Will The Red Planet Squaring Nodes Steer War Prone Torn Syria And Globe To Arena Of War ?

by astrodocanil

As per my Research Theory of the Planetary Cycles and the Saturn and Jupiter influencing each other in opposition or Conjunction a major Change are seen in the Globe . If we pull out the happenings of the 1929-1932, and other periods  similair Planetary positions are taking place.Planetary positions are liable therefore  to Repeat the behaviour  and hence a Economy Meltdown Predicted by me way back in May 2015 for the year starting from 9th Jan. 2016 and War like situations . The Lords of the Natural Zodiac Mars and Saturn  finally reaching Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac are bound to sprout hidden and all of a sudden negatives and Mass happenings . 8th house is also Permanent loss. When these 2 Planets Mars the Ascendant and 8th Lord and Saturn the 10th and the 11th Lord  of the Natural Zodiac meet in the 8th house and a Square Position with Nodes and Sun there will be downfall of the Kingly countries and King like Persons , the Natives and the Countries must have the  Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to kill  and Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun, Moon or over the 1/7 axis of the 8th house, Lord, Navamsha Lord, Navamsha Sign to  give the ultimate Results. At the time of Mars Ingress in Scorpio in Conjunction with Saturn on the 20th Feb. 2016 , Mars and Saturn are in square  positions with Sun, Nodes and even the benevolent Planet Jupiter  under acute affliction . Under the above circumstances there is very little possibility that the Red Planet of War, Terrorism, Bloodshed may not sprout its significations with Magnitude  for 211 days  and specially a Fierce War between, 25th March to 29th June 2016 . The Period thus of Mars Transit in Scorpio from 20th Feb. to 18th Sept. 2016 will be most crucial. I have already written a couple of Articles on the above on this webpage www.astrodocanil.com .

The Nut shell is Mars Transit will Convert the Middle Eastern Portion of the World into an Arena of War after the 22nd Feb. 2016 , since the Paksha Kundali  and more so after 25th Feb. to 2nd March 2016 when Rahu will also be in adverse motion and Poison . The Eclipse on the 9th March 2016 is also a Crucial one and Lumanries in close Degrees with Nodes and close aspect of Mars and Saturn would trigger the Results with magnitude. Mars activating the Eclipse point 3 times is indicative of  Aggression of the invading countries will be 3 times and with a force 3 times stronger than the Normal strength . The Eclipse of the Sept. 2016 are also crucial in this respect .

My previous article written on ISIS, Syria and Terrorism. Syria War Porn, Torn by ISIS:Will Stars Tear the Future ?  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/12/syria-war-prone-torn-country-by-isiswhat-stars-foretell-for-the-future/ dated 12th Dec. 2015.

After Mars conjuncts Saturn , the War mongering Countries will get activated , specially those countries where the Following Parameters are activated and thus aggressive actions by their behaviour.

  1. Mars is considered worst for War like situations if connected to 12th, 3rd, 6th and 7th house or Lord  in the natal chart. In Transit if these house or house Lords are activated and Dasha of Planets Related to the 7th house , then One is involved in War like situations , either by the Foreign elements with in the Country or From Neighboring Countries .
  2. Eclipses Taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon or Sun
  3. Eclipses influencing the 8th house, Lord , Navamsha sign, Navamsha Lord of 8th house  and Dasha of Planets who has the Capacity to kill.
  4. Jupiter the Benevolent planet in affliction in the natal chart. When Benefics Jupiter and Venus are weak.
  5. Nodes Transitting Over Natal Nodes .
  6. Mars and Saturn Retrun aspect or Conjunction in the Natal chart
  7. Countries with Virgo Lagna , where Mars is the 8th Lord , or with Aries Lagna or Moon Signs
  8. Countries with Leo or Aquarius Lagna.
  9. Saturn and Jupiter conjunction or Opposition in the Foundation chart of the countries.
  10. Mars Activating the Eclipse point again ans again 3 times will be instrumental in War in the Middle Eastern Sector of the world
  11. Read my predictions on the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/prolonged-stay-of-red-planet-mars-and-saturn-conjunction-in-scorpio-crucial-211-days/

Now Read this https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/884

Image 1

Limited Nuclear War Within 18 days as Saudis (and Friends) mass 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes, 460 Helicopters for Syria Invasion

Now Read this ——-

Russia will have no choice but to use Tactical (Battlefield) Nuclear Weapons to defend Syria once a ground invasion begins within 18 days, by 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 military planes  and 460 Helicopters from 25 countries massing in northern Saudi Arabia.  Syria has warned “any aggressor entering the country will go home in wooden coffins;” Russia has said “any country sending ground troops into Syria without permission will be considered a declaration of war.”

