Stars IndicateTurmoil in Indian Political Scenerio in India 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my earlier article “Solar Ingress in Capricorn: What is has in Store for India” link dated 7th Dec. 2015. This has also reference to my article “National Herald Scam:Rahul and Sonia Gandhi in Deep Waters ” link dated 20th Dec. 2015,

Now Read this “Arvind Kejriwal Says Raids At His Office Only To Save Arun Jaitley” 

CBI Raids Arvind Kejriwals office at 10-10 hrs 15th Dec. 2015 with Capricorn Lagna, Lagna Lord Saturn and Sun the 8th Lord in the 11th house , it seems that the Battle between Arvind Kejriwal and Arun Jaitley will escalate after the Solar ingress in Capricorn , since then Both Mars and Saturn will be aspecting the Capricorn sign, which is also the Lagna of AAP and the 4th house of Arvind Kejriwal and the 8th from Moon . AAP also has Natal Moon in Aries, Hence it is like committing a suicide for AAP if they become aggressive in the Present Scenerio .

Narinder Modi has Moon in Scorpio hence Arvind Kejriwal and Narinder Modi have Moon of each other in 6/8 axis and what ever is happening is bound to happen, but Mind you the Eclipses of March 2016 are bad for BJP in General, where as the Eclipses in case of Arvind Kejriwal will take place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna is more critical for him then N Modi .The Ingress of Sun in Capricorn as Predicted by me will give internal Tug of war in Politics and External Fear of Terrorism and Fear of attacks from Pakistan.Read my Article…/solar-ingress-of-sun-in-capr…/

The Year 2016 has not even started and see the Political Scenerio in the Country as Predicted by me,They say coming events cast their shadows before, hence it is obvious that the year 2016 Start will be full of internal problems related to Political parties. Problems have dramatically cropped up from all sides .Namely 1. National Herald case 2. Raid on Arvind Kejriwal Office . 3. Nirbhaya case 4. Open Speech by Arvind Kejriwal and attack on Arun Jaitley.5. Stones from Ram Temple in Ayodhya have arrived and and there may be communal Tensions( Ram Temple 9th house note this Parameter in the chart of BJP )

 Sensitive Parameter in this regard are the Jupiter the 8th and 11th Lord of the India Foundation chart, 6th and 9th Lord of the Hindu Pieces New Moon chart of 2015 and the the 4th and the 7th lord of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of 7th April 2016 16.54 hrs. Jupiter will be stationary between the 5th and the 11th Jan 2016 when Rahu will ingress in Leo over Jupiter in Retrogression and almost degree conjunct a difference of about one degree and aspected by Saturn  will ruin the significations of Jupiter  specially till it crosses the retrogression degrees.

Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio and Mars aspecting the eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the Eclipse point of Lunar Eclipse.

Activation of Ketu in Foundation chart Of India.We all know Saturn has activated the natal Ketu at 5.35 degrees by Stationary Saturn in August 2015 at 4.13 degrees and the same navamsha , now Mars Transit over the Natal Ketu at these degrees will further escalate the issues relating to the 7th house of oppositions, War, Foreign relations , Espoinage by Foreign Elements and Terrorism. Pakistan could be instrumental in this regard because of the Terrorist Group ISI.

Solar Ingress charts of Sagitarius and Capricorn Sensitive ones for the Peace of the Country. In the Present Scenerio Solar ingress of Sagitarius 6th Lord Mercury with Sun in 9th house and ingressing in the 10th house on the 27th Dec. 2015, becoming Retrograde on the 6th Jan. 2016 and in Fallen State on the 14th Jan. 2016 will also escalte Communal Tensions , it so seems 

Last but not the least the Eclipses in March 2016 Crucial for BJP,Arvind Kejriwal and the Economy , Communal Roits  for the Country.

Let us see the charts of the Political Parties Specially that of Narinder Modi first of all. I have already written an article ” Birth chart of Narinder Modi and Vedic Progression chart of 2015-2016 link

Narinder Modi is Born on the 17th  Sept. 1950 Mehsana Gujrat Time 12.00 noon

Now see the birth chart of Narendra Modi

Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari Saturn 10 year 4 months and 4 days.

