Planetary Realignments of Planets in Sept. 2015: Boon or Bane

by astrodocanil

The Most Benefic and Result Oriented Rajyoga occures on the 17th August 2015 till 17th Sept. 2015  when Sun Joins Jupiter in the Royal sign of Leo. As Per Shastra  Bramand came into Existence when Sun, Jupiter and Moon were in the sign of Cancer. For this Reason Sun and Jupiter in good signs in the Natal Chart or in Transit are considered extremely  Pious and extremely beneficial  for Prosperity , Growth , specially when Moon is conjunct or in Kendra from this conjuction as it also  Forms a Gajkesri Yoga. TheConjunction of Sun and Jupiter is considered the  Highest Raj yoga in Astrology and is called  Shivraj or Sanrakshan yoga. When ever this Conjuction in the Chart is activated by the dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter it  activates the Yoga and the natives  experiences Prosperity and Growth . Those natives having this conjunction in Leo will be the most influenced with Growth and Prosperity at their doorstep for the coming  5 years in the Present Context.In a nut shell to be more specific till 17th August 2016 till Jupiter is there in Leo and Saturn in Scorpio till 28th Jan 2017. The Conjuction in the natal charts should be devoid of the Nodes, else it may influence the Sun and Jupiter getting eclipsed by the nodes as per the degrees. This conjuction of Sun and Jupiter will continue till Sun Ingresses in Virgo on the 17th Sept. 2015. The effects will be better when Jupiter is out of combustion and Jupiter is in Kritika Nakshatra.

Another most benefic time for the Propitiation for the Pitras and Saturn is the Transit of Sun in Virgo from 17th Sept. till 18th Oct. 2015 , since there will be 5 Saturdays during this Period Sun in Virgo. One must go to the Respective temples for Propitiations all the 5 Saturdays and is considered most Pious as per shastra.

Let me Give the Planetary positions of the Planets at the outset of Sept. 2015

1st Sept. 2015   Planetary positions are adverse on this day as per below combinations

