Red Planet Mars, Saturn and Ketu afflict Watery Signs , Earthy signs Near Eclipses :What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

This is in continution to my several recent  Article on my webpage for the planetary sensitive positions in the present scenerio for the Globe.

One of the major concerns is the Earthy signs getting afflicted in the Transit Navamsha before and after the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015. Let me write the Parameters with dates the sensitive parameters which are capable to give a strong Earthquake and natural calamities with Tsunami like an event specially those countries where the watery signs and the Earthy signs are afflicted . Once I write the Parameters , I would also try to name the countries for whom these parameters are sensitive .The most sensitive dates and Parameters

  1. Mars ingresses in Leo on the 15th Sept. 2015, it enters in the Taurus Navamsha on the 21st Sept. 2015 to 27th Sept. 2015.
  2. 17th Sept. 2015 Mercury is Stationary and goes in Retrogression when Rahu is in Conjunction and Rahu is in Forward motion from the 15th Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2015
  3. As far as the EARTHY  Signs are concerned Rahu is in Virgo , Ketu in Virgo navamsha in Transit, Saturn aspecting Taurus ,and Capricorn
  4. Saturn will join Ketu in Virgo Navamsha on the 28th Sept 2015 at thge time of the Lunar Eclipse.
  5. Mercury will be Retrograde in virgo with Rahu and the sensitive dates are given in all my articles  15th Sept. to 23rd Sept. 2015 and then 25th to 28th Sept. 2015, hence 28th plus minus one day will be most sesitive in Sept. 2015 for an Earthquake with intensity. Although the sensitive dates in Oct. 2015 are 6th to 11th Oct and 9th Oct. 2015 most sensitive for the Globe Economic condition as well.
  6. Countries with Earthy signs in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart will be prone to Earthquakes if the Earthy signs are afflicted
  7. Before 15th Sept. and 30th Sept. 2015 the Dates of ingress of Mars and Venus respectively in Leo will be sensitive for Floods and Tsunami like events , countries who have affliction to the watery signs 4,8 and 12,
  8. India has Earthy sign Taurus in the Lagna of the foundation chart, which is also the Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Jupiter , hence Mars Transit in the sign of Taurus in Navamsha will be instrumental in giving untoward happening till it is in Taurus Navamsha  or around the Eclipse time Mars will be Taurus Navamsha from 21st Sept. to 27th Sept. 2015. Pakistan could take an aggressive Terrorism action for India. Hardik Patel could also choose a wrong Muhurat and hence Roits and Violence  since Mars will be in Taurus Navamsha .
  9. Exchange of nakshatra of Moon and Mercury gave a very strong Earthquake in Japan, Japan could witness some thing similiar to it his time  as per the dates mentioned
  10. Countries with Pieces , Virgo Lagna, Moon sign, Sun sign will be adversely influenced . US has Pieces in the 8th house and Eclipse is taking place in the 8th house of mass happenings. . In my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link I have mentioned the Countries in a Nut shell where Saturn has activated the sensitive Planets and Points.
  11. Pakistan Stationary Saturn at almost degrees on Ketu in the 8th house  hence untoward happening regarding masses .Terrorism, War with in the country or getting involved with neighbor India.
  12. Syria Libra  Lagna . Stationary Saturn 4.13 degrees  over Natal Mercury  at 6.42 degrees in the 2nd  house  and aspecting Ketu in Leo at 5.41 degrees  Strong results expected regarding the 2nd and 9th house , Transit Saturn is placed in the 8th from Natal Moon and Saturn in the 7th house . ,Hence adverse happenings and strong ones .
  13. Japan  Sagitarius Lagna  Ketu in the 9th house at 4.27 degrees and will be aspected by Stationary Saturn from the 12th house degreewise  Natal Saturn in the 10th house in Virgo ,hence Strong untoward happenings could surface .Tsunami, Earthquakes most Prone.
  14.  Israel Virgo Lagna Mars in the 12th house as 8th Lord at 5.10 degrees will be aspected by Stationary Saturn from the 3rd house degree wise very close , hence untoward happenings from the neighboring countries and could get into war like situations.
  15. Russia Virgo Lagna Mercury in the 9th house in Taurus at 6.52 degrees is crucial for Russia since Stationary Saturn aspecting the Lagna Lord at close degrees in the 9th house. Strong results could be experienced .
  16. China Capricorn Lagna and Moon at 10 degrees  is crucial for China, since Saturn Retrograded at these close degrees , hence strong results could be expected around the 8th Nov. 2015. Stationary Saturn aspecting the natal Saturn in the 8th house  who is Lagna Lord  is crucial for the country Financial Resources , Even Natural and Unnatural events.
  17. Yemen Leo Lagna 6.22 degrees  Sun in Taurus in the 10th house at 7.17 degrees is crucial to give strong results  Saturn Stationary will aspect Natal Saturn also in the 6th house at 1.22 degrees , Saturn owns the 6th and the 7th Lord, hence strong Results.
  18. Italy Libra Lagna Mars in Leo at 1.28 degrees as the lord of the 2nd and 7th is crucial  , effects of the 7th and 2nd will be felt strongly.
  19. .Iran has Cancer Lagna and Moon in Taurus in the 11th house at 13.12 degrees  and Saturn and Rahu in Leo at 14.43 and 23.41 degrees respectively, Saturn is the 7th and the 8th lord may not give good results for the Approval of the Necular Deal.
  20. Spain  I have already written an article and dates mentioned .
  21. Indonesia Most Prone in Sept. 2015 since Taurus Lagna Lunar Eclipse over the Natal moon in Pieces . From 15th Sept to 29th Sept. 2015 most Prone 
  22. Strong results will be experienced by the above countries  as per the dates mentioned above  and with in 40 days of the Eclipse before and after 28th Sept. 2015.
  23. Havoc from Rains Floods , Earthquakes, Valcanos and Tsunami  specially those countries where Saturn is afflicting badly the Planets degreewise , like Japan, India  Spain, China for Financial stagnation . The Stock market will take a number of hits in Sept. 2015 and around the 9th Oct 2015 . Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 9th Sept. 2015 09-00 am  
  24. Disclaimer The writer of the Article has done the analysis on the Astrological Parameters and not responsible for any Corportae or Individual taking any action , since he would be dpoing it at his own risk and fancies . the writer does not take the responsibility in any respect thereof


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