At present he is running the Dasha of Moon Saturn  from 17-3-2015 till 15-10-2016

His dasha of Moon-Sat and Moon- Mercury are tough , since in the Rahi chart they are 3/11 axis but in Dashamsha they are in 6/8 axis.

Transit of Saturn in Scorpio is also not very good but since Mars the Lagna Lord has 6 Bhinashtakvarga will support him  also the Lagna has total  30 Sarvashtak Varga Points, Mars Transit in Scorpio will support him strongly, though Transit of Mars and Saturn over the natal Moon is not supposed to be good and sensitive since Mars is also 6th Lord , But Mars will definitely Support him .The Time of 25 days from 18th June 2016 will be critical when Mars will be fallen in the 12th house from Lagna and Natal Moon. Hence concern on his health and security.

Let us see the Vedic Progression chart of the year 2015 -2016 what the stars indicate

DPYH N Modi 2015-2016

Narinder Modi has to work very hard as indicated by the above chart. The 10th Lord of Birth chart and the 10th Lord of the Vedic Progression chart are together and in the 11th house forming a Rajyoga, since the 9th and the 10th Lord Mercury and venus are in the 11th house and in the 9th from Moon is excellent Placement .

Moon is in the nakshatra of Mercury placed in the 9th house as 9th lord from Lagna, hence 9th house significations cropping up of Law, religon, Court  etc.

The Problems in the Chart are that Eclipses in Sept. 2015 have taken Place over Moon and the Lagna Lord Saturn again Placed in the 9th house in Rahu-Ketu axis and Dasha of Moon-Saturn running, and in Dashamsha also Moon and Saturn are in 2/12 axis, hence tensions in the near  future will prevail and significations of the 9th house will be highlighted and issue pertaining to the same .

The Eclipses of the March 2016 will be over the 4/10 axis of the birth chart and Jupiter and Rahu will be over the Natal Saturn at almost same degrees after 9th Jan 2016 and Saturn Transit Aspect on the Natal Saturn will activate the 10th house  will be a Period of Political Turmoils and Push and Pulls. In totality the Year 2015-2016 will not be bad if not very good, but good to sustain , Health and Security issues may be there.

The Year 2016-2017 will be more crucial then Moon will be in the Nakshatra of Ketu in the Vedic Progression chart  and Ketu Placed in the 6th house from Moon in the 9th house will be a Tiring year for N Modi.

Difficult Period in the Present Scenerio  will be around Jan 2016  on wards and tthe Period around Eclipses in March 2016,  25 Days from 18th June 2016 could also be crucial for Political affairs, Health and Security.

Let us see the Chart of BJP  6th April 1980 12-45 hrs 

BJP Chart

The Chart of BJP is most Precarious due to the following factors.

