign for Stock market
  2. Jupiter was stationary in the Present Scenerio between the 5th Jan to 11th Jan. 2016 and also the Dispositor of Mercury when Fallen. Rahu ingressed over Stationary Jupiter on the 9th Jan 2016
  3. In 1929 and 2016 Both Mercury and Jupiter are Retrograde and ill aspected and in state of malefic stance
  4. Eclipses Taking Place after the Day of Great Depression the 24th Oct. 1929.  the Eclipse took place on the 18th Oct. and 1st Nov. 1929 and Mars activated the Eclipse point and both Mercury Fallen and Jupiter Retrograde and when Stationary .
  5. In the Present Scenerio similair Eclipses on the 22nd Feb. and 9th March 2016
  6. At the time of the Crash of the Indonesian market and other Asian markets on the 8th Oct. 2008, Both Mercury and Jupiter were afflicted by  Mars, Mercury stationary and lost in Planetary war with Mars . The Longitudnal Distance between Mercury and Venus was minimum http://useconomy.about.com/od/Financial-Crisis/a/Stock-Market-Crash-2008.htm
  7. Crude oil Prices could  become Volatile after 20th Feb. 2016 when Mars and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio for 211 days till 18th Sept. 2016.
  8. This Period will be crucial for the Globe for Terrorism from the ISIS and the other Terrorist groups operating in the various Parts of the world. Needless to mention here that there will be escalation of Terrorism, Brutality and War in the Middle Eastern Countries .
  9. Countries most influenced will be US, Russia, China , India, Pakistan , UK and Europe .The year 2016 has started with untoward happenings and it is said that coming events cast their shadows before and Rahu is shadow and has already cast its full shadow on the divine planet Jupiter when Stationary on the 9th Jan . 2016 when also aspected by Saturn . Those
    • The Longitudnal distance between Mercury and Venus was also minimum on the Day of Depression 24th Oct. 1929 and  in the Present Scenerio it will be minimum on the 25th Jan 2016, which is Monday. Hence between the 18th to 25th Jan. 2016 there will be maximum fall in the Market. The Mondays could Prove a Black day.

    countries will be influenced most who have eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the ASd, Moon and Sun signs with Sub dasha of Rahu or any planet connected with Rahu in Operation. Those countries will also be influenced who have afflicted Jupiter of in malefic Guruchandal yoga .

  10. The Eclipses Lunar and Solar in Feb. and March 2016 will cast their evil shadows on the Economy, Peace, Terrorism, Brutality and also bloodshed . i have already written details on all on this webpage
  11. Regarding Gold I have already predicted for its Volatility  on my webpage .
  12. Real Estate will get a hit and Recession in the Real Estate will also Escalate causing huge unsold  Inventory stocks specially for 211 days Transit of mars in Scorpio.
  13. The Situations in the untoward happenings will escalate when mars and saturn both will become Retrograde in April to June 2016 and more so when mars is Fallen in Libra on the 18th June 2016
  14. Oppurtunities in investment will come over the years 2017. 2018, 2019 in Property, In Oil after 20th Feb. 2016 and more so after 29th Jan 2017,. Investment in Gold and Stock market will also arise when the Markets try to recover some what after 14th Feb. 2016 but more so after Sept. 2016. After every Night there is a Bright Day , hence One should Plan in a Systematic way for the Future to get the benefit of the Recession. The Recession will last for Minimum 4-5 years through 2016 will be the worst year as gfar as economy is concerned
  15. Banking Sector will beb influenced the most .
  16. Jupiter has to cross Saturn  for Recoveryof the Economy
  17. All is the effect of the Jupiter, Saturn ,Nodes , Mars and finally the Delivery boy Moon in the  Pieces-Virgo Axis to Bring a strong Change in the Globe . The Planetary Positions since 2010-2011  have been activating this axis and the the Nodes and Finally Mars in Virgo and Moon till 24th Dec. 2015.
  18. The Cycles of the Planets are also important and the significator of Economy Jupiter has completed 84 years since 1932 , till when from 1929 the Economy was hit badly. Between Jupiter and Rahu the Least common factor is 6 and 84 years is divisible by 6 and from 1929 Saturn also on the Completion of the 3rd cycle of 29.46 years x3=     8 8.38 years  and Saturn has complated  88 years plus from Oct. 1929

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 15th Jan. 2016  23.20 Hrs  Singapore 

Disclaimer : This is an astrological analysis and not the personal opinion of the writer and the Writer does not hold him self Responsible If any body takes any action or investment on the above basis and analysis, he would be doing it at his own risk.The above analysis on theBasis of Comparative analysis of the previous Meltdown in Economy .


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