Thousands of soldiers from regional countries are set to participate in what is being “called” a military “exercise” media reports say.

Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from Persian Gulf Arab states and a number of other countries will take part in a Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the massive troop build-up, some 2,540 warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 460 helicopters will also participate in the “exercise,” dubbed “North Thunder.”

The “exercise” is scheduled to last 18 days, during which the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed.

Media reports say the “exercise” will be the largest in the history of the region. However, SuperStation95 has done research and there is no known example of this much military power being massed for an “exercise” . . . anywhere . . . ever.  It seems quite obvious to any thinking person that the notion of an “exercise” is fraudulent on its face; this is an invasion force and when it moves, it will mean war.

The maneuver comes at a sensitive time after Saudi Arabia announced readiness to participate in any ground incursion in Syria if the US-led coalition decides to start such an operation.  (Gee, what a coincidence.)

Saudi Arabia is a member of the US-led coalition that has been conducting air raids inside Syria. The airstrikes have been going on without any authorization from the Syrian government or a UN mandate since September 2014. The Saudi “exercise” is believed as preparation for a possible ground incursion into Syria.

Reacting to the troop deployment, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said Saturday, “Let no one think they can attack Syria or violate its sovereignty because I assure you any aggressor will return to their country in a wooden coffin.”

Pavel Krasheninnikov, a deputy of Russia’s State Duma, has warned Saudi Arabia that any military ground operation in Syria without Damascus’ consent would amount to a declaration of war.


US Forces 
American Special Operations troops and Air Force attack helicopters landed first at Remelan airport. They are the first US troops to operate from a ground base in Syria, accommodated in living quarters built for them in advance by a US engineering corps unit. The airport runway has been widened for US warplanes.
Russian Forces

Next came two Russian military missions on Jan. 16.  One group, led by a general and consisting of air force and Special Operations officers, is preparing to take over a small abandoned base in Syrian army-controlled territory just 80 km from the new US facility at Remelan, and adapt it for Russian use.

The other group, which consists of intelligence officers – some from Russia’s FSB federal security service, which indicates that Moscow has decided it is high time for professionals to protect the classified information moving around the Russian Task Force in Syria and safeguard it from reaching the wrong hands. .
The abandoned base is less than 3.5 km from the Turkish border, and would act as a Russian barrier between US forces in northern Syria and the Turkish border contingents.

Turkish Forces

This Russian deployment set off alarm bells in Ankara, and so the Turkish army responded with the third troop buildup, arraying tanks and mobile artillery on the border across from Qamishli.

Over the weekend, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan stated, “We have said this from the beginning: we won’t tolerate such formations (in northern Syria) along the area stretching from the Iraqi border up to the Mediterranean.”
At the same time, US Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday, Jan. 23, that  the U.S. and Turkey are prepared for a military solution against ISIS in Syria should the Syrian government and rebel-opposition forces fail to reach a peace agreement during its upcoming meeting in Geneva.

However, Ankara views its war on terror as focused on both Kurdish separatists and ISIS, which is subjecting Turkey to multi-casualty attacks.

debka’s military and intelligence sources note that Turkey’s military options are very limited. Its leaders know they dare not put a foot wrong because the Russian force in Syria is just waiting for an opportunity to avenge the downing of a Russian Su-24 warplane by the Turkish air force on November 24.

Another group of actors stirring the pot in northern Syria is the Kurds, particularly the YPG militia, the only fighting force in Syria capable of defeating ISIS, which has been reinforced by the Iraqi autonomous Kurdish region’s Peshmerga, as well as the outlawed Turkish PKK Kurdish organization.

At this stage, it is impossible to determine how this triple buildup will play out tomorrow – how far the US and Russia are in concert, at what point they may decide to vie for footholds in the Kurdish region of northern Syria and how far the Turks are clued into the joint US-Russian strategy for bludgeoning ISIS.

The latest news on the same

A Direct Turkey-Russia Clash Is Growing Risk on Syria Border

link http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-16/a-direct-turkey-russia-clash-is-a-growing-risk-on-syria-border dated 16th Feb. 2016. I am amazed at the Dates matching with the Planetary combinations

Let me reproduce the Text on Syria written in the above article written by me

In the Present Scenerio the country is running the dasha of Jup-Jup-Sun from 18th Nov. 2015 . Needless to explain the events .Jupiter is Functional malefic and afflicted badly, Sun is Debilitated and worse for Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria.

