Will Gold Prices Surge or Plummet Down in the Year 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article on Gold “Down Slide of Gold :What Stars Foretell for Sun Ingress in Libra and Future” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/down-slide-of-gold-what-stars-foretell-for-sun-ingress-in-libra-and-future/. I had Predicted that the downslide of Gold will be arrested after Sun ingresses in Scorpio and it will be range bound between 1060-1080. The figures have turned out almost correct and Gold was range bound between 1050 and 1070 $.

The last Para for Sun in Scorpio reads as follows “Hence it seems that the down slide of Gold may stop at least if any surge in Gold does not take  place . The negative is that Jupiter is ill placed from Aries sign is a strong negative , which may force the prices to fall, but the fall will be arested by other Parameters positive . The Prices may therefore become stable around the 1060-1070$ Mark”

Let me reproduce what i had Predicted for Sun ingress in Sagitarius  as follows

Let us see the Chart of Solar ingress in Sagitarius , which is supposed to be very good for Rise in prices of Gold on the 16th Dec. 2015 at 14-42 hrs .

Sun in Sagitarius

From the Chart above it is obvious that the Prices of Gold will surge due to the following Reasons

  1. Sun is placed well from Aries sign.
  2. Jupiter, Aries and Sun all placed in trines and Jupiter aspects all of them
  3. Lagna is Aries and aspected by benefic Venus the Karka for Prices placed in own sign
  4. Sun and Mercury forming a Rajyoga
  5. Rahu and Mars in one sign till 24th Dec. 2015 hence price increase till 24th Dec. 2015 in Gold.
  6. Jaimini Rajyogas  Sun is DK and aspected by Mars Amk, Sun is also 5th Lord , Jupiter is AK and aspects Aries Sign along with Saturn PK and also GK Moon
  7. Navamsha  Jupiter placed well from Aries and aspects Aries sign , where Sun is Exhalted , Navamsha Lagna is aspected by Exhalted  Venus. In Jaimini Mars Amk aspecting Aries and Sun DK , also Saturn the 5th Lord and PK aspecting Aries and Sun . Jupiter, Sun and Aries Sign all well aspected  hence Prices of Gold will surge with Magnitude
  8. The day is Wednesday, Nakshatra is Dhanistha and Tithi is SP-6 The effects are Neutral
  9. When Jupiter will become Retrograde in Jan 2016 there will be Bearish and Bullish and Gold will become Volatile
  10. Let me show the Chart of the Gold for 30 days in the Present context
  11. .30 days gold
  12. From the chart above We can see the sharp Surge of Gold after Sun is out of Gandantha and in Sagitarius on the 17th Dec. 2015 to a Level of 1079 $ from 1050 $ level. . My Predictions have been in line with what is happening in Dec. 2015 for Gold Surge.
  13. What has to be seen in the Present Context is will the Gold Surge continue or Fall like what happened in 1980 and  .In January 1980 Gold hit a record 850 US dollars an ounce. After reaching those dizzy heights it then plummeted down and remained steady in the 300-400 dollar range for some years before starting to climb again to new levels.See the Chart below
  14. Jan 1980 Gold
  15. Now See the chart of New York  at the time of Solar ingress in Capricorn on the 14th Jan 1980 09-28 hrs EST  New York USA 40N43, 74W00Solar ingress in Capricorn New York 1980
  16. Sun is not Placed well  from Jupiter , Jupiter is in Rahu-Ketu axis and also Retrograde . Aries sign is aspected by Jupiter but in Retrogression
  17. In Jaimini Rajyogas Aties sign is only aspected by Venus Putra Karka and Mars Amataya Karka. Jupiter is with Mars and aspected by Sun DK, but jupiter with Rahu and in Retrogression and Sun in 6/8 axis is not good  for the Surge of Gold rather for sharp Fall in Prices.
  18. From the above it is clear that Jupiter and Rahu Conjunction in Leo has ruined the yogas for Gold surge. as already mentioned in my Earlier Articles that Sign Aries, Jupiter and Sun are the main Parameters for Gold Prices. In navamsha the same is holding and although Jupiter in leo navamsha is good for gold Surge but since in Retrogression made the fall in prices of gold. The Lowest common factor between Jupiter and Rahu is 6 hence they will meet again after  36 years in Jan. 2016.
  19. Let us see the Solar ingress in Capricorn in 2016 as per the below Chart of 14th Jan 2016 14-27 hrs New YorkSolar in Gress in Capricorn 2016 new York
  20. Lagna is Gemini and the Lord Mercury is fallen in the 7th house at 29.25 degrees , Lagna Lord Fallen is most Venomous for the New York Gold Market , Since it has fallen back from the sign Capricorn.As per Parashar aspects Saturn aspect on Jupiter cancels all the yogas  and Jupiter becomes a First rate killer for Gemini since Marka, Bhadak and has kendradhipati dosh and an Afflicted Jupiter will behave like a Elephant in anger who can destroy the complete forest.
  21. 11th house has Aries Sign and  is aspected by Afflicted Retrograde Jupiter as was the case of 1980 Solar ingress in Capricorn 1980, hence bad for Gold Prices, Jupiter is Retrograde and in degree conjunction with Rahu  similair to Parameters in Jan. 1980.Mars aspect does not give bullish trends. Sun and Jupiter are placed in 6/8 axis , although Sun is Placed well from Aries sign but has aspect of Jupiter as per Jaimini  and Jupiter affliction is spoiling the sign Aries and Sun as per Jaimini Yogas and aspect. Jaimini Rajyogas Aries is aspected by Jupiter Amataya karka and 5th Lord Venus Placed in the 8th from Aries, Sun Dara Karka and Mars Putra Karka are also aspecting Jupiter who is totally eclipsed and under acute affliction . Moon Gnati Karka is placed in 8th from Jupiter and 12th from Aries sign. This can also give Volatile trends apart from Bearish trends in Gold prices .
