Hell and High Water In Spain Washes away Cars, Trucks

by astrodocanil

Flood in Spain on Monday, 07 September, 2015 at 14:07 (02:07 PM) UTC. http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/site/index.php?pageid=event_other&edis_id=FL-20150907-49988-ESP

Also See this Video Scores of cars, trucks washed away as torrential floods hit southern Spain (VIDEO) link https://www.rt.com/news/314686-spain-rains-flooding-cars/

 As per http://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2015/09/07/freak-floods-in-andalucia-threaten-annual-almeria-pilgramage/ EXTRAORDINARY flash floods across Andalucia are threatening one of the region’s cultural cornerstones. 

The 18km annual midnight pilgrimage through Albox, Almeria, to the monastery in Salient is in jeopardy.

Bulldozers are currently trying to clear up the mess after flash floods hit the area this morning and this afternoon, causing at least one death.

“It is the worst floods I’ve seen in a few years now,” expat councillor in Albox, Maura Hillen told the Olive Press.

“When it rains here, it comes down fast.

“There are teams currently trying to clear up so the pilgrimage can take place, but if there is any more rain then I imagine it will have to be cancelled, which would of course be a great shame.”
The rain in Spain claims three lives and causes chaos across south coast.

Villages and towns along Spain’s southern coast have been battling severe flooding caused by torrential rain on Monday.

A 61-year-old man became the first fatality of the floods after his car was washed away in Polopos-La Mamola on Monday.

Later that afternoon the body of a man aged around 50 was discovered in Albuñol in Granada when flood water receeded.

On Tuesday morning a third victim was discovered washed up on a beach in Castell de Ferro, on the coast south of Granada. The man in his sixties was thought to have been carried down to the beach by flood water.

More than 300 emergency calls were made across Malaga, Almeria and Jaén provinces on Monday afternoon alone.

Spain’s Civil Protection service had issued weather alerts for Valencia, Alicante, Granada and Almería along Spain’s southeastern and southern coastline.

One of the worst affected areas is the town of Adra, in Almería on Spain’s southeastern coast. Locals have uploaded videos to social media showing cars and trucks being washed away in the fast-flowing current.

Let us see the chart of Spain as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion to evaluate the cause of the same .

The chart of Modern Spain is often set for inauguration of King Juan Carlos on the 22nd Nov. 1975 a moment which was marked not only for the restoration of monarchy but of Parliamentary  democracy following the Franco dictatorship. The critical moment was when the King took the Oath at 12.45 for the allegiance of the Parliament.



Balance of Dasha is 2 years and 7 Months of Rahu-Sun

The Lagna Lord Saturn is Placed in the 7th house in Retrogression and aspecting the Lagna at very close degrees . The Navamsha Lagna is Aries and Saturn is placed in the Virgo Navamsha and aspecting the 8th house of the navamsha . If you see the Trishamsha the Trishamasha Lords of Saturn the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Sun is Mercury, Hence Mercury Dasha is the most sensitive dasha for Spain. Dasha of Mer-Mer-Sat started from 22nd July 2015. Mercury, Sun and Jupiter are in Sarp dreskanne as well. Jupiter  placed in total watery  sign in its own house if fallen as well and supposed to be most malefic to give the Results regarding Water, Floods and Rains. In Transit we all know that the Eclipses have taken place in Watery sign Pieces  and the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 is also taking place in the Pieces sign . Jupiter Lord of Pieces sign ingressed in the 8th house of the chart on the 14th July 2015.

Now read my article ” Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/saturn-stationary-in-transit-what-it-foretells/ You would appreciate the significations of a Stationary Planet and that of the slowest moving planet  for the Results when it activates certain degrees  3 times  when it is also stationary. The planet is capable to  give the results with strong force  almost 3 times  then the normal transit .

