Solar Eclipse Of Dec. 2019 And Hong Kong’s Dilemma What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1020 Articles and predictions in just 53 months from April 2015

As per Theory of inevitability of K N Rao the Eclipse falling in 1/7 axis of Sun are most Venomous specially when Dasha or Anter Dasha Lord has the capacity to bring down fall or war like situations in the country. In the Case of Hongkong Mars placed in the 7th house and Mercury the Anter Dasha Lord as the 7th Lord can be most Venomous for the Country till 19-2-2020 and even beyond it since then the Dasha of Mars -Ketu will be in operation

After 11 weeks of demonstrations, weary protesters fear only their ebbing stamina or Chinese troops will break the stalemate

Hong Kong’s biggest political crisis for decades, triggered in June 2019 by its determination to push ahead with an extradition bill that to many represented Beijing’s tightening hold over the city, has reached a stalemate. Campaigners are frustrated that weeks of protests – including peaceful rallies, mass disruptions of the city and violent clashes – have failed to force the government to respond.
Hong Kong protests: A point of no return

With both sides unwilling to compromise, everyone loses in this bruising battle between the protesters and Beijing
More than two-thirds of the capital raised on Hong Kong’s bourses is for Chinese firms and the city’s state banks have large outstanding US dollar liabilities that look worrying
Stocks on the Hang Seng Index face their worst slumps in operating income since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Operating income among the 50 stocks on the benchmark crisis.

Chart of Hongkong of the 1st July 1997 00-00-00 hrs cast when the British hander over Hongkong to China

The Lagna is Pieces and the Navamsha of Libra the 8th house of the Rashi Chart . The Lagna Lord is placed in the 11th House and mutual aspect with Venus the Midcusp Lord of the 10th House which shows the Country involved in the Services and the Education field.
The Budhaditya Yoga in the 4th house is good with Sun.

A series of Protest were organised by the Citizen of Hongkong when Saturn was in Transit in the sign Libra the 8th house of the chart and then Now this Saturn in the 10th house of the Foundaion chart in Transit aspected by the Saturn in Libra activates the 10th house and the Protest of the People of the Country against the reforms in the election system of the Country

Ever since the Dasha of Mars from the August 2015 the Country has been struggling.The Dasha Lord Mars is placed in the 7th house and aspects the 10th house and the mutual aspect of Saturn and puts the Country in War like situations. The Anter Dasha Lord Mercury placed in the 4th as the 4th and the 7th Lord and ill placed from the midcusp Lord of the 10th house Venus and the 10th Lord Jupiter puts the Country in Grim situation since both the Dasha Lords are connected to the 7th house of War and international relations.
As per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao when the Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or the Moon and the Dasha or Anter dasha of a Planet which has the Capacity to turn the tables then the Country has a fall. In the Present Situation the Dasha of Mars -Mercury till 19-2-2020 which has started from the 22-2-2019 will be killing specially when the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 takes place. A military intervention is not ruled out since the Mars is placed in the 7th house of the Natal chart in the sign Virgo and when Mars goes in the sign Virgo after 25th Sept. 2019 there could be explosive situations in Hongkong and this Mars would then aspect the Trasit Saturn and Ketu in the 10th house , this could be most explosive till the year end.

The Following parameters acquire a special dimension
1.In the Foundation chart Sun is at 15.03 Degrees in Gemini in Ardra nakshatra and Mercury in Punarvasu nakshatra, and at the time of writing the Article Rahu is exactly over the Natal Mercury in the same navamsha and hence repeated un toward happenings and a civil war in the Country .
After 27th Sept 2019 Rahu will be in Ardra nakshatra and a period of Turmoil in the Country which will take a higher magnitude and a big Transformation for the Country till 22nd April 2020 is on the Cards. Military intervention by China is not ruled out. The Country will face most ugly situations after Mercury and Venus join the Sign Libra the 8th house of the Foundation chart and the Lagna of the Navamsha after 4th Oct. 2019. These planets in Libra till 28th Oct. 2019

2.The Solar Eclipse discussed below could add fuel to the Fire and there could be most explosive situations in the Hongkong and the year 2020 could prove to be the worst year in the history of Hongkong since 1997

3. Rahu-Ketu in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis in navamsha from the 23rd March to 22nd April 2020 may be the worst time for Kongkong goingin the clutches of China

Let us see the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 as per the Chart of Hongkong

Have a Look at the Degrees of the Nodes and Luminaries . The Nodes are exactly over the Natal Sun at 15.03 degrees this is most Venomous when the Nodes are over the Natal Sun and the Eclipse in the sign Sagitarius in the nakshatra of Ketu. This Solar Eclipse will be most Venomous and China may crush the Protesting Youths in the Country and thus danger of Violence in the Country .

This Solar Eclipse is taking place over the Natal Jupiter in the 12th house and the 12th Lord in Dec. 2019 in the case Of China with Capricorn Lagna . The Moment the Transit Mars goes in the Sign Sagitarius after 7th Feb. 2020 and activates the natal Mars in the 7th house China may Thrust its power on the Hongkong specially when Mars activates the Eclipse point of this Solar Eclipse at 9.58 Degrees
Hence from the above we can say that the Year 2020specially after 7th Feb. 2020 and Mars reaches the Eclipse point the Country will be in Dangerous situation and in the cluthes of China .

Date 22th August 2019 4.30 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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