Fate Of the Maharashtra Govt. & Why Maharashtra State Is Prone To Coronavirus Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

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“Fate Of the Maharashtra Govt. & Why Maharashtra State Is Prone To Coronavirus Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Maharashtra is a state in the western peninsular region of India occupying a substantial portion of the Deccan Plateau. Maharashtra is the second-most populous state in India as well as the second-most populous country subdivision in the world. It was formed on 1 May 1960 by splitting the bilingual Bombay State, which had existed since 1956, into majority Marathi-speaking Maharashtra and Gujarati-speaking Gujarat. The state capital is Mumbai, the most populous urban area in India. The Godavari and the Krishna are the two major rivers in the state. Marathi is the most widely spoken language and is also the official language of the state.

As per the Koorma Chakra the West is signified by the Stars Jyestha Moola and Purvashadha and hence the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius influence the Maharashtra

Now Have a Look at the chart of the 1st May 1960 00 00 01 hrs Mumbai below

 The Parameters which acquire an important dimension are as follows 

  1. Saturn Stationary in the ascendant as the 2nd and the 3rd Lord in the Lagna with Lagna Lord Jupiter and both in Retrogression
  2.  Note the degrees of the Lagna Lord Jupiter 10.08 degrees in Moola. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 took place over the Lagna and almost on the Lagna Lord degree-wise 9.58 in Moola
  3. At the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 Saturn was over the natal Saturn almost degree-wise . The Natal Saturn Stationary is at 25.07 degrees and at the time of the Solar Eclipse it was 26. 35 degrees in the same navamsha
  4. The Solar Eclipse took place in the 7th from Moon who is at 11.12 degrees  very close to the Eclipse point
  5. The 22DK sign is Pisces having Ketu and Mercury and the Lord is  Jupiter  over whom the Eclipse took place almost degree-wise
  6. Since the West is signified by Jyestha star and Ketu is Transiting in the Scorpio sign the west direction the State will suffer till Ketu in Jyestha star till the 10th May 2021
  7. The State will suffer when the Lagna Lord Jupiter and Saturn will be both Retrograde and will again be in the sign Capricorn from the 14trh Sept to 20th Nov 2021  in Totality . The Lagna Lord Jupiter will be in Fallen state in this time frame . Saturn and Jupiter then will be placed in the 8th from the natal Moon . Saturn is also Marak for Sagittarius Lagna
  8. Angarak yoga in the 6th house and the 12th from Moon and the Natal Mars aspects the Mars and Rahu  in Transit in the 6th house
  9. Mars Transit Over the Natal Moon from the 14th April to 2nd June and then from the 2nd June to 20th July in the 8th house from the Lagna and the 2nd From Moon will be most enigmatic , since Mars will also aspect the Saturn Marak in the 2nd House in Transit degree-wise on the 1st-2nd July 2021
  10. Hence it seems that the State will not get any respite till the 20th Nov. 2021  as can be seen from the Planetary positions . The Time frame from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 will be the worst time for the State and even for the Political party in power. The Transit of Mars in the 8th house from the 2nd June to 20th July 2021  will be worst specially for the Rains Havoc in the state 
  11. The Vimshottari Dasha in operation is of Mercury-Jupiter  from the 28-3-2019 to 3-7-2021  which is self explanatory since Mercury in Gandantha  in Sarp Dreshkanne with Ketu Disease karka
  12. Mercury-Saturn dasha stars from the 3-7 2021  and Saturn is in Stationary mode in the natal chart and also Marak. Saturn will also be stationary in the 2nd House between the 19th May to 27th May 2021  will be the most precarious time frame for the State specially for Virus spread
  13. Mercury will go in Debilitation from the 31st March to 16th April 2021. Mercury transit in the 22DK sign over the natal Mercury and Ketu will be most enigmatic for the Virus Cases spikes with dimension and Lockdowns will be implemented  for sure 
  14. The Above Time frame as per the point 10, 12 and 13 is also most enigmatic for the  Head of the State and the Political Party in Power —- Note these Predictions 

Have a Look at the Solar Eclipse chart of the 26th Dec. 2019 of 10-42 hrs 

Till Rahu and Ketu Transit over the Mars in Scorpio and specially Ketu the disease karka there will be no relief  from Coronavirus till the 17th March 2022 as already Predicted by me  and till there is a Stars Exchange between Rahu and Ketu on the 8th Feb 2023—– Note these Predictions


27thJuly 1960 10-14 Mumbai Maharashtra

The Garbshishta Planets are  Venus-Rahu which are the sole planets which give or take away things in our life

 The Present Dasha in operation is Jupiter-Venus-Venus till the 8-4-2021

Venus is ill placed from the Following Parameters 

Venus  and Lagna Lord 2/12 position

Venus and 10th Lord in 2/12 position

Venus and Moon in 2/12 position

Venus and MCL of the 10th house Jupiter in 6/8 position

Venus and 10th Pada Gemini in 2/12 position

Venus and Sun in 2/12 position

Venus and Dasha Lord Jupiter in 6/8 position

Venus in Debilitation in the Dashamsha Chart  and in Rahu-Ketu axis 

Hence Venus Anter dasha will put the native in deep trouble 

Asper the Transit of Planets the following combinations are prone from Scams being unearthed in Maharashtra