We all know Jupiter is badly afflicted from 9th Jan. 2016 in stationary Position over the Natal Ketu

As per my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells dated 1st August  2015 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/saturn-stationary-in-transit-what-it-foretells/ I had mentioned that if  Stationary points of Saturn in the Present Transit is 4.13 degrees in Scorpio and it it coincides with the natal planet  is at the same degrees as the Saturn, then you can expect to be a major issue.

Note the Navamsha sign of Syria of Mars in Cancer  and Mars will be in Cancer navamsha from the 20th Feb. to 8th March 2016 and then Mars transit will be over the 12th Lord Mercury at 6.42 degrees over the natal Mercury in Scorpio, at this time Mars will be in Virgo Navamsha which is the 12th house of Syria Foundation chart and Natal Mars is also in Virgo . Saturn has already activated Mercury  and as per Navamsha Saturn is in Scorpio in the 8th house of Navamsha of Syria, hence as per the above dates the War is bound to Escalate . Rahu Transit will also come in Scorpio navamsha on the 26th April 2016 , when Mars will also be in Scorpio navamsha  will be the most Sensitive Date.

Chart of Turkey 29th Oct 1923 20-30 hrs -2.00 EET Turkey Ankara


The Present Dasha of Venus-Sat-Jup is crucial for Turkey getting into War , sice the Parameters are activated

  1. Nodes Transitting over Nodes
  2. Dasha related to 7th house
  3. Mars in Transit will activated the Navamsha Mars in Taurus and Natal Mars will be activated by Mars crossing 6.40 degrees on the 8th March 2016in Virgo Navamsha
  4. 7th Lord Jupiter the Sub Sub Dasha Lord Jupiter afflicted badly in the 3rd house of neighboring countries
  5. 8th house , 8th Lord Saturn in Natal chart in Planetary War and losses with Mercury, in Transit Saturn is placed in the 6th house over Natal 7th and 10th Lord Jupiter and both will be in acute affliction after 20th Feb. 2016 for 211 days , Navamsha Lord of the 8th sign is Libra and has been activated by mars Transit in Libra till 20th Feb. 2016. The 8th house of the navamsha will be afflicted by mars in 3rd navamsha after 8th March 2016

 Hence the Above Parameters are indicative of the Conflict escalating in War and Dates mentioned will be crucial for untoward happenings .

Chart of Russia

Foundation chart of Russia 12th June 1990 13-45 hrs Moscow, Taken from Paper Produced By K N Rao 


Mars is Placed in the 7th house  and as per the Paper Produced by K N Rao the Country is War mongering  and there is Possibility of the nation getting involved in war like situations  by other Countries or by the Country it self. The Country is running the dasha of Rahu-Mer-Jup and Rahu-Mercury will be upto 14-8 2016. The Dasha is self evident for the War Mongering Tendencies. Eclipse has taken place in the 1/7 axis and over the 8th Lord Mars in the 7th house on the 28th Sept. 2015. In Transit Rahu, Venus and Mars are in Lagna opening the story of the Attacks on Syria on ISIS.

Sign Scorpio will be afflicted since both Mars and Saturn will be transitting in this sign together for almost 211 days as mentioned above. Most crucial . The Present Dasha is Rah-Mer- Jup and the Rahu-Mer-Sat are indicative of Country getting involved in War like conditions . Mars and Saturn the 8th and the 6th Lord conjunction in the 3rd house and mars aspecting the 6th, 9th and 10th house is crucial for the country involvement is War

The Varsh phala chart of  Russia of 12th June 2015 19.34.55 is below 

Varsh Phala Of Russia

Malefic combinations are as below.

1.Here in the Varshphala chart the Lagna lord is placed in the 8th house  a malefic connection.

2.Muntha is placed in the 11th house and the Lord  Venus is Placed in the 8th house with Lagna Lord .

3. Sun under the malefic influence of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house

4. 4th house has Malefic Ketu.

5. 6th house has malefics,8th house has Jupiter and Venus making them weak.

6. 3rd lord Saturn  placed in the 12th house and in Retrogression.

