World Catastrophe: Jupiter Accelerated Motion 2025-2033 Saturn-Jupiter Opposition 2028 Eclipses In Rohini 2030

by astrodocanil
“World Catastrophe: Jupiter Attichari 2024-2032 Saturn-Jupiter Opposition 2028 Eclipses In Rohini 2030”

This Article of mine was published In the “EXPRESS STAR TELLER'” in the Nov. 2024 Edition on Page 18 titled Jupiter in Accelerated motion for 8 years 2024-2032

Are we heading for a World War 3 ?

Jupiter celestial dance is happening from the 2024 to 2032. During Mahabharat war as well as the WW2 same kind of celestial dance was done by Jupiter. Recently for a short term celestial dance of Jupiter was seen between 2019 to 2021 , we witnessed the Coronavirus outbreak and a Global Economy Fall. We could have similar Economic Conditions starting from the year May 2025 to Sept. 2032.

There was also Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter  which brings a big change for the global conditions. The whole world suffered on account of Coronavirus. Attichari Jupiter and Fallen Jupiter Loses it beneficence and since a Jeva planet influences the human beings. Jupiter is the most benevolent planet and 100% benefic when in accelerated motion will provoke the Jupiter in unfold chaos and disruptions across the living significances. Currently Global wars are raging with major powers in the East and the West often arming the opposing sides. Many conflicts are pitting the East against the West, as each side supply arms to the Country they support. The upcoming time is time of actions  and transformation at personal and Mundane level. Before the Mahabharata there was tremendous turbulence in the solar system and the Planet which was at the highest celestial quiver was Jupiter. At the time of India Independence on the 15th August 1947 Jupiter in the Sign Libra was in Accelerated Motion and there was shift of power and also bloodshed.  After 1st May 2024 Jupiter will also be in Accelerated motion as explained in this Article and we will be witnessing shift of Power and change of the Presidents and the Prime Ministers of the Countries. This Power shift will be more visible from May 2025 to Sept 2032.

Due to the above motion of Jupiter there was shift of power, climate change, major blow to global economy, inflation. Chaos across the world due to wars among the Countries, fragile health of the natives, limited access of safe water and loss of life forces, outbreak of contagious diseases. Death due to poisonous gas, natural calamities. Tighter global financial conditions will prevail. The effects of all the above will be visible more between 2025 to 2032. Accelerated motion of Jupiter also gave new thinking and new approach to problems. The spectre of a sustained clash between the West and the rivals especially Russia, China and their rivals—- looms large.

On March 18th 2033 Jupiter will enter Aquarius which will end the long accelerated motion of Jupiter. It is also believed that Jupiter Transit in Aquarius the Ganga Water is charged with positive healing effects by electromagnetic radiations of Sun, Moon and Jupiter.

The following Parameters bring a drastic change in the Globe due to the following parameters.


1.Jupiter Attichari Motion. This is when Jupiter leaves a sign before the completion of 12 months in a sign. The reason is very clear Jupiter is in Attichari motion and will complete 27 degrees on the 29th Oct. 2024 in Taurus in just 182 days , where as the normal motion of Jupiter completes in nearly 365 days and 30 degrees. Normal motion of Jupiter is 2.5 degrees in an month roughly, but now it is 5.25 degrees roughly. The grace is it does not fall in the sign Aries in Retrogression.  From May 2025 to Sept. 2032 it will  also be in Attichari motion and also have the Status of a fallen planet from 5th Dec 2025 in Gemini to 2nd June 2026 , then 24th Jan 2027 to 25th June 2027 in Cancer. Feb 28th to 24th July 2028 in Leo. 29th March 2029 to 24th August 2029 in Virgo. May 1st  to 22nd Sept 2030 in Libra. These periods will be catastrophic for the global economy and the well being of the Humans.


2. Saturn will be fallen between 20-10-2027 to 23-2-2028 in Pisces, then 5-10-2029 to 17-4-2030 In Aries .


3. Mars will be Fallen in Gemini from Cancer between 21-1-2025 to 3-4-2025. Property market can collapse.

4. The Solar Eclipse of the 29th March 2025 and then when Rahu and Saturn will be in conjunction in close degrees on the 4th April 2025 will escalate the warlike conditions in the world.

5.The Most Crucial Period starts from Saturn journey from Pisces to Cancer from 30th March 2025  onwards and specially till Saturn in Taurus and in Rohini Star in May 2030.

6. From 26th Dec 2028 when Saturn and Jupiter oppose each other in Aries-Libra axis. This may bring a massive change for the globe like the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the time of Coronavirus.

7.There are Eclipses in the Sign Taurus in Rohini in the 17th May 2030 and then 1st June 2030 The Chart of 1st June 2030 is explosive for a World War, Since 5 Planets will be in Rohini and Saturn will also enter Rohini Star Soon. 17th May 2030 Mars and Saturn will be in Planetary War .A World Catastrophe. Coming decade is explosive time frame as mentioned above for the Globe and the Humans. The Planetary Positions are not conducive for Humans, only people of integrity may be able to face the situations like the Coronavirus Period from Jan 2020  for 2 years, but here there is a continuous  wreck of the planetary positions from 2025 to 2030.

8.Parallel Planetary positions like the 29th Oct 1929 when we had the Global Economy breakdown. Jupiter and Saturn in the 20 cycle return after 100 years most explosive for the world in every respect.

No pessimistic view but the facts as per Vedic Astrology, it is time to gear up  and do our work honestly and with hard work. Become a saint and work hard the only remedy.

First have a look at the Pisces New Moon Chart of the 29th March 2025 below which is explosive for Wars

 The grace in 2025 is that Mars and Saturn will not be in the axis of the nodes which is explosive for a big war, and Saturn and Rahu will join for a very small duration.

Also see the chart of the 24th Feb  2026 and cluster of Planets in the sign Aquarius will be in the 10th house of the Foundation chart of  India and aspects the 4th house of the Foundation chart.

See the chart below

 Hence the coming 2 years 2025-2026 will be the most difficult years for the complete world for a big happening which no body can imagine. Some of the Coastal Countries may be wiped out from the Map. The Prone Countries are Bangladesh, North America, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines due to high intensity Earthquakes, Tsunami, Tornado.

Next crucial time frame is when Saturn and Jupiter will be in 1/7 axis and aspect each other  in the year 2028 and a strong transformation in the world in the 10 years cycle from conjunction of these planets in 2019-2020

Now coming to the year 2030

See the charts of the 17th May 2030  and 1st June 2030 below where there is  self explanation and explosive for the world in terms of a big war, diseases and catastrophe

This will be parallel to Oct. 1929 when we have the Global  Economy break down after 100 years cycle When time comes I will write more .


Written on  16th August 2023 11-00 hrs  reproduced on the 13th Jan 2025

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects .

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