3 Bubble Bursts Certain Stock Market, Crypto Currencies & Real Estate In 2022

by astrodocanil

“3 Bubble Bursts Certain Stock Market, Crypto Currencies & Real Estate In 2022 “

 In 2022 there could be 3 Bubble Bursts namely  in the Stock Market, Crypto Currencies and the Real Estate . The Planetary positions are parallel 1929, 1960, 2000. In the year 1929 there were lot of Automobile industries which came up and there was recession and only few could sustain. In the year 1960 there was Electronics  and lot of Companies which came up and again recession. In the year 2000 we had the Dot.com bubble burst  and only companies like Microsoft, Amazon and Apple could sustain.  Now the year 2022 there are more then 100  crypto currencies  and a Bubbler Burst is expected soon and only few will be able to sustain. Today Crypto is considered as ‘Hot Potato investing’ but people have no idea of the underlying intrinsic value  of the investment . The Year 2022 will be parallel like the 1929 when we had the deep recession in the Automobile industry and only few Automobile industries could sustain. The Planetary positions are also parallel the Harshad Mehta Scam April 1992 when Saturn was in Dhanistha star at 24 degrees . Saturn is approaching the Dhanistha star on the 18th Feb 2022 and hence prone to parallel happenings like 1992 since we are in the 30 year cycle  and the LCM of the Saturn , Jupiter and the Nodes is 30 hence around the 18th Feb and after the Solar ingress in Aquarius we could experience similar scams and hence which may prove a Bolt from the Blue for the Stock Markets 

The Planetary positions from the 18th Feb to 3rd April 2022 are prone to Big Corrections in the Stock and the Financial Markets specially after the 17th March 2022 after the nodes change signs .

The Crypto Currencies are also prone to fall heavily  in the time frames mentioned above. Saturn in the Dhanistha star and Conjunction with Mars in Capricorn may be responsible for the same . There are also Possibilities in the latter part of the year 2022 also and when Time comes I shall again write an Article  for the same. 

The Precious Metals and the Oil will Touch new highs  during this time frame  and Global Economy may go for a Toss.


The time frame as per the Lunation charts of the 28th July, 26th Sept, 16th Oct, 8th Nov. and 22nd jan 2023 are prone to Economy break in the Globe

 The Real Estate will suffer since Mars and Saturn both will be fallen  in 2022. Saturn from the 12th July to 18th Jan 2023 in the sign Capricorn and Mars from the 13th Nov 2022 to 14th March 2023 in the sign Taurus and Both will fall in the Earthy signs . It has been observed that when ever Mars over stays in a sign and falls back  in the Previous sign it is adverse for its significations and a  big change  in the Real Estate   since Mars rules the Built up Property and Saturn the Land . Saturn Rules the masses and since in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac the Govt. may bring some Law regarding the Real Estate in the form of Taxes.  Masses may be influenced adversely during the above time frames. Mars will fall from the Sign Gemini to Taurus  and Saturn will fall from the sign Aquarius to the sign Capricorn. This time frame will also be Prone to Earthquakes of Dimension  Natural and Unnatural Calamities .


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 9-2- 2022 17-00 hrs
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

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