7. Year Lord Venus is Placed in the 8th house

 Hence majority of the above Parameters  are afflicted , now as per the Transits of Planets Sun is afflicted in the 12th house by Saturn and when  Sun goes in the Sagitarius sign on the 16th Dec. 2015 will be aspected by Mars till 24th Dec. 2015, . Venus is placed in Virgo at Present and when it goes in the sign Libra it will be in Paapkartari yoga and aspected by Moon 8th Lord , Saturn is already over Saturn , hence till 24th Dec. 2015 will be most crucial for Terrorism in the country or by the Countrygetting involved in war like situations .When Mars goes in Libra on the 24th Dec.2015 it will aspect Sun and Mars by 8th aspect till 20th Feb 2016 and then Mars and Saturn will be conjunct making the conjunction Prone to Terrorism. When Sun joins Taurus after 15th May 2016 will be most Prone Period till July 16th 2016 and even after that Mars will aspect Sun in Gemini also by 8th aspect. It therefore looks that as per my previous predictions by other methods also the time from 3rd Nov. 2015 to 1st Nov. 2016 will be a Period in which Terrorism will sprout with magnitude . Hence Russia will Pounce on ISIS will magnitude till Nov. 2016 and it seems Russia also may have terrorism in these Periods mentioned above.

The Country is running the Dasha of Mars- Mercury  till 11-4-2016 . Mars is connected to the 7th Lord Saturn of international affairs and Wars. In fact there is retrun aspect of Mars and Sarurn and Mercury is in the 12th house of Lasses in War in Rahu-Ketu axis. In the Month of March 2016 the Eclipses will take place in the 1/7 axis of the lagna and also in the 1/7 axis of Moon and Mars in Transit will aspect the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse in Aquarius . The Country is also War Mongering by the Placement of Mars. Country will Reel in Economic Stagnation and War like conditionas after mars and Saturn conjunction in the 4th house of the Foundation chart and Eclipses of March and Sept. 2016 in the 1/7 axis of the Asendant and the natal Moon

Let us see the Varsh phala chart USA of the completion of the 239 years below of 8th July 2015 16-30 hrs

Varsh phala chart USA

Let us Calculate the Muntha placement in the Varshphala chart the year completed are 239 and the lagna is Leo in the Foundation chart hence 239+5=244 and dividing by 12 the remainder is 4 hence muntha will be in the 9th house of the Varsh phala chart and the lord moon will be placed in the 5th house

As per the Parameters mentioned above , The following are the afflictings in the Running year from July 2015 to July 2016  for USA

  1. LagnaLord Mars is placed in the 8th house  is an affliction and Mars is also Combusted , it is also with 8th Lord Mercury.
  2. 3rd Lord Saturn is Retrograde and Placed Lagna . 3rd house is also aspected by Mars 6th Lord
  3. 4th house is Aspected by 12th and 7th Lord Venus and 4th Lord is also Retrograde and Placed in the Lagna
  4. 6th Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house
  5. 8th Lord is placed in the 8th house
  6. Mars is aspecting Rahu in the 11th house .
  7. Sun is with Mars and the 8th lord and in the 8th house .
  8. Moon is with Ketu in the 5th house afflicting Moon.
  9. Muntha is placed in the Sign of cancer and the Muntesh Moon is in Rahu-Ketu axis
  10. As per the above combinations and In Transit when mars is over Rahu till 24th Dec. 2015 will be a critical period since the Natal mars of the varshphala will also aspect the Transit Mars and Rahu, when Mars reaches 15.31 degrees of the Varshphla Chart could be critical on the 29th Nov. 2015 . Also the Critical period could also be when Sun Ingresses in Sagitarius on the 16th Dec. 2015 then the Natal Mars will influence the transit sun along with Transit Mars, Hence from 16th dec. to 24th Dec. 2015 could be critical for USA, when there could be warlike situations and Terrorism may Sprout in the Country . On the Day of Terrorism Moon will also be in Rahu-Ketu axis
  11. Mars will be Fallen for 25 days in April 2016 and will be most damaging for USA in terms of Terrorism, Bloodshed and War.

As Islamic State, 2014–present

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu’minin,

There is another  Horoscopes also of 9th April 2013  09-45 Syria , but I am taking the latest one when Abu-Bakr-al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Now the Founder of ISIS.

Chart of ISIS

I need not reproduce the text and analysis of the Foundation chart of ISIS here. The same can be read in details on the link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/red-mars-activates-eclipse-point-and-terrorism-sproutes-in-paris-as-predicted/

Varshphala chart of ISIS 30th June 2015 02-04-56 Mosul Iraq

Varsh Phala ISIS

Afflictions as Below.

1. Lagna Lord Mars in the 3rd  house Combusted

2. 3rd house has Mars and Sun the 8th from the 8th house

3. 4th house has Jupiter and Venus in Planetary war and Jupiter losses in the war is strong negative for the ISIS

4. 6th house has Rahu aspected by Mars from the 3rd house

5. 8th house has Debilitated Moon and Saturn Retrograde

6. Malefic combinations of Mars and Rahu

7. Sun and Mars together in the 3rd house

8.Moon debilitated and placed in the 8th house with Retrograde Saturn .

