World Leaders Take the Stage at 27th Asean Summit : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

As per the link the Asean Summit  was staged at 09-50 hrs Kaulalumpur today on the 21st Nov. 2015.  Ten Southeast Asian heads of state and nine world leaders, including President Barack Obama, are meeting in Malaysia to discuss trade and economic issues. Terrorism and Disputes over the South China Sea are also on the agenda.

Let us see Astrologically what could emerge out of the Summit specifically for the Steps against the ISIS and Terrorism

The chart is below when the summit was staged at 09-50 hrs.

27th Asean Summit 21st Nov. 2015

Panchang of the Day 

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn Placed in the 12th house of the chart as Marak  with Combusted Mercury and Sun the 9th Lord

Tithi is SP-10. Saturday and Dashmi is Mrityu Yoga  Most malefic

Nakshatra is P Bhadrapad

Yoga Harshana  Lord is Sun

Karna Taitila and Lord is mercury and is the 10th Lord and placed in the 12th house combusted, Karya siddhi may not take place properly against the Terrorism amd ISIS

Hora  Sun  Hora sandhi of Mars and Sun

DBA  Jup-Ven-Jup. Planets are benefics and Venus is Debilitated  and Jupiter aspected by Saturn from the 12th house of Terrorist Camps being the 4th from the 9th house . Jupiter is also in the Dagdha Rashi in the 9th house

Yama Day Lord Saturn in 1st Yama of Taurus and the Lord is Venus Debilitated in the 10th house is good but since  with Mars and Rahu  in the 10th house and  afflicted badly will not give Fructification for the Summit Agenda to combat the ISIS and Terrorism,  The Road map to combat the Terrorism will be a Tough one. Since the Combination of mars and Rahu in close degrees in the 10th house and dispositor totally combusted will sprout  Chemical Blasts, Terrorism  and Bloodshed  since this is the Battle field of the Summit Leaders of the Countries .

Lagna is Sagitarius a codand Rashi of ups and downs and Prishtodayo, but aspected by Jupiter is good but Lagna Lord Jupiter placed in Dagdha sign  is aspected by the Culprit of Distructions and Death  Saturn  from the 12th house . Shows Struggle and Strife to combat the ISIS.

Lagna is in the Nakshatra of Ketu Moola a Ferrous and Bitter nakshatra and the Lord  Ketu is Placed in the 4th house aspected By Mars and Venus Debilitated . Mars is also activating  the Eclipse Point of 10.35 degrees of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015. Hence the Happiness and Comforts and the Condition of the Summit Countries will be shattered. Rahu and Ketu are also in Adverse motion and are capable to turn the table upside down, specailly when the Same have connection with Mars .

Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Lagna Lord is strong, but the Road map to combat the Terrorism and ISIS will be a Tuff one .

Kendras are devoid of Benefics and Lagna Lord Jupiter in the trikona ia good but placed in Dagdha Sign shows the weakness to combat the Enemy. Lagna Lord is also aspected by Moon is good for Success, but Moon is also the 8th Lord, Dispositor of Jupiter is also connected to the 12th house and Planet of Death and Destruction Saturn . Kendras from Lagna Lord Jupiter, Moon and the 8th Lord are afflicted .hence the support level what is required is weak.

Mars Planet of War aspects the Lagna at very close degrees and is afflicted badly. Mars has exchange with Mercury who is placed in the 12th house of losses and Espoinage , since Mercury is also 7th Lord . Mars is with Venus , hence Mars Transit in CVirgo till 24th Dec. 2015 and then in Libra and then in Scorpio will Produce most malefic Results and Maximum Espoinage and Losses for the Globe  and the Countries who are target of the ISIS. Till mars crosses the Sagitarius sign will be most Venomous Period like a snake bite till 1st Nov. 2016 . Mars transit in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 for 211 days  will be crucial for the Globe for Terrorism with magnitude and western Countries will be influenced most .

Navamsha rising is the 8th house of the Rashi chart of Cancer and a Movable sign and aspected by the Malefics Mars and Saturn both Strong  and in 1/7 axis .8th house afflicted badly in the navamsha is not good.  The Lagna Lord Jupiter also aspects the Lagna but Jupiter also aspected by Mars by 8th aspect in the navamsha . 8th house rising is not a good indication and shows the frutification may not be as expected due to unconventioanl methods adopted  to combat the ISIS.

Gulika is Placed in the 12th house with Sun, Mercury and Saturn and Gulika Navamsha Lord is Sun. In navamsha Sun is with Mercury and Ketu which is the 9th house of the Rashi chart and shows attack on the Places of Embassies, Court, Judicairy, Temples,

Attacking Direction by the Terrorists is North from Kaulalumpor

Timing of Events  . Rahu ,Mars and Venus in Virgo the 6th house of the natural Zodiac will be crucial till 24th Dec. 2015 . specially as mentioned in my earlier articles till 22nd Nov. 2015 till when Rahu is in Forward motion .Moon is in the Navamsha of Mercury hence when Mercury ingresses in the Lagna in Sagitarius will be crucial for Terrorist Attacks  after  the 6th Dec. 2015 with Magnitude.Moon takes 48 minutes for a Muhurta and since the 8th lord and Cancer rising in the Lagna and in the 9th Navamsha the Attack from the ISIS groups of Terrorism could be in 48x 9= 432 minutes = 7 hrs and 12 minutes , Moon has completed 8 navamshas , hence a Time Period from 6hrs to 7hrs 12 minutes from 9.50 hrs Kaulalumpor time will be critical for the Globe in the north Direction from Kaulalumpor for Terrorism, Blood shed . Hence the Time from 15-50 hrs to 17-02 hrs could also be Critical for the Summit and for the Countries Target of ISIS and the Terrorist groups in ally with ISIS. When Moon goes in the 7th house and aspects the Lagna on the 28th Nov. 2015 to Moon Transit in the 9th and the 10th house  till 6th Dec. 2015 

Moon is in the 3rd house at 27.55 degrees and about to join the 4th house  , hence if we take the Balance degrees as days then after 3 days also on the 24th Nov. 2015 could be crucial for Terrorism Chemical weapons usage cannot be ruled out as already explained by me in the Earlier Articles . The detailed articles are already on my webpage regarding the same . 

Now Read this “Brussels metro shut as Belgian capital put on maximum alert”

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 21st Nov. 2015 13-30 hers 


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