With Kim Jong Un’s ‘Secret Illness’ North Korea Successor May Be ‘Kim Yo-jong’ The Young Lady Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1303 Articles and Predictions in just 60 months from April 2015

Red Planet Mars will open the secret after the 3rd-4th May the secret of the Kim-Jong-Un Illness. As per My Predictions he was in grave danger till 24th April and since no wherebaouts  puts a big question mark ?. In any Case all will be known in the coming time frame as mentioned . If  he is really in Danger then this Young Girl will be the Successor as seen from her Planetary positions in her chart and the 72nd Year of Korea Foundation chart of the 10th Sept 1948 Venus at Declination point and with Ketu and in Mrityu Bhag show  the secret, if the Data available is correct then Predictions will hold good

This is only the Possibilty which is being discussed of this Young Lady having very strong Planetary positions, in any case if Kim Jong -Un is alive the all will come to light after the 3rd-4thMay 2020 Note this . I have Mentioned that till 24th April 2020 was a Time Frame for Grave Danger for the Leader

This is with reference to my Article “Star’s Foretell Kim Jong-Un North Korean Leader In Grave Danger Till 24th April Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/04/stars-foretell-k…r-anil-aggarwala/

I had Predicted that till 24th April 2020 there was Danger to Kim Jong-Un, since no whereabouts are know of the North Korean Leader, It seems there is definitely something wrong at the bottom, In any case as I have mentioned that we will soon come to know about him the moment Mars is about to change sign to Aquarius on the 4th May 2020. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac, it is with Saturn and the moment it goes in the next sign of the Saturn it will give the Results of the Saturn Of the Capricorn Sign and ofcourse some changes as far as the 10th house of the Zodiac is concerned . The (th and the 10th Lord Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac and going in Retrogression may bring about changes in the Political Scenario of the world and in the case of North Korea a New Leader is on the Cards . Even the most learned scholars of North Korea will scramble for an answer to this questiion that who will be the Next Successor, but if one were to apply the law of Probability —–all fingers will be pointing at the 31 year old

Kim Yo-jong

Now as per the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Yo-jong   Kim Yo-jong (Korean:  born 26 September 1987) is a North Korean politician. She is an alternate member of the Politburo (Political Bureau) and vice director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK). She is the youngest daughter of former supreme leader Kim Jong-il. Her brother is Kim Jong-un, the current supreme leader.

Let us see what the Star’s Have up their Sleeves for Her as per the Planetary positions since the Time of Birth is not available

I dont have the Exact Birth Time but comparing with the Transit Planets and the Planetary positions in her Chart at the time of Birth reaching at that level she has a Very strong Rajyoga like Narendra Modi and Trump Of Sun and Ketu Degree conjunction, In case Of Narendra Modi this combination exists in the same sign . In Case of Trump He has Sun and Rahu Degree conjunction in the 10th house in Taurus sign, I have this conjunction in the 11th house and It is the Highest rajyoga

The Transit Planets are also activating the same as can be seen from the above chart today . Mars the Activator will open all the secrets the moment it changes the sign from Capricorn to Aquarius between the 3rd May to 4th May 2020 it so seems . The Mercury in Debiliatation till 24th April 2020 was extremely  dangerous for Kim Jong-Unand in all Probabilities .

From the above it is crystal clear that this Young Lady will be the Successor . Just Wait for the Mars to Open the Bag of the Secrets

As per the Vedic Progression chart of the North Korea of the 10th Sept 1948 12-00 nhrs Pongyang the 10th Lord Venus In the sign Libra is in Mrityu Bhag and with Ketu the Disease Karka opens the secrets

10th Lord from the Moon is placed in the 12th from Lagna makes every thing clear about Kim Jong-Un and Eclipse over it and Ketu just crossing the Jupiter Degrees on the 22nd April 2020 opens all the secrets of the North Korean Leader. 10th House from Lagna is Venus in own house shows the Strong Leader Kim Jong-Un But in Trouble  since with Ketu Disease Karka and Venus in Mrityu bhag

Transit Saturn in the 8th from Moon aspects the 10th house from Lagna and the 10th Lord  and Lagna Lord in the 8th house also aspects the 10th house and the Lord

Just Try to think I have abosolutely no  information of the Leader Missing or his time of Admission in the Hospital nor do I know the Birth Time of the 31 year Old Lady , But my inner Conscience says the above will come true after the 3rd-4th May 2020. Mars, Saturn jupiter Conjunction brings disaster or change  for the Head of the Countries specially the next native in command takes over . Wait for more of these happenings in the world  specially when Mars just separates from Saturn and Jupiter



Please read my Following Articles for the above Predictions proving spot on
1.”What Star’s Foretell As Per Kota Chakra For India Foundation Chart & Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/04/what-stars-foretell-as-per-kota-chakra-for-india-foundation-chart-solar-eclipse-of-26th-dec-2019-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/
2.”North Node On Wheel Intensifies US-China Brawl Spikes In COVID-19 Predictions Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/04/north-node-on-wheel-intensifies-us-china-brawl-spikes-in-covid-19-predictions-spot-on-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/
3.”North Node Changes Constellation To Mrigshira 22nd April 2020 What It has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/04/north-node-changes-constellation-to-mrigshira-22nd-april-2020-what-it-has-up-its-sleeves-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/
4.”What Planets Have Up Their Sleeves For COVID-19 Brawl Between US and China ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
5.”Rashi Sanghata Chakra Indicates Earthquake Higher Intensity Untoward Happenings COVID-19 Spikes 15-17th 21st 28th April to 1st May 2020″ https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/04/what-planets-have-up-their-sleeves-for-covid-19-brawl-between-us-and-china-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/

First Astrologer To Predict Virulant Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

      The most Important Article Conjunction odf Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reel ing in Anguish and Pain link

      Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

      The complete world is reeling due to the woes of the COVID-19. It is advised that all to cooperate with the Govt. Rules and Regulations to Curb the COVID-19
      Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
      BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
      26th April 2020 15-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
      New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/
      My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
      My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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