  1. Rahu in Forward motion from 1st Sept. to 6th Sept.2015. Rahu is also with its dispositor Mercury in Virgo and afflicting  Earthy Sign, In navamsha Ketu is in the sign of Virgo. Mercury also Debilitated in navamsha with Rahu.I have mentioned in my articles earlier that Rahu was in Forward motion from 19th to 24th August  and Mercury joining Rahu in Forward motion can be disasterous for Stock markets and other Mercury Significations as Rahu is capable of turning the Tables upside down.  My Article “Mars In Cancer its sign of Debilitation : What it Foretells” Read this Para“Period of Saturn in Stationary Motion from 27th July to 7th August 2015 will sprout with maximum potential and war like situations for the country from the Neighboring Countries and Specially Pakistan and Pertaining to the 9th house as mentioned above. India security should be beefed up to take appropriate measures and specially the Judges who were involved in the Final Verdict of Yakub Memon. The Dates which are critical are 13th , 14th, 15th and then from 18th to 24th August 2015 till Rahu in Forward motion.Rahu Placed in the 8th house  and its Dispositor  Mercury in the 6th house is also a crucial factor  for significations of Planet Mercury. On the 21st August 2015 Mercury will be in mrityu Bhag and Rahu in Forward motion crucial for Stock markets. Saturn aspecting Sun degreewise at 4 degrees and Mars aspecting Moon Degreewise and Jupiter Combusted is crucial for  Activities relating to 9th house  Temples, Courts, Religon, Embassies. As per the Paksha Kundali 9th Lord Venus is Fallen and with Mars Debilitated . Havocs from Rain, Cloud bursts aswell. Terrorism with greater dimension, Airplanes hijacking, Crashes etc.Stock Markets Trends .Also adding some more indicative factors. Stock Markets can take a Bearish trend on 21st August and the trend of Bearish/ Bullish may continue till 6-7 Sept. 2015″
  2. At 12.40 hrs on the 1st Sept. 2015 Moon and Mercury have exchange of Nakshatras , most Prone for Earthquakes. At this time Mars will also change navamsha to Capricorn  and  Moon and Fallen Venus will also be there in the same navamsha. The Earthy signs in the Rashi chart are afflicted  since Taurus is aspected by Saturn, Capricorn aspected by Debilitated Mars and Fallen Venus, and Rahu as mentioned above is in Forward motion in Virgo with Mercury . The navamsha signs Capricorn and Virgo are also afflicted and may be when Mercury joins the Taurus Navamsha on the 3rd Sept. 2015 could sprout an Earthquake of High intensity above 6.00. The countries Prone will be of Virgo, Capricorn , Taurus Lagna , or these signs falling in the 4/10 axis.Japan, China, India, Nepal , Pakistan, Afganistan,  etc.could be adversely influenced  Specially the Himalayan Terrian , since the Eclipses are taking Place in the U Bharra nakshatra the direction for india could be  Parts of Kashmir, Punjab, Harayana  the Northern and Eastern Part of the country will be adversely influenced By Floods, Rains and untoward happenings including Terrorism and Earthquake.
  3. Saturn placed in the sign of Scorpio and Rahu adverse with Mercury the 6th sign of the natural zodiac till there will be new diseases sprouting and Dengu, Malaria, Swine Flu could be on the increasetill Mercury in Virgo in Sept. 2015
  4. Venus and Mars in Degree conjunction on the 1st Sept. 2014 in watery sign  and in the earthy navamsha . Venus is the loser, since Venus is fallen and Mars is always the winner. Crime against women could take a greater dimension. The controversial God Women Radhe Maa could get into Deep Waters.Pakistan and India Boarder issues could take a greater dimension , since this conjunction taking place in the 3rd house of the India independence chart and also the 3rd house of the Paksha Kundali of Taurus Lagna of 30th August 2015.
  5. Prices to Gold will escalate  till Sun and Jupiter in Leo till 15th Sept. 2015.
  6. 6th Sept. 2015 Venus becomes direct in Cancer and then the Longitudal distance between Venus and Mercury will start to reduce , could change the trend of Stock market and a Bearing Trendspecially around the 6th Sept. 2016.
  7. Mars Ingresses Leo in a Fiery sign and in the Aries Navamsha again a Fiery sign hence Disasters due to fire, Blasts,  specially when it is in gandantha from 13th Sept. to 16th Sept. 2015. Electrocution could also be seen. Mars will be in Leo till 3rd November 2015
  8. Venus goes in the sign of Leo back on the 30th Sept. 2015 and Joins Jupiter which according to Myur Chitram a Mundane classic is Blood Shed on Earth . Venus and Jupiter will be in conjunction on the 26th Oct. 2015.
  9. Saturn will cross the retrogression degrees of 10.56 degrees on the 8th Nov. 2015 , till this Period Saturn will highlight the areas and events which have been activated during Saturn Stationary between the 28th July to 7th August 2015 and crucial for such events. On the 6th and 7th August Saturn in Stationary motion aspects Mercury, Venus and Jupiter degreewise at 4.13 degrees , hence the Sigfication of these planets will suffer when aspected in navamsha in the coming days, since they are Prime Parameters for Financial Growth there may be financial stagnation sprouting . Saturn will aspect Mars  degree wise on the 26th Sept. 2015 is crucial as mentioned for the significations of the to and Untoward happening concerning natural and unnatural activities . In this connection I have already written an article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link a detailed analysis
  10. Rahu will be in Forward motion for maximum number of times in Sept. 2015 on the 1st Sept. to 6th Sept., 15th Sept. to 22nd Sept. and 25th to 29th Sept. 2015 are Dates for untoward happenings and turning the table upside down.
  11. 2 Solar and Lunar eclipses in Sept. 2015 with Mars activating the Eclipse point at the time of Eclipse.Mars activates the Eclipse Point after 2nd Oct 2015 of 10.35 degrees  and aspects Moon at 10.35 degrees on the 2nd and 3rd Oct. 2015 till 8th Oct. 2015 . After Mars joins Virgo on the 3rd Nov. 2015 it will activate the Eclipse point again on the 20th Nov. 2015 to 26th Nov. 2015.
  12. Financial stagnation starts from the time of Eclipses and could sprout in Jan  and March 2016  with greater dimension. Rupee can be all time low and touch the Rs 70  is no surprise  After the 2 Eclipses in Sept. 2015 and nearing the Jan 9th 2016 . Please read my article on the Eclipses ” Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015: Enigma of Mars Igniting Eclipse Point” dated 17th July 2015  on my webpage.
  13. Crude oil Prices could bulliush/bearish around the 26th Sept. 2015.
  14. Stock Market to take a hit  a number of times , since Mercury with Rahu till 29th Oct. 2015, what ever will be happening Rahu when will be adverse will change the trends


It is well known in Astrology that the two malefics Mars and Saturn can bring havocs, specially when they are Square to each other or Conjunct and influence the Strong Rashis like Taurus, Leo , Libra and Scorpio. In mundane astrology there are dangerous signs and Transit of malefics in these sign often bring natural and unnatural disasters. Mars will Transit Leo on the 15th Sept. 2015 in the nakshatra of Magha  and in the first navamsha if Aries. and thus will have return aspect of Saturn , since both will be in Square position which in the Present context is most Crucial for Terrorism, War, Natural and Unnatural activities.