9. Year lord is Jupiter in the 4th house in Planetary war.

10. Muntha in the 10th house and the Lord Saturn retrograde and placed in the 8th house

11. Lagna lord Mars will be Fallen for 25 days  on the 18th June 2016 after Mars ingresses in Scorpio and becomes retrograde at 3.28 degrees . Mars in fallen State after 18th June  2016  will be most damaging for ISIS in all respects The Period also when Mars and saturn both will be retrograde in the 8th house of the Varsh phala chart.

From the above it is crystal clear that the Organisation will be involved in Terrorism, BloodBath and war the complete year and major losses.

When Mars Transits the 8th house for 211 days be the be worst  Period for ISIS for 211 days from 20th Feb 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016, there will be a Fierce fighting between the Powerful Countries and ISIS, there will be Mass killings during this period In ISIS teritory with Magnitude 

Saudi Arabia

Chart of Saudi Ariba

Saudi Arabia

The chart is showing crystal clear of the influence of Mars and Saturn in the Lagna and the 7th from Moon and dasha of planets related to 7th house , Rahu-Ketu over the natal Rahu Ketu .Activation of Mars and Saturn is also as per Transit Navamsha, since Mars and Saturn in these navamshas as per the Natal chart in 1/7 axis.

Chart of Iran


Like Saudi Arabia Chart of Iran also showing similiar affliction for the Parameters , Rahu-Ketu over the same axis in the i/7 axis of the 8th house. Cricial mars and Saturn in the 7th house from Moon , Dasha of Planets connected to 7th house .

Hence all the above countries are prone to jump into the Agression after 20th Feb. 2016 for  War like conditions 

Effect on other  Countries


The conjunction taking place in the 7th house over natal Ketu  and as explained above, War, Terrorism, Internatioanl Trade,Espoinage by Foreign elements, Strikes, Agitations,Terrorism Political Turmoils, EarthQuakes  and  Sex issues will crop up. War like conditions with Pakistan who could be responsible for escalating the issues relating to Religious sentiments and Hindu-Muslim conflits with Magnitude


The Conjunction taking place over natal Ketu in the 8th house of mass happenings, Terrorism, Military Coup,  and the Financial crisis. Worst for Pakistan, I am only talking in general about this country.


The Conjunction is taking place in the 11th house  and the Country can reel in Financial Stagnation. China has Capricorn Moon and Lagna . At the time of Mars ingress in Scorpio Sun will be in Aquarius . Sun is also 8th Lord and shall be aspected by Mars . Transit Saturn will aspoect the natal Saturn in the 8th house who will aspect the Transit Sun in the 2nd House is crucial for China. Sun the 8th Lord of China has been under affliction in the Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan. 2016  by both Mars and Saturn, hence this Transit may not be good for China . Transit Saturn is at 21.21 degrees   and Natal Saturn in the 8th house in Leo is at 19.59 in Leo and has degee aspect is crucial . Natal Jupiter is Placed in the sign of Sagitarius at 29.26 degrees and Transit Jupiter and Rahu in the 8th house over Lagna Lord Saturn at 26.25 degrees and 27.47 degrees respectively. Saturn in Transit is in the watery sign . Natal Rahu in Pieces Sign is activated By Ketu and the Eclipses in Aquarius and Leo in 2016 for China will be crucial as explained above for Weatrher conditions, Economy Stagnation.

The tensions between china and US can also aggravate as seen from the Planetary positions . Now Read this “Obama Wraps Up Asean Summit as China Seen Deploying Missiles” link http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-02-17/obama-asean-leaders-refrain-from-citing-china-in-sea-dispute. 

From the above it is clear that Mars the Red planet will sprout Terrorism, War , Blood Shed with Magnitude and Syria and the globe will be steered By Mars to an Arena of War in the Middle Eastern Countries with magnitude on the dates mentioned above  around the 26th Feb. to 28th Feb. and then 4th to  10th March 2016  for an World War Sprouting with magnitude 

 The Islamic Alliance Of Turkey And Saudi Arabia Are Invading Syria While Christian Russia Threatens World War III link http://shoebat.com/2016/02/14/93335/


Also Read this —-

STUNNING DEVELOPMENTS: Syria / Russia / Turkey / Saudi Arabia Situation Changed DRAMATICALLY TODAY — War very near https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/901


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 16th Feb. 2016 10-30 hrs.

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is totally a Astrological analysis and not my Personal opinion. Any Writing on the financial investment is purely indicative and the writer does not hold himself responsible for any one investing on the same , and if so he will be doing it at his own risk and fancies



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