  1. Saturn Transit in the 8th house from the 10th house the sign Capricorn when it is stationary 5 days before and after going in Retrogression on the 23rd May 2021
  2. 10th Lord and Lagna Lord Mercury  is Fallen in the natal chart and in Transit Mercury will go in Gemini on the 26th May and Fall back in Taurus between the 2nd June to 7th July 2021—– Most Venomous 
  3. As per the Transit Rahu over the Natal Mars   and  when Mars over the Natal Rahu after the 20th July  to 5th Sept. 2021 will be the most Prone  for Scams being unearthed . Mars is  the 8th Lord of the Natal chart and Placed in the 8th house of the Dashamasha chart
  4. When the 5th house is afflicted in the transit which is also the 8th house from the 10th house it is times of agony and pain in the Career . Hence when Jupiter falls back in Capricorn and is Fallen Retrograde with Saturn who is also Retrograde between 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 . The Dasha in Operation will also be Jupiter-Venus-Mars from the 15-8-2021 to 11-10-2021. Mars during this time frame will be over the Lagna of the Natal Chart . The affliction to the 5th house also shows trouble to the children—– Note these Predictions
  5. 26th-27th July 2021 seems to be most Venomous for the Maharashtra Govt. for Scams to be unearthed along with 14th-15th Sept. 2021—- Note the time frames mentioned in this article 
  6. In the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra there will be vedha between Mars and Saturn between the 25th April to 17th May 2021 —, Since  Mars is the 8th Lord and the Saturn the 6th Lord for Uddhav Thackery most malefic and Prone time and when Mars and Saturn aspect degree-wise  on the 1st -2nd July 2021
  7. Hence from the above it is crystal clear that the coming Months are most enigmatic as per the Time frames mentioned  for the Maharashtra Govt. and Uddhav Thackery 


Uddhav Thackeray takes Oath as Chief Minister of Maharashtra on the 28th Nov. 2019 at 18-40 hrs . The Chart is below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the 8th house in affliction and in the yama of the sign Virgo. The Yama Lord Mercury is in afflicted condition since in Fallen state and Placed in the 6th house with 7th and 12th Lord Mars which is most malefic parameter in the Chart.
Lagna Lord Venus in the 8th house in Ketu nakshatra who is also placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord Jupiter
Moon in the nakshatra of Ketu and placed in the 8th house with Ketu and Jupiter in the 8th house
Lagna Nakshatra Lord Moon in the 8th house as above
10th Lord Saturn in the 8th house in the Nakshatra of Venus in the 8th house
Mercury the Yama Lord Fallen in the nakshatra of Jupiter in the 8th house
Sun in the 7th house in the nakshatra of Saturn in the 8th house
Lagna Prishtodayo and aspected by Prishtodayo Mars
Navamsha Lagna Prishtodayo Cancer and the Lord Moon in the 8th house of Rashi Chart
Lagna Adhomukh
DBA Planets Ketu-Rahu-Saturn Ketu and Saturn in the 8th house
Karna Lord Mercury Fallen
Uday Lagna Prishtodayo, Arudha Lagna Cancer Prishtodayo and Chaitra Rashi Aries and again Prishtodayo. CR in 12th house from UL. When Mars reaches the sign Aries will put Uddhav Thackeray in hot waters after the 16th August 2020——– Note these Predictions

Moon in Aadhar Nadi powers of the king are reduced . Moon in Affliction with Ketu and Saturn
Saturn in Assan Nadi and under affliction with Ketu and both afflicting Moon most malefic parameter
Moon in Aasan nadi with Saturn destroys the King
Jupiter in Aadhar Nadi does not protect the King
Moon with Ketu . Rahu will be Stationary on the 29th Nov. 2019 at the time of his taking the Chief Minister Office
Moon ishraaf yoga with 8th Lord Jupiter difference is 1.17 degrees hence extremely bad for the Oath Taking
Yama Lord Mercury and Saturn Ithasla and difference is 1.40 degrees prone to malefic happenings for the Chief Minister in the Multiples of the Above may be Days/weeks/months
Arudha Lagna is the Exhaltation sign of the Day Lord Jupiter
Dispositor of Sun Mars Exhalted in Navamsha
Arudha Lagna Lord Exhalted in Navsmaha gives some respite


  1. When there is Eclipse over the Sun in the 7th house after the 10th June 2021 
  2. . When Jupiter goes in the 10th Bhava of the Oath chart after the 6th April 2021 and becomes Retrograde and falls back in the sign Capricorn where Saturn is also Retrograde after the 14th Sept. 2021 to 20th Nov. 2021 
  3.  Presently Mars and Rahu over the Lagna of the Oath chart when MARS  goes in the sign Gemini from the 14th April to 2nd June 2021 Most Prone time frame ——- Note this Time frame 


MOST MALEFIC TIME FRAMES FOR THE MAHARASHTRA GOVT. Jupiter -Venus-Venus till the 8th April 2021 Jupiter-Venus -Mars from the 15-8-2021 to 11-10-2021 and then following time frames in this period 10th Lord and Lagna Lord Mercury  is Fallen in the natal chart and in Transit Mercury will go in Gemini on the 26th May and Fall back in Taurus between the 2nd June to 7th July 2021—– Most Venomous  25th April to 17th May 2021 26th-27th July 2021 seems to be most Venomous for the Maharashtra Govt. for Scams to be unearthed along with 14th-15th Sept. 2021-to 20th Nov.2021— Note the time frames mentioned in this article




First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
28th March 2021 07-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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