  1. For Gemini Lagna Jupiter  should not be under affliction.
  2. Being a Benefic Lagna and Benefic Kendras Jupiter has Kendradhipatidosh, Jupiter is Marak as 7th Lord and is also Bhadak as the 7th Lord, hence if Jupiter for Dual Lagnas is afflicted specially for Gemini lagna then it acquires the dimension of a first rate killer. Jupiter can be compared with an Elephant and when this Elephant goes mad it is capable of Ruining the complete jungle. Similarly since Jupiter is under acute affliction in the chart and when in Transit Jupiter is afflicted after 5th Jan to 11th Jan 2016, will be capable to damage the Image of BJP with strongest dimension related to the 9th and the 10th house significations and needless to explain them , firstly the planets significations of Saturn and Jupiter and then the House Lordships,
  3. In the above Chart of BJP Jupiter is under affliction due to the following reasons.(a) Retrogression (b) Close degrees with Rahu forming Guru chandal Yoga and a Malefic one since with Mars and Saturn .(c) Jupiter is with 6th and 8th Lord , since Jupiter is Kendra Lord it forgets its beneficiance and behave like the Planets placed with it.(d)  For Gemini Lagna Jupiter and Saturn should be wide apart since Jupiter has the above qualities  ans Saturn is 8th Lord also , here in the chart Jupiter and Saturn both Retrograde and conjunct. Saturn Conjunction with Jupiter cancels all rajyogas. The Best Placement for Gemini Lagna is 6/8 axis .(e) Saturn the 8th and 9th Lord is a Fallen planet in the chart of BJP. A Fallen Planet is like a Car going up the hill loses motion and starts moving in the opposite direction and falls from a height  and in the house previous to its placement. In case of BJP chart Saturn went in Virgo and has fallen back in Leo sign and is also activated by Transit Saturn .
  4. For this Reason BJP has never been successful to Head the Country. It is only because of N Modi Strong Horoscope that Country is surviving under the Leadership of N Modi.
  5. Jupiter is significator of Wealth, Finance and the divine blessings of the Almighty adversely afflicted as above .
  6. BJP Present Dasha is of Sun-Saturn  from 23-2-2015 till 4-2-2016 and Both are 6/8 axis , although Sun is digbali in the 10th house but Saturn is ill placed and Cancelling the Rajyogas and is a Fallen Planet as the 8th and the 9th Lord  and with Jupiter the 7th and the 10th Lord is the most critical parameter in the chart of BJP with the Current Dasha
  7. In Dashamsha Sun has become the 8th Lord and Saturn the Lagna Lord who is totally afflicted .
  8. Jupiter and Rahu are on the verge of completion of 36 year cycle on the 9th Jan 2016 and the Eclipses of of March 2016 will activate the Sign Leo the 3rd house of the Chart of the Party members and affliction to specially Jupiter significator of Finance and wealth is capable of creating disaster for BJP, needless to name anybody in Particular.
  9. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house of BJP will  sprout numerous issues for BJP functioning for 211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 to 18th Sept. 2016.(NDA)
  10. All issues pertaining to Finance will take major dimension after 5th Jan to 11th Jan 2016 along with Court, Justice  and Religon , since then Jupiter will be stationary going in Retrogression and Rahu Transitting over Jupiter in very close degrees on the 9th Jan 2016 is one of the most sensitive Parameter for BJP Party menbers holding importat Portfolios.
  11. The chart of N modi is Strong and may be able to sustain , but his Party members with Important portfolios will definitely bring the image of the Party at stake. The Health and Security of N Modi could also be a concern, although the year 2016to 2017  will be a Tiring and a more tough year for N Modi

Let us see the Chrt of Arvind Kejriwal of 16th August 1968 07-30 hrs Bhiwani 

Arvind Kejriwal

Needless tho explain the horoscope in detail, The Present Dasha of Arvind Kejriwal is Jupiter-Ketu till 9-2-2016 and Rahu-ketu transitting over Ketu-Rahu and Jupiter over Jupiter in the Lagna . Jupiter and Ketu are 2/12 axis in the Rashi chart . In dashmasha Jupiter is Debilitated, but since in own sign in Dreshkanne is a big saving  since it is the 5th Lord and shows the Good Karma of the Previous Birth . The Period till 9th Jan 2015 will be critical and then the exlipses falling in the 1/7 axis will be another issue and alligations on Arvind Kejriwal may be imposed , due to Jupiter affliction after 5th Jan 2016 and more so around the Eclipses of March 2016.

Transit of Mars and Saturn in the 4th house and the 8th from natal moon and the Natal Saturn will be a Period of trouble for Arvind Kejriwal for 211 days till 18th Sept. 2016. Dasha of Jupiter -Ketu till 9-2-2016 will be troublesome.It will be committing a suicide in the Present context if he does not keep his cool  till Jup-Venus Period to start. 

Now Read this “Had I been in PM’s place, I would have sacked Arun Jaitley: Arvind Kejriwal” link Arvind Kejriwal in anger. Till Feb 2016 this type of Confrontation will continue.After that It seems Arvind Kejriwal will be able to prove his Point , since the vedic Progression chart below has Rajyogas .