  22. Mars and Rahu have separated which give surge in Gold
  23. When  ever a Planet signifying Gold is in inimical sign  and aspected by malefic Rahu they will Plummet, if the sign ruled by the said Planet comes under benefic aspects of Luminaries , the Prices will rise, On the 9th March 2016  day of Eclipse the above Parameter is activated  , which is getting repeated after 36 years  and in the cycle of Jupiter and Rahu. Similair Planetary Alignment took place way back  on 16th Feb. 1980 and Gold prices Plummeted.Hence Prices of Gold will be Volatile and may surge  till 14th  March 2016 and may Surge to a level of $1220 plus 20 $ but after that the Trend of 1980 may be followed , since Rahu and Jupiter complete their cycles of 36 years in the Eclipse.
  24. Planet Mercury is also Fallen in Sagitarius  and till in Sagitarius the Prices of Gold Can surge  till 8th Feb.to 14th Feb. 2016 to be more Precise. MERCURY RAHU KETU When ever transit Mercury conjuncts Rahu or transit in a sign which is a trine from Rahu there is likely to be a bullish trend in the stock market. Conversely when ever transit Mercury conjuncts with transit Ketu or in trine from it then there is a bearish trend. Similar results appear to hold good for outer planets too. Uranus behave in a similar way as Rahu and Pluto and Neptune behave like Ketu with Mercury.Hence after 9th March 2016 the Gold can have a hit., but primarily the Prices will be bearish after 14th March. 2016 
  25. Mars will ingress in Scorpio and the 8th house from Aries will be afflicted badly, the Gold Prices can be volatile  after 20th Feb. 2016 to 23rd March 2016
  26. PANCHAKA AND SHORT TERM TRENDS when ever Moon transits aquarius and Pieces—– Dhanista 3 and 4 quarter, Satabhisha all the 4 quarters and in Revati all the 4 quarters , a phenomenon called PANCHAKA occurs. This is valid for 5 days. Occurs every month on 27 day cycle. Stock m arkets are effected in general , and found to be good in about 50 % cases . a . If stock markets are are bullish in the first half then it will be bearish in the second half . b. Vice versa c. When ever panchaka period starts on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday stock market is likely to be bullish through out panchaka period. d. When ever the start of panchaka period is on Monday, Wednesday , Friday the stock market will have bearish trend through out.
  27. In the Paksha Kundali of 22nd Feb. 2016 Full Moon aspects Sun , Prices will remain Range Bound and high. On the 20th Feb. 2016 Evil Planets are in Square from Sun and Sign Leo, Prices may surge till 23rd March 2016
  28. Rise of Gold till Evil Planets Transit in signs signified by Gold, but aspect hampers the rise. Rahu in Leo aspected by Saturn, hampers the Rise, Mars in Square Position Rise , hence Volatile
  29. Sun in Aquarius after 14th Feb. 2016 and Sun will receive evil aspect of Mars , the Value will get depressed till 14th March 2016 and thereafter .
  30. Jupiter and Mercury also control Gold and their placement influences the Prices in a big way. Jupiter will be in affliction in Leo and also Retrograde , hence Volatile trends till 5th May 2016. Mercury from 27th June to 27th July will sprout Fall in prices of Gold.Combustion of Jupiter is bad
  31. Saturn will become Retrograde on the 24th March 2016 and as it approaches close to earth then Prices will plummet.3rd June 2016 will be most critical date. 
  32. In the Long run after 18th Sept. 2016 Prices of Gold will be affected adversely by Mars.
  33. In NAVAMSHA  Sagitarius has Jupiter, Rahu,Fallen Retrograde Mercury and Saturn. Aries is aspected by Jupiter and Mars  will give bearish trend. As per Jaimini Venus aspects the sign Aries and is Bhatra Karka and does not form any yogas , as such Aries sign is under affliction  ., If we take the aspects of Rahu then it will be worse for Aries sign .
  34. Hence from the above it is crystal clear that till Sun is there in Capricorn there may be Volatile Trend in Prices specially till Jupiter in Retrogression. Normally Sun in Cardinal signs is an Important Parameter for Gold, but Sun and Moon in Pieces sign the Prices Plummet, hence after 14th Marc 2016 Prices will plummet. There after follow the Trend of 1980 , since there is completion of 36 years from 1980 and Planetary positions repeat the same Behaviour
  35. In a Nut Shell. The prices of Gold will surge rapidly as Predicted before till 24th Dec. 2015 to  9th March 2016  and even upto the completion of the 36 year cycle of Rahu and Jupiter till 23rd March 2016 to a level of 1200 $ Plus 20$ thereafter there may follow the Trend of 1980 as written above. After 14th  March-23rd March  2016 the Prices can  Plummet down to a level of 900 $  minus 20$  or so after Saturn is in retrogression and close to earth or square to Sun
  36. Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 21st Dec. 2015 10-00 PM Singapore 
  37. Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis of Gold Prices and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing in Gold according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein.

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