In the Present Context Saturn in Scorpio on the 14th March went into Retrogression  at 10.56 degrees in the nakshatra of anuradha. Saturn became Stationary on the 28th July to 7th August at 4.13 degrees in the same nakshatra  but over the natal Ketu of  India independence chart in the 7th house of Wars and Foreign affairs at extremely close degrees. In the case of Pakistan it was the same Parameter in the 8th house of mass happenings , Terrorism and Permanent Losses. .

Mars ingress in the Sign of Leo will activate the natal Ketu in both cases of India and Pakistan on the 21st Sept. 2015  at 3.21 degrees and in the same navamsha till 27th Sept . 2015 Saturn at this Point will also be in the same Navamsha  till 27th Sept. 2015 . On the 27th-28th Sept. 2015  Mars and Saturn will also have a return aspect in the navamsha since mars will be in Gemini and Saturn in Virgo with Ketu is most crucial Parameter for both the countries  as per the signification explained in this article and explained above as well.

We all know that the Lunar Eclipse is taking place on the 28th Sept. 2015 which is also most crucial for the Reason that Mars and Saturn both at very close degrees and having return aspect and Mars activating the Eclipse point immedaitely at the time of Eclipse, The eclipse is taking place  in the 11th house of the Foundation chart of India and 9th from Moon and the 12th house of the Foundation chart of Pakistan and in the 10th from Moon.

At this point India will be running the dasha of Moon which will start from the 9th of Sept. 2015. in case of India it is the 3rd Lord and focus on the Relations of the Neighboring countries and the boarder issues and communications Air and Travel By Rail will also be issues  which may be the head lines and some constructive steps taken by the Rail and Aviation Industry.

Pakistan Dasha is Venus-Rahu and dispositor of Rahu is also Venus and Rahu is placed in the 2nd house. Venus in the chart of Pakistan is in Planetary war and also combust , When ever dispositor of Rahu is afflicted and placed in the 2nd house  then it shows the Person or the Country can break the trust it has formed, hence in the Dasha of Venus-Rahu of Pakistan and Venus being the Lord of the 7th house of Wars and under affliction  will create war like situations in the country . We all know the tensions between the 2 countries in the Present context and therefore since 7th house in Transit of India will also be under affliction, there could be Tensions in the country due to Terrorism and  in relation to the neighboring Countries specially Pakistan and China. . The tensions could aggravate when Mars joins Scorpio and will remain there for 211 days from 20th Feb 2016 . It is also the time when Nawaz Sharif may have to step down from its Position as the Prime Minister  for the reasons best known there may be a military coup  since Mars and Saturn will be in the 8th house of the chart  and 6th from natal Moon . The Combination of Mars and Saturn also indicated terrorism with in the country for Pakistan and could become crucial for the Prime Minister to step down from the Position .Rahu ingressing in Leo will further aggravate the situations in Pakistan  from the 9th Jan 2016.

The moment Mars goes in Leo will be a period  which could put Pakistan in doldrums and when Mars and Saturn join 8th house of Pakistan and the Lagna of Nawaz Sharif  as explained below  on the 20th Feb. 2016 and will be Period when Navaz  will be put into Trouble and may have to step down Mercury Transit in Virgo could also act as a fuel to the fire against him  from 23rd August 2015 till 29th Oct. 2015 and will be a crucial  period for Nawaz Sharif.   Nawaz Sharif  Position as a Prime Minister is at stake since Saturn in the Scorpio sign and the Lagna of the Muhurat chart after the 2nd Nov . 2014. Jupiter could save him for some time till Jupiter aspects the Lagna ,but after Jupiter transit in Leo and getting afflicted bt Rahu-ketu on the 9th Jan 2016  could bring a Period for a Down fall. Jupiter is  also influenced by Saturn and is in the sign of Mercury in the yama chart and will not be able to give the required Protection. Saturn in the Lagna will then be in the 8th from the Muhurat Moon and Chaitra Rashi  . Hence the Nawaz Sharif is bound to get into trouble soon. The Country it seems is heading for Disaster and The Prime Minister  Nawaz Sharif may have to step down due to military interventions/Terrorism /US withdrawing Financial asistance . The period therefore from 23rd  August to 29th Oct. 2015 and then from 15th Sept. 2015 to 3rd Nov. 2015 and the Till Mars is there in the Scorpio sign for 211 days  from 20th Feb. 2016 could bring the downfall of Navaz Shariff in the Present context.   In fact the Country will also be in Economic stagnation and encircled with Problems with greatest dimensions .                                                                                                         

Also as per the Principles of Mr. K . N Rao Mars Placed in the 3rd house is making the country war prone and getting involved in war like situations with neighbors or a civil war or Terrorism with in the country it self  and hence Mass happenings.

India has to keep a strict vigil for any espoinage from Foreign elements , since Mars is the 12th and the 7th lord in the Chart and Next Dasha of Moon-Mars  will start from 10-7-2016 till  8-2-2017 Mars is also 7th lord of Wars

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  14.18 hrs 

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