Sign Allotted To Bengal Gemini As Per Koorma Chakra Red Planet Mars On Wheel What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Elections ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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“Sign Allotted To Bengal Gemini As Per Koorma Chakra Red Planet Mars On Wheel What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Elections ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

This is a Research Article and since the Horoscope of Mamta Banerjee and the Horoscopes of the Bengal Leaders are not Authentic  . The Time Taken for the Start of the Election is 8-00 am

The 1st Phase of the Assembly Election in Bengal started on the 27th March 2021 and the Counting will begun on the 2nd May 2021

The Parameters acquiring important dimension on these 2 days are as Follows

27th March 2021 Time 8-00 am West Bengal

The Day is  Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and placed in the yama of Taurus the 2nd house of the Chart where the Angarak yoga is taking place at 19 degrees since both Mars and Rahu are degree -conjunct at these degrees and both in Vish ghati. Mars is also the 8th Lord and aspects the Ketu in the 8th house . This Parameter is most malefic  for the Elections taking place on this day . The Yama Lord Venus is placed in the 12th house in Exaltation but totally combusted . The Day Lord is Placed in own sign in the 10th house with Debilitated Jupiter the 9th Lord  is crystal clear of the situations. The Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Capricorn is a classical yoga for civil unrest and crisis in economy as per the Brihat Samhita’s Chapter no. 10.

Have a Look at the degrees of Mars and  Moon Mars aspects Moon Degree-wise  placed in the 5th house  Most Malefic Combination

The Lagna represent the PARTY  in power and the 7th house represents the opposition parties , as per the above the 7th Lord seems to be stronger  on the start of the Elections and hence the opposition parties

See the  Navamsha  Venus the 7th Lord with Sun in Libra——– This Indicates win of the Oppositions


Let us now see the Planetary positions on the 2nd May 2021 when the Counting of the Votes will begun and the time around 6.30 Pm

The Planetary Positions which acquire an important dimension are as follows

  1. Mars the Red Planet in the sign Gemini allotted to Bengal and aspects the 8th house from Genimi where Saturn the 8th Lord is placed from the sign Gemini  is most malefic  combination  since then Mars will be in Ardra and Saturn will be in Shravana Star and the will be vedha between the  Mars and Saturn. Unfortunately Mars is the 6th Lord and Saturn the 8th Lord  for Gemini Sign. Have a Look at the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra and the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra  The Vedha between Mars and Saturn will remain from the 25th April to 16th May 2021 as per the Chakras  below

2. The Following Planets will be in Vish Ghati  on the 2nd May 2021  Mercury about to enter Vish Ghati at 3.20 -4.13 degrees . Sun about to enter 18.40-19-33 Vish ghati, Mars in Vish ghati between the 11.20-12-13 hrs . Hence 3rd May 2021 could be most enigmatic day for the results

3. Mars is Stronger then the Venus  on the 2nd May 2021 , Hence the Ruling Party may command and use its force to win the elections. Mars in Vish Ghati and aspects the Saturn in the 8th house from Gemini Lagna allotted to Bengal most malefic .Mars is Exalted in Navamsha  where as Venus is in Rahiu-Ketu axis and In Sagitarius Navamsha 

4. In the Pisces New Moon Chart of India Mars is also the King of the year hence things will happen after the intervention of Mars by force and the significations of Mars as can be seen from the Planetary positions on the 2nd-3rd May 2021 


Armed Forces, Army,  Police, Criminals,  Mars is a Planet of War  or strife and represent violence in any form including fires, explosions, and armed conflicts. It represents proxy war and Terrorism in any form. Its action is sudden and disruptive. All this indicate that the  Election and the Election Results may not give peace in the State. Seems Mamta Banerjee  will use every force  to gain the position

The Horoscopes of the Bengal Leaders are not authentic not the Horoscope of Mamta Banerjee, Hence we have limitations for the Fine tuning Predictions. The Planetary psoitions indicate Mamta Banerjee will win by allaince with other Party as the Venus at the time of the Results is in the sign of Aries  the sign of the Ruling party as per the 27th March 2021 when the elections begun and Venus is the Lord of the 7th house of  oppositions and also combusted at the start of the Elections hence the Congress party may give some support to Mamta Banerjee.

To sum up as per My Research Start of the Elections shows Opposition will win and the Day of Results shows Ruling Party will win. The 2nd May 2021 is more Important to give the juice of the  Elections Hence My Research says Ruling Party will win.  On the 2nd May 2021 Moon with Saturn in the 8th house asper the Gemini Ascendant and afflicted by Mars  is most enigmatic time for West Bengal also 

Also Read My Article Assembly Elections 27th March-2nd May 2021 Angarak Yoga In 7th House From Natal Moon For BJP & Narendra Modi Most Enigmatic For Good Win Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (



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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
30th March 2021 10-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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