Vedic Progression chart of Arvind Kejriwal for the year 2015-2016


There are Rajyogas in the vedic Progression chart of Moon and Venus , Lord of the 10th house of Progression chart and the Birth chart in 4/10 axis and both Placed very well. The Dasha Lords after 9th Feb. 2016 Jupiter and Venus are also Placed well, hence there will be relief after 9th Feb. 2016 it so seems , Some changes are also it seems relating to his working style

Chart of AAP 26th Nov 2012 12-00 hrs 


The Present Dasha running is of  Venus -Moon, Venus is a very strong Planet for Capricorn Lagna . 10th from Lagna and Moon are very strongly connected , but both are connected to Mercury Fallen

Mars and Saturn Transit in the 8th house from natal Moon will definitely pose problems for AAP , but from Lagna they will be in the 11th house will not be bad as the Lagna Lord and the 11th house . The eclipses in the 2/8 axis will be there in the month of March 2016 will not have much effect since there are no Planets placed in this axis.

AAP has Mercury Fallen and in the transit Mercury will ingress in Capricorn on the 27th Dec. 2015 and Become Retrograde on the 6th Jan. 2016, it will be in Fallen State on the 14th of Jan. 2016 till 9th Feb. 2016 and Mercury is the 6th and the 9th Lord , AAP can get trapped in Legal affairs during this Period , hence AAP and Arvind Kejriwal have to be more Practical then emotional in dealings.

From the above it is clear that the Charts of Both N Modi and A Kejriwal are having afflcitions  with respect to each other since the Natal Moon are placed in the 6/8 axis.  Both are running the sensative dasha  . In the interest of the Country  they should avoid confrontation with each other . The Raids in the Office of Arvind Kejriwal may not bring any negative for him, though the ruling Govt. may try to implicate him  and in this Process they may damage their ow Image, since the chart of BJP is extremly weak and a Precarious Dasha of Sun-Saturn running , Saturn is the 9th lord of Justice Court and Religon is extremely weak for BJP along with 10th Lord Jupiter  as explained above , hence the Raids on A Kejriwal may not be able to bring and Success for BJP. The Tug of War will continue for long and there will be more such events sprouting between the Ruling Party and the AAP Political Party and specially Arvind Kejriwal. N Modi also has to be  Alert in the Dasha of Moon -Saturn  though in the year 2015-2016 may not damage him but the year 2016-2017 is definitely a Tiring year for him Politically and Physically. Arun Jaitley in his own interest should keep his cool along with Arvind Kejriwal till 18th Sept. 2016 which is a very long Period of time and it seems the Differences may escalate to new heights. BJP will get into more controversoy regarding the functioning , since 9th and 10th Lord yogas are cancelled by Dasha Lord Saturn in operation and activated by Transit Saturn , the worst will be when Mars and Saturn will both be in Retrogression in the 6th house of BJP.

Now read this “BJP Seniors In Huddle As Party Confronts Kirti Azad Vs Arun Jaitley Battle” link

The four BJP elders who had issued a lacerating critique of theparty leadership after the Bihar elections last month, have gathered again this morning as the party grapples with the fallout of the Arun Jaitley vs Kirti Azad row.

LK Advani, Shanta Kumar and Yashwant Sinha met at Murli Manohar Joshi’s Delhi residence, from where the 80-plus group had issued its joint statement last month attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah over the party’s humiliating defeat in Bihar.
The meeting comes a day after the BJP suspended its lawmaker from Bihar and former Test cricketer Kirti Azad for publicly targeting Finance Minister Arun Jaitley with allegations of corruption in the Delhi’s cricket body Delhi and District Cricket Association or DDCA, which Mr Jaitley headed for 13 years.
Kirti Azad, who has asked PM Modi to tell him “what my fault is,” has also said that the BJP’s margdarshak mandal, a five-member group of mentors, should look into his suspension.

One after the other The Ruling Party getting into Problems . This would continue for long , Since the Pieces New Moon chart of April 2016  the Lagna is Virgo and the Dasha Lord is Placed in the 8th house . There seems to be no relief from the Ruling Govt. getting entangled in affairs  and actions not considered desirable. It is pointless to discuss about Frozen Fate of Congress and chart of Sonia Gandhi, since they are in deep waters already.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 24th Dec. 2015 16-00 hrs Singapore  

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