The current dasha is Mer-Mer-Sat till 8-12-2015. If you look at the horoscope above of Capricorn Lagna with Asc. 10.12 degrees you would appreciate that Saturn was Stationary on the 14th March 2015 at 10.56 degrees in Scorpio and aspected the Lagna and the Navamsha Lagna at very close degrees . At this point it also aspected the Mars and Ketu in Sagitarius in the Navamsha chart and Venus and Mercury in the sign Cancer  which is again watery. Saturn Transit in the watery Sign, its Dispositor Mars was in Pieces with  Ketu again in a totally watery sign  Activated the Parameters  in March 2015. Now when Saturn was Stationary again between 27th July and 7th August 2015, at 4.13 degrees activated the the Natal 8th Lord Sun at 6.01 degrees and the same navamsha and also Mercury Natal at very close degrees . Saturn at this point also aspected the 8th house and Transit  Mercury , Venus and Jupiter at very close degrees , now since the 8th Lord Sun  was not Transiting there the event of the Floods happened after  Sun Ingressed in Leo on the 17th August and more so on the 7th Sept. 2015 when  Sun changed its navamsha to Libra and aspected the Navamsha Lagna, if you remember as I have explained above Libra is the Sign of Saturn Navamsha in Transiton the  14th March 2015 at 10.56 degrees and aspected the Navamsha  Lagna, Now amazingly Transit Saturn aspects the 8th house from Scorpio over Sun and Mercury and is in the Leo  Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Sun and aspects Sun in the Libra Navamsha in Transit  the Floods are surfaced triggered by  changing its navamsha to Libra on the 7th sept. 2015.

Astrology is most amazing. In all my articles on my webpage I have been writing that 40 Days before and after  the Eclipse are sensitive days.. I have also been mentioning that there will be disasters due to excessive rains since the Watery signs are afflicted in Transit and those countries who have affliction in the watery sign will be prone to water, rains and floods hazards till Ketu  in the Pieces sign till 9th Jan 2016. .

Now Let us see the chart of the Event on the 7th Sept. 2015 at 14.07 hrs GMT.as below

Spain Transit7th Sept 2015


The following are the critical points in Transit  for the Floods disaster.

1.The Most Critical Parameter in the current transit is that of Mercury. I have written in all my articles that Mercury ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu in Virgo was in Forward motion and most malefic  and afflicting Mercury totally till 29th Oct. 2015.

2. Mercury is the Trishamsha Lord of Saturn the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Sun in the foundation chart and see the Transit Trishamsha chart, amazingly Mercury is also the Trishamsha Lord in transit on the 7th Sept. 2015.

3.  Transit Saturn over the 8th Lord Sun , Mercury and Gulika in the Natal chart who have been activated on the 6th August 2015 at very close degrees and same navamsha .

4. 7th Sept. 2015 Mercury was in Debilitation in the Pieces sign the full watery sign in Trishamsha . All is crystal clear of the happenings and as predicted by me , for the basic Parameters . it is very difficult to write for all the countries , but all Parameters writen by me are satisfying the conditions for the event.

5. My Research Principles of the 8th house/lord, navamsha Sign and the Lords when afflicted by Rahu-Ketu, Mars and Saturn bring havoc for the countries and individual depending upon the number of Parameters afflicted the strength will depend upon them.In the case of Spain  8th house , Lord, Navamsha sign all  afflicted in transit.

6. Moon the Activator of thevents on the natal Moon and Mars in the chart who is Debilitatedin Transit  and in the Cancer sign with Fallen Venus  afflicting the Watery sign  aspecting the Lagna and thus  damaging the  Vehicles. In the natal chart Venus is Debilitated and aspected by Mars Retrograde.

7. 17th Sept. Mercury will be stationary since it will become Retrograde and Rahu in Conjunction will be in Forward motion from 15th Sept. to 23rd Sept. 2015 will again be a sensitive time frame for the country . Rahu will again be in  Forward motion on the  25th to 26th Sept. 2015. In Oct. 2015 Rahu will be in forward motion from 6th to 11th and there will be degree conjunction of Rahu and Mercury on the 9th Oct. 2015 , when Mercury will become direct and will be stationary will be the most Sensitive Parameters for the Globe and  Spain for the untoward happenings, keeping other Parameters for Spain as mentioned above, For the Globe it will be the most sensitive Parameter for the World Economy to get a biggest hit 

World markets will take the biggest hits during the  above Periods  since Mercury is significator of Stock markets .

Shall write a separate article on the Stock market.

The Country is Prone to disasters till Sun is in Libra and Scorpio Navamsha , hence till 14th Sept. 2015 will be a Period of Disasters for Spain 


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala   8th Sept. 2015 10-00 PM

Disclaimer: This is astrological explanation and the writer does not hold himself responsible for any person or a corporate investing or selling on the basis mentioned there of, he shall be doing it on his own risk and therefore the writer shall not be responsible for any